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meter/peak leds with ableton live?


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I am working on a midibox64 which looks like an analoge mixer.

Is it possible to get something like controller feedback from live

to have meters or at least one peak led on each channel?

Any experiences or  ideas?

And one, i know, stupid question but i can´t find the answer...

(maybe because i still don´t understand that software part)

are the led s i use inside buttons controlled by the box itself

or via midi from my software (ableton)?

thanx in advance


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Welcome aboard gabananda!

The LC Application will do meters, and is intended for use as an analogue-style mixer.

Whether Abelton specifically will use the meters is up to Abelton, but my guess is they will work, as the App is supported to an extent by Mackie.

Question two: The LEDs inside the buttons are controlled via MIDI. (at least, in LC they are).

Have fun.

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hi gabananda

while in the LC app the leds are ALWAYS controlled by the host (except for specific functions of the LC itself: layers, pages, etc.), in the MB64 you can choose whether the leds are externally MIDI controlled or controlled by the buttons in the MB64.


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