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modified Seq V3?


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I want to buyild something like a monome but it is totally standalone.

My goal is to use a 4x16 matrix leds and switches (or 8x8) where each row simply generates a trigger. Each of these triggers ( a unique id for each row) would then need to be sent to the serial port of the PIC which will interfaces to an XBEE wireless transceiver.

Do you think it is best modify the Sequencer code or will it be simpler to start form scracth?

The device will only have the led/butto matrix interface, no other UI except for a single knob that will control tempo. So when you turn it on, it needs to boot into the approrpiate mode ready for use.

I know how to easily do this in max/msp + dumb midi controller but making this standalone will be way more of a challenge for me.



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I realize I only read half of your post  ;D ::)

What a stupid image I had in my head earlier... ---> individual DIN inputs for each buttons...  :o ???

Of course, if you need patterns and a matrix, the MBSEQ 3 with the 64 button extension would be great!

The MBSEQ already supports a 4-track 16-step LED/button matrix.

It already does everything you need except outputting nothing else than MIDI data.

You could strip out lots of features as well as I can see.

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So long you are using prepared track configurations, no changes in the code are required.

Such configurations could even be edited on a PC and transfered to MBSEQ via SysEx.... if an editor would be available. However, SysEx dumping is supported, so the basics are there.

If you have some programming experiences, why not writing an editor from which every user could benefit? :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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