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issue with LCD


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i've build a PIC burner and my first core modul. burning the bootloader and uploading the mios working without problems. but the LCD AV1624 2x16 shows nothing. also the backlight is off. but the pins 15+16 for BL are about 4,9V. D0 has 4,9V D1-D7 0V. what can be wrong? display failure? any other tips?

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Maybe your LCD has another pin layout. Check the datasheet (googling or @ your vendor) for the pin layout and perhaps adapt it accordingly. Maybe you also need some negative driver voltage. Search the forum for that ("negative LCD voltage").

Or (that would be the bad option) you got some LCD which is not compatible with "normal" LCD displays. It has to be KS0070 or HDD44780 compatible. But that´s a very seldom case.


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