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Clock (WT and ARP) not working on cores 3 and 4


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Hi guys and girls,

I'm having problems with my MBSID V2 and I'm not sure if it's related to hardware or software. Maybe somebody knows?

I've just updated to MBSID V2 RC14 and also uploaded the new patches. My setup consists of 4 cores with 8 SID's (6 of them are 6582's and 2 of them 8085's). The first core is the master and has the CS attached to it.

The problem I'm experiencing is that the patches played on core 3 and 4 sound differently because the ARP and WT are not working. Patches that don't use these features sound alright, but when a patches uses an ARP or WT it only plays the notes played directly (without the option WT only on). So, nothing is coming from the ARP or WT path. I have the feeling that it has to do with the ARP and WT not receiving a clock signal, so I was wondering how this is generated.

I can confirm that all cores are running and are set to the same parameters in the Ensemble setup with the only difference that the Master core has the CLK set to Mst. and the other 3 cores have it set to Auto. The CAN-bus also seems to be working and the patches are loaded from the same bankstick. What could cause core 3 and 4 to go wrong and 1 and specially 2 (which has the exact same configuration) to work alright?

Kind regards,


ps. One of the assumptions I have about this is that 3 and 4 are running on an older version of the firmware. Could this result in the problem I'm having? And is there a way to check the firmware of slave cores? I've uploaded the firmware to each core individually, but the uploading to cores 2,3 and 4 has been done in the "manual" setting, while core 1 had the ability to provide feedback for the upload process. I also tried to hold down "menu" while booting, and nothing happend, unless it happened so fast that I didn't even see (does it take less then 0.5 seconds to clone to all slaves?).

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Sounds like core 3 and 4 are running with an older MIOS version. As stated in the release notes, MIOS V1.9f is required to clock the BPM generator properly.

By using the cloning mechanism you can ensure that all cores are running with the same firmware. It's also faster and more secure than using MIDI. But MIOS cannot be updated this way. I would propose to plug the slave PICs into the master socket, and update from there. Advantages: you don't need to change the MIDI wiring, and you can doublecheck the MIOS release message on the LCD

Note that this procedure is only required for the MIOS update! (and I guess that there won't be big changes in future, so that this only need to be done once) After this update, you have to upload the MBSID firmware as well - one time! (so that CAN is serviced again)

Thereafter you can always use the cloning mechanism via CAN to update the firmware on the slaves.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Problem solved! 8)

When I swapped the PIC's I found out that 2 of them were still running on MIOS 1.9e. I uploaded the latest MIOS to all of the cores a couple of months ago, assuming that it would succeed as it did with uploading the SID V2 application without feedback. Appearently it did not :). So I did it today and everything seems to work fine now!


ps. Just a little note on the current 4-voice polyphony option: it seems that the voice-handler doesn't reset on patch change. When I change patches while holding a note the oscillators used at that time become silent when they're called in the next patch.

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ps. Just a little note on the current 4-voice polyphony option: it seems that the voice-handler doesn't reset on patch change. When I change patches while holding a note the oscillators used at that time become silent when they're called in the next patch.

Unfortunately it isn't possible to hold the notes like in non-superpolyphonic mode, since the voice handler needs to be reseted on any patch change. Thereafore notes are now always released in superpoly mode (changed in RC16)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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