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Circuit Bent MBFM??


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Just curious really. Has anybody considered bending or modifying their MBFM synth to make it a little more raucous?? My thinking is that it would be somewhat easier to bend an instrument as you're building it than to modify an existing one.

I'm particularly intersted to know if it's possible to swap over the digital data lines between the MSB and LSB, and wether that will alter the waveforms, but maintain the musical intervals. A lot of bent intstruments are little more than noise machines in my view, i'm always on the lookout for more musical sounding stuff. I'm also thinking that it may be possible to mess with the external DAC (downsampling?), something i'll have a look at later, I just wanted to float that out there.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bump! (see, I do it too sometimes) :D

My thinking is that it would be somewhat easier to bend an instrument as you're building it than to modify an existing one.

A lot of bent intstruments are little more than noise machines in my view, i'm always on the lookout for more musical sounding stuff.

Great ideas man... Wouldn't surprise me if you could do similar soft-bending with the SID too (which has already kinda been done for things like the VCA fix). I totally agree with you about the bent instruments, that's probably because most of them are not made with a goal in mind, but are just people tinkering with them at random... the sounds follow suit ;) In contrast, if we have full knowledge of the hardware and software, we are able to really dig into the guts of it, and produce results which have a certain purpose to them as far as the output data (sound) goes...

I'll definitely help out with this if you need it.

PS domnsampling good. raucous good. One man's trash is another's treasure I guess ;)

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