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Problem with MIDIMerger (Poland, English)

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Hi, I have a problem!

I have made midimerger (http://www.ucapps.de/midimerger.html) by myself but it blokade after a few minutes of simultaneusly playing at both of  inputs.  During this playing at the first entrance is possible and fine but the second one doesn’t work. It can be unlock only by return switching on merger.

Playing separate at individual inputs and playing at a small number of  sounds (till two) doesn’t make any problem. But when I’m trying to play at least three sounds (rather intensively) on both keyboards it attains to block the merger and after a while only the input 1 unblocks.

It happens independently of using different processor (PIC16F.. i PIC18F).

Is there anyone who did  try this ... and had the same problem?

(Sorry for my english)

(Poland version -)


Zrobi?em midimerger (http://www.ucapps.de/midimerger.html) ale "zawiesza

si?" po paru chwilach podczas jednoczesnej gry na obu wej?ciach w taki

sposób, ?e granie na wej?ciu pierwszym  "dzia?a" a na wej?ciu drugim nie.

odblokowa? to mozna dopiero po ponownym w??czeniu zasilania mergera. Gra

"osobna" na poszczególnych wej?ciach nie nastr?cza problemów oraz gra ma??

ilosci? (do dwóch) d?wi?ków (klawiszy) na obu wej?ciach. Ale przy

jednoczesnej grze co najmniej trzema d?wi?kami (do?? intensywnie) na obu

klawiaturach dochodzi do blokady dzia?ania mergera a po chwili odblokowuje

si? tylko "wej?cie 1". Efekt ten zachodzi bez wzgl?du na wykorzystanie

procesora (PIC16F.. i PIC18F). Czy mo?e kto? próbowa? ten uk?ad i mia?

podobne efekty?

PS - Przepraszam kolegów za umieszczenie tego postu omy?kowo w temacie "Poland"

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