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Traktor - MidiBox Plus16 - MidiBox 16E

Guest DaRkFoX

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Guest DaRkFoX

Hi all.. I want to make a Midibox for Traktor 2... And also i have some design questions...

What is the difference between Midibox Plus 16 & Midibox 16E and also which one is the best, usefull?

Which version of Midibox must i use for Traktor?

Is there any schema for Tractor and connection??

Is there any connection map for Traktor?

Thanks & have a nice day :-)

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You dont need the 16E version for traktor

standard pots work just fine as it has a soft takeover function and you dont normally need more than 1 bank.

Almost all functions in Traktor are learnable (just check the control menu for details on what can be controlled) be sure to include plenty of push buttons start/stop etc etc might be best to go for a cut down version of MB_64 I use this and it works well.


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Guest DaRkFoX

be sure to include plenty of push buttons start/stop etc etc might be best to go for a cut down version of MB_64 I use this and it works well.


I see the MB64 model.. its cool but its to big for me..  can i make its smaller version?? or can i use the its core and create my own design.. for examle decrease 64 pots to 6 pots 4 faders and 5 buttons??  (the numbers is example) Does it possible to create smaller version of MB_64??? ;)

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yes, u can use as few pots as u like - the same goes with buttons and leds...

as you say u just need a core - from there u could just add AIN modules with a single 4051 stuffed for 8 pots (clamp unused to ground). The same goes for the DIN module - only 1 IC stuffed, rest of the inputs can be left open...



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