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Problem with MIDIMerger (English,Polish)


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Hi, I have a problem!

I have made midimerger (http://www.ucapps.de/midimerger.html) by myself but it blokade after a few minutes of simultaneusly playing at both of  inputs.  During this playing at the first input is possible and fine but the second one doesn’t work. It can be unlock only by return switching (power on/off) on merger.

Playing separate at individual inputs and playing at a small number of sounds (till two) doesn’t make any problem. But when I’m trying to play at least three sounds (rather intensively) on both keyboards it attains to block the merger and after a while only the input 1 unblocks.

It happens independently of using different processor (PIC16F.. i PIC18F).

Is there anyone who did  try this ... and had the same problem?

(Sorry for my english)

Best regards

(Polish version -)


Zrobi?em midimerger (http://www.ucapps.de/midimerger.html) ale "zawiesza

si?" po paru chwilach podczas jednoczesnej gry na obu wej?ciach w taki

sposób, ?e granie na wej?ciu pierwszym  "dzia?a" a na wej?ciu drugim nie.

Odblokowa? to mozna dopiero po ponownym w??czeniu zasilania mergera. Gra

"osobna" na poszczególnych wej?ciach nie nastr?cza problemów oraz gra ma??

ilosci? (do dwóch) d?wi?ków (klawiszy) na obu wej?ciach. Ale przy

jednoczesnej grze co najmniej trzema d?wi?kami (do?? intensywnie) na obu

klawiaturach dochodzi do blokady dzia?ania mergera a po chwili odblokowuje

si? tylko "wej?cie 1". Efekt ten zachodzi bez wzgl?du na wykorzystanie

procesora (PIC16F.. i PIC18F). Czy mo?e kto? próbowa? ten uk?ad i mia?

podobne efekty?

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Hi Lesss,

I'm still thinking about a possible reason, but still haven't got any idea, what could cause such a hangup.

Only, but unlikely reason could be, that one of your synths starts a SysEx stream with F0, which never stops (no F7 and no other Status Byte)

Does it also happen, when the cables at the two MIDI inputs are swapped?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Lesss,

ok, only notes are sent. Meanwhile I looked through the code and noticed, that I added a timeout mechanism which prevents, that even uncomplete SysEx streams could lock up the MIDI forwarding.

But I also noticed, that a check for the OERR (Rx buffer overrun flag) of the internal UART is missing. So far I remember, the receiver won't generate a new interrupt anymore on incoming MIDI data so long this flag stays set.

Could you please add following code:

        ;; check for MIDI receive buffer overrun
        btfss   RCSTA, OERR
        rgoto   MAINLOOP_UART_NoOERR
        bcf     RCSTA, CREN     ; re-enable receiver
        movf    RCREG, W
        bsf     RCSTA, CREN

below the MainLoop label in mainloop.inc, and rebuild a new .hex file as described here: http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_mpasm.html

If this unlocks the receiver, we know that this is the reason. It gives me the required input for planning additional measures - because it must have a reason, why the UART buffer register is not read by the CPU within ca. 640 uS

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It's as simple as I wrote:

below the MainLoop label in mainloop.inc, and rebuild a new .hex file as described here: http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_mpasm.html

I did the modification for you, but please note that this always takes about 10..15 minutes for me, since MPASM doesn't run on my notebook (so, I need to boot the PC, re-assemble, transfer to notebook, transfer to ucapps server, etc...)

-> http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/merger_v1_4a_18f_mod1.zip

Since more changes are to be expected for finding out the root cause, it would be very helpful if you could try to rebuild the application. Otherwise it will take much longer for both of us to solve this issue.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Lesss,

things are changing fast today ;)

I've re-released the merger source code, so that it can be compiled with GPASM instead of MPLAB

New release package:

   -> http://www.ucapps.de/midimerger/merger_v1_4b_18f.zip

The modification for the buffer overrun check is already part of this package.

But please note, that I assume that more changes are required.

For the case that you need to rebuild a new .hex, don't use MPASM anymore, but GPASM instead as described here:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,

I’ve found a solution for my problem!

Your corrections provide to unblock the system and thanks to that it will be improved.

The problem was with correct impulse form from both IC 6N138 (see screen). Therefore the design and the merger source code are correct.

Thorsten, thank You for Your help and time that You spent on it.

Best Regards

(screen - Two Capacitors "C")

Sorry for my english



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Fine that you solved this! :)

Could it be, that he supply voltage of the PIC is not clean enough? (is there a big el-cap between 5V and ground?)

Because a cap between +5V and Rx input normaly "worsens" the signal

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,

Everything is O.K. Supply voltage is clear. El-cap..is ok (47/100mikroF). A cap beetween +5V and Rx doesn’t worsen the signal. Condenser is too small for that. It only soothes too rapid signal, which can bring forth hazard. Condenser is experimentally selected.

Best Regards

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