Swindus created this beautiful looking MIDIbox SID
Forum Article
Recording of a live session, done with the MBSID, MBSEQ and a Roland SP404 Sampler for the drum sounds:
seNoa created a little Bassline Track with only 1 drum loop, 1 ride and 1 Midibox SID 8580R5 V2
It demonstrates the new O23 features of RC21:
Ca. one year after Wilba introduced his famous MB-6582 to the world, which became one of the most popular MBSID designs with dozen of PCB/kits orders, he created a new version with a lot of improvements: the MB-6582 MkII
Forum Article
Picture by Lars aka. creatorlars:
The trigger pulse outs of the SEQ are hardwired to all the trigger inputs of my modules (drum modules and envelopes) from behind the panels — this way I don’t have to patch them. (The 6 modules on the left side are cloned 808 voices and other drum circuits.) You can see there is an “AOUT†module with the 16 jacks for CV/Gate outs. The back of the synth has an auxillary panel with the 2 MIDI ins and 4 MIDI outs from the SEQ. There are also two Footswitc
Crisp created a PCB for the “DualCore SwinSIDâ€. The two AVRs are piggybacked to simplify the connections. Both AVRs are plugged into sockets, so that it’s still possible to flash a new firmware (Forum Article).
The extension board can be plugged into the SID socket of a C64 and MBHP_SID module.
Swinkels started to update his webpage.
There are new sound demos in the music section.. New schematics and firmware will be released very soon.
For the case that you missed it: link to SwinSID R
Natemccoy wrote:
I made a really simple quick and dirty video of the making of my MBSID.
I was looking for videos on making a MBSID when i first started and couldn’t find much of anything, so i decided to make my own video along the way in hope that it would explain the process to those who are interested and have no idea where to start, like i was!
It is nowhere near “finished†i would say, but “functional†a
theprotool wrote:
hey guys,
well this is my first post on the forum, i’ve been lurking around for quite some time while i got my sid built.
Well i finished it about a month and a half ago so here goes with some pics, currently its a single 8582 with 2×40 screen and case made of lego.
I give you the LegoBox:SID, hope you guys like it
Forum Article
Added some more harware over the weekend. Built a very crude keyboard with 10 swithes and 2 x DIN registers on the board. Works beautifuly. Now have to start on the programing bit I suppose. Still trying to figure out how to handle the input bit and know when multiple inputs are toggled??? Just have to do some more reading I suppose.
Well here's another pic in the meantime.
Till next time.
Happy Midifying
After muuuuuch reading, loading toolchain applications, head scratching and more reading got "Hello World!" now reading "Helo Cruel World". Got to start somewhere I suppose. Here's also a pic of the project so far...(pun intended)
Easily find resistor values http://www.the12volt...s/resistors.asp
MBHP parts kits and boards http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/
MBHP parts kits and boards http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/
Useful Information http://www.discovercircuits.com
Wide selection of parts http://www.voti.nl
Good place for tactile switches and other parts http://www.awatronic.co.uk
Parts (low UK postage) http://www.toby.co.uk
Synth restoration and parts http:
From now on the blog is going to be used as a project expenses and build log
Up to date purchases for the MBFM project.
2 x sets of Yamaha chip sets 15.00 euros from Roger in Germany (Thanks Roger) (spare set of three in case I overheat any smd's)
1 x opl 3 kit 17.80 euros from Mikes
1 x core v3 12.99 euros from Mikes
4 x bankstick eproms 18.00 euros from Mikes
1 x bankstick pcb
Hate it when I triplecheck all the connections on something and it's still bad. In this case, it was the LCD and I mistranscribed the pinouts. So for anyone else remember it's
1 16
2 15
3 14
4 13
5 12
6 11
7 10
8 9
1 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16
So the numbering proceeds in a U-shape, which wasn't what I am used to.
Fortunately, my LCD (shown here) survived the abuse and after rewiring it was fine.