Here a first impression of the virtual MIDIbox SEQ V4 for the iPad.
As you can see, there is some space for additional buttons or display functions.
Due to the delayed delivery in Europe I won’t be able to test and finish the emulation before june…
Currently I cannot estimate if the timings will be so stable like on a real MBSEQ, however together with the upcoming OSC option we will get at least a nice remote control.
A quick demo of a keytar I built out of a Commodore 64. It uses two SID 6581 chips and was made using the Midibox Sid platform from Better video to follow later.
I finally got my MBFM properly running. I had some trouble with the bankstick. Which weren't detected. After some measuring i found out the input voltage was to low. So i altered the cabling on the multi voltage transformer. Now its eating 8 volts instead of 6 and its working quite well.
So after that i could upload the patches and start enjoying some sounds.
Hello everybody
much time hast past since my last entry here, but this project is not dead.
what happened in the meantime?
my studies ate up much more time than I planned, so I had to change priorities.
but its not all about math and machine construction ;-)
first step was creating all the pcbs i need for building the controller and - my very own
PIC-Burner. I used his lovely little pre-project to gain some advanced skills for the
etching machine at work. thanks to my boss, i got
I began the documentation about the interface between my protodeck controller and ableton live software.
It uses a max for live patch.
All is there:
I ordered a front panel for my Sequencer (using Wilba's design) from Julian at
The panel looks great but as anybody following the discussions will know, it isn't easy for Julian to make threaded blinds so we decided to go for blinds that are large enough to fit a hex spacer in. They are 5.72mm diameter x 2mm deep.
As JB Weld isn't that common in the UK, I thought I would try Loctite "Bond Loc". This is available from Maplin a
Chaos Matrix is a custom built programmer for a Oberheim Matrix 1000 analog synthesizer. It’s capable of manipulating all 126 voice parameters including 10 programmable matrix modulations buses, ramp generators, 5 point tracking generator, 3 five stage envelopes, 2 oscillators, 2 LFOs, and much more.
It features edit buffer synchronization for visual feedback and inspection of all Matrix 1000 voices parameters, patch compare, patch init, advanced performance options for some parameters as wel
Project created by Graham. He wrote:
I’ve been working on a MIOS-powered project for a few years now and am finally ready to share the results. It’s still very beta, but I thought others might enjoy seeing the project regardless.
Basically, the idea is to provide a kind of “active tablature†right on the fretboard of a bass guitar. MIOS runs an onboard sequencer module which controls a bunch of LEDs embedded in the fretboard (125 of them!).
Currently, I have some (PC) software for conv
the protodeck's official blog is here:
I'd like to transfer it here, it could really be its good place.
But I'm not administrator so...
all the best,
i'm finally continuing my work on using liveapi to integrate mios32 and ableton live. this works by giving programmers a large set of functions they can call to manipulate damn near anything in live. another set of functions are automatically called by live, allowing you to track whatever is going on. this will let users play a live set without ever looking at a computer screen. the possibilities can be a lot more than that.
to do this, i've made a protocol that works over midi and allows
Looks like the forum works stable now^^
Therefore I ll present you my very own vision and development of a midi projekt.
I started to interest myself on Djing half a year ago. I did spend a lot of time finding the equipment, that suits my own requirements.
Unfortunately i didnt found the right thing.
classical turntables are to heavy, cost quite much (dont forget the prices for vinyl and needles, which have to be replaced often).
Good CD Players would fit most of my requirements, but cos
Having had most of the parts required to get started for a few months already, I finally managed to spend some time working on this project! The midibox forum upgrade seems to have come with this new blogging feature, so I thought I'd use it to document the build.
I started last night by unpacking and sorting all the components required to assemble the base PCB (acquired from SmashTV). This didn't take very long as although there is a lot of components there is not that many different kinds;
Yes my first blog entry and maybe my last.
I hope people wil start blogs too but more about their building progress of their DIY projects.
Create a blog by going to "my settings" for now you can create unlimited blogs so you can tell about multiple projects you are building.
Would be nice if every project you build has 1 blog. Esy to track and pherhaps usefull for us to follow and learn from it.
Please keep the blog DIY related as i do not think people are waiting for stories about you
sammichSID was designed to be the “no excuses†MIDIbox SID synthesizer kit – i.e. for all those people who want a MIDIbox SID but consider building it with modules too time-consuming, too newbie-unfriendly and/or too hard to design and construct a control surface, and where MB-6582 is too expensive, too daunting and/or too hard to source all the parts.
sammichSID therefore has the following design constraints/features, which support each other: cheap small DIY newbie friendly minimal co
After almost one year of work on the new MBHP_CORE_STM32 module, MIOS32, some example applications and documentations, I’m happy to announce the availability of “Core32″ kits in SmashTV’s MIDIbox Store, and the release of MIDIbox SEQ V4 as a public beta version!
(press the Reload button on your webbrowser if you don’t see the updated pages)
List of major changes: uses the new MBHP_CORE_STM32 module (ARM Cortex M3 based derivative) firmware completely rewritten in C – it can be o
Travischen wrote:
Monome x Arcade Buttons all finished! My goal for this project was to be compatible with existing Monome programs and utilize big, fun to press, arcade buttons. For Monome compatibility I’m using a custom midi->osc converter running in Max/Msp. As long as it’s running, any Monome 64h program works with my matrix. Theoretically there are some bandwidth problems using midi but I haven’t run into any issues with the prog
Check out this awesome video!:
MIDIbox SeqV3: Sync and Flow (demo #3) from Stuart Mitchell on Vimeo.
As posted on the forum thread Video: MIDIbox SeqV3.4: Sync and Flow (demo #3) by stuartm.