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Midibox controller

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Ok, i'm starting this blog to have (and to give) a "document" of my work about the building of a Traktor Controller. I had this idea in my head since 2 years, and i'm starting now because i'll use this project for my "Multimedia Design degree thesis". I'm not entirely outside of the Midibox projects, 3-4 years ago i've succesfully builded myself a MidiBox64, but i've never touched something related to the assembler, nor the new C platform programming. Simple way, i've never programmed for Midi



Step 1 - Define the project

As said in the previous post, this midibox project will be designed to control NI Traktor software. Inspired by a commercial product i've estimated the number of components: 50 Pots 9 Encoder 150 Leds 160 Push buttons 5 Faders USB interface The pots, encoders, leds and buttons numbers are an estimate, remains that their number can change while the project goes ahead. So, now that we know an estimate of how many components we need, we can start to looking at the ucapps.de modul



Step 2 - Tools setup for application development (OSX)

Ok, today i woke up with in mind to update the blog, too much days since last post! We will see how to install all the packages and tools necessary to compile our coded applications in uploadable .hex files for our ucApps Core Modules. I will cover the OSX side as i'm working on this platform, so i'm sorry for pc users (that can always find useful informations over the wiki pages). Here's the list of the tools needed (follow the order to install them!): XCODE GPUTILS SDCC XCODE



Step 3 - Svn download and apps compiling

Yes, i admit, i'm slow as a turtle. But as a turtle i've put out my head, and today out in direction to the blog! :) Ok, jokes apart, in the previous step i've explaned how to get installed the needed tools to compile apps for our beloved Core controller, in this third step we will see how to get the SVN repository and then how to get and app compiled and ready as an .hex file to upload to our Pic Core, or Core32. First thing is opening the Terminal. Since the last step i assume that we ge



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