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Random Jottings from an untidy workshop

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The last few years have not been good. A wonderful offer to do a masters degree, in 2013,  came unstuck in a mess involving sciatica and the death of child for whom I was 'adopted family'. Depression followed. So it took a while to get going again. I've popped back in a few times, only to find I had no time. Now I'm making time and getting some of the stuff I began contructing into playable units. I've bultl quite a lot for other people in the last few years, to pay bills and keep going, lik


TheAncientOne in Construction.

It's alive! (Obligatory Mad Scientist Riff)

The missing socket arrived this morning. Full of will power I waited until after the days work was done before getting out the now rapidly declining box of bits. Socket in, C64 PSU tested, 9V tested good, so was ready to go. Small glitch until I realised that I had to change the core ID in MIOS Studio too, then all loaded smoothly. Fitted the 6852's one pair at a time, and ran through the sound banks, with a silly grin just getting wider on my face. Still got a minor bit of front panel work




Still doing more stuff for other people than myself, but got another run at the MB6582. 3 parts to get, and it turns out that the ebay seller with the displays didn't ship what he thought. I have a 'plain, vanilla' black on green display, when I thought I was getting green on black 'negative'. I'll update once it's working. I had a reasonable idea for the display wiring, and put a single-in-line cable mount socket, (the kind you crimp pins to the wire, then insert into a housing), on the cable,



Back in the Groove

Finally getting back to building music gear. Trying to do a bit every night; averaging 30% at the moment. MB6582, nearly complete. Must take the 'wooden spoon' for slowest assembly from the initial batch, but #31 is on it's way. Wired and tested the LCD, last night, only to find I'd mis-read an advert ages ago, and got CrystalFontz normal, (black on green) displays. Will go with it for now, but will probably go for Optrex when I get the chance, (they take way less current too). Chips burning



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