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Desire MC1 - First! (post)




Looks like the forum works stable now^^

Therefore I ll present you my very own vision and development of a midi projekt.

I started to interest myself on Djing half a year ago. I did spend a lot of time finding the equipment, that suits my own requirements.

Unfortunately i didnt found the right thing.

classical turntables are to heavy, cost quite much (dont forget the prices for vinyl and needles, which have to be replaced often).

Good CD Players would fit most of my requirements, but cost pretty much (think about the Pioneer CDJ 1000).

I also wanted to use a software solution in order to save myself from carrying tons of cds or vinylbags.

Neither CD-Players nor Turntables have a usable native interface to DJ Software, workarounds with timecodes are innefective and expensive.

in a short sentence: i need a midicontroller.

Now, there are some quite interesting commercial controllers on the market which look fine at the first look. but many of them lack of usability and handling because of things like shiftkeys, micosized jogwheels, cheap plasticcasing. most promising produkt was the EKS OTUS, but 600 Bucks are pretty much for just one piece of plastic.

i started to look arround and finally i found this site through a german forum. Finally, my secret dream of my own perfect solution grew into a realisable project - the "Desire MC1"

MC1 stands for Mediacontroller (1 = Revision 1, simply because it looks cool ;> ). this means that the device does not have any faders for the mixerunit in it. (that will be a separat project or a conventional mixer). the design looks pretty similar to modern CDplayers, since i found myself that kind of layout to be the best.



*Separate Media Controllerunit, without faders, Deck orientated layout

*Enough Encoders, switches and potentiometers to control every transport / effect funktions without double use.

*Big and handy Jogwheel with touchsurface

*Device virualisation - controlling up to 4 decks with one controller jusing a rotary switch

*Full visual and hapic feedback through LEDs and a Display in order to be able to focus on the music, not on the laptopdisplay

*Stable case (aluminium), quality switches, encoders etc.

*connectivity via usb, without special software drivers

*customized "ready to go firmware", configuration only via the midimodul of the software.

*optional Slot-In CD Drive for playing mp3s or old cd on the fly without integrating them first into the softwarelibrary

*Dimsions: 330*280*60mm (without feet)



i allready ordered the main parts for building a prototype.

On the Picture below you see an outdated design of it (constructed with Inventor).

My Calculation that far: arround 300 Euros without surface engraving (still not sure what i want to use for the case).

I wont update this blog every week, since my studies comsume pretty much of my leisure time, but i promise to do it everytime i have interesting news and photos.

So long, greetings from Germany


PS: As you probably recognised, i am not a native english speaker, so please forgive me the spelling errors.

Also feel free to leave a comment or corrections of bad faults in my text (last one please via pm, thanks ^^)



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