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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey guys! It's ready! Stuffed with two 6581s, and also has the option to use 8580s, hence the "SID 6581/8580" on the panel. The 6581/8580 filter caps have sockets for easy replacing. I'm very happy with how the panel turned out, using the old C64 rainbow logo. I decided from the beginning to exclude the matrix, since I haven't really used it on the first MB we built. It turned out to be a lucky decision, because when we were about to install the OLED display, it was too much sunk into the panel, leaving an ugly gap between the display and the panel. So dad moved the OLED to the "matrix-area" and changed the connections, so the OLED display is now really nicely lined up along the panel. I also wanted to the have the display tactile switches on the left side of the display, because I always use my left hand on the box, so when I press those switches, my hand is not blocking the view of the display, which would be the case if they were on the right side. Again, me and dad would like to thank TK & Co. for all the help. Could never have built this without your help. Sound demo: https://soundcloud.com/bobengstrand/c64-stereo-synthesizer-demo Some pics:
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