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Image Comments posted by jaytee

  1. How did it sound besides the fan noise? Before I decided to go down the PacTec route, I considered a custom enclosure and adding an active mixer was something I was looking at. Mostly it would just be nice to have knobs for mixing the four channels.

    I'm actually pleasantly surprised at the passive mixer. Based on comments in the forums, I expected it to be really quiet and maybe poor signal-to-noise as well, but it actually comes out loud and clear. I haven't measured the objective difference between the individual outs and the mix, but still pretty pleased.

    I also must have gotten really lucky with my fan. Before I installed it, I was looking at all these inductor-based filtering solutions to keep the fan noise at bay, but I actually can't hear any difference in my monitors between fan connected or disconnected. I spent a bit of money on the fan—mostly as a safeguard against *mechanical* noise—but the lack of electronic noise has been a nice surprise too.

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