Teensy 4.1 DIY Synth
8 voices poliphonic DIY Synthesizer
- Album created by rolfdegen
- Updated
- 1 image
- 1 album comment
- 1 image
- 1 album comment
CEM3379 Stereo VCF
- Album created by Schrabikus
- Updated
- 3 images
- 6 image comments
- 3 images
- 6 image comments
- Album created by latigid on
- Updated
- 4 images
- 5 image comments
- 4 images
- 5 image comments
EuroTPD v1.0
A number of people claimed interest in a Eurorack variant of my TPD, so I sat down and tried to modify the parts layout to somewhat better accommodate the Eurorack width. Here is a screenshot of the PCB.
- Album created by ilmenator
- Updated
- 1 image
- 1 image