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Made In Machines

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Everything posted by Made In Machines

  1. Thanks very much for explaining it and helping me understand it better. I might still look to get one in the future but my number came up on the waiting list so I managed to get a Cirklon 2.0 and that's taking up my sequencing time at the moment. Its my first hardware sequencer and I really like it. I bet I'd like the SEQ v4 too.
  2. Thanks for pointing me to those, yes Andrews videos are the kind of thing I was looking for but hopefully for the new version. I'll watch them all and try and figure out how it corresponds to the new interface. The second selection row you talked about was a big part of what was confusing me. After watching the first tutorial video I'm struggling to work out where the following buttons are now on the V4+ - Mix Event Mode DIR Divider Length Trans Groove I might have figured it out but i'm not sure - looking at the top row on the screen it shows various parameters G1T1 Out1 Chnl.1 PANote TA:Gate Step14 C3 Vel:100 Len:75% No Cat If I was to press the button on the secondary selection row that is directly below one of these on screen labels does that mean the encoders now switch to controlling that. So if I press the button under Length:75% on the secondary row i'm now controlling all the lengths per step - then I press the button on the secondary row and i'm controlling all of the gates per step etc. I'm not really sure what the idea behind dividing tracks into 4 groups to make 4x4 and what effect this has on usage. Thanks, Pete
  3. I'm interested in the a Seq v4+ but i'm not exactly sure how both it's basic functions and advanced functions. When i'm looking to buy a sequencer I tend to watch a lot of videos and tutorials to work out easy and intuitive it is to use and how easily it would fit into my workflow and work for live performance I was looking on Youtube for a basic or in depth guide showing a talking guided step-by-step walkthrough of how it works and how it's various functions are implemented. Would it be possible for anyone here to make a detailed walk through explaining and showing step-by-step all or most of the units functions? I've seen them for most sequencers by Sequentix, Polyend, Mode Machines, Five12, Novation, Arturia, Nerdseq, Akai etc but there seems to be nothing much on the midibox seq v4+ which is a shame as it seems like it might be awesome. I've looked at the manual but the V4+ has an entirely new interface which makes it even more of a challenge to work out how you do various things and what certain buttons are used for. Thanks, Pete
  4. Hello, I really want a midibox v4 but don't have the time / will / skill / patience to find all of the parts and build it all to a high standard. I'm looking for something in the UK preferably. I'd like it to be fully built, be well made and in full working order including a nice case. I wouldn't mind trying to build it if I could just have a full kit with everything including the case with it but it'd prefer pre-built or built to order. Thanks, Pete
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