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Everything posted by Al99

  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZF-YkU6N4r9ZRbdhiJuLq18oYEIR8xMw/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/15sfAITc5hjAd4R9BJO7jcFls5jODFfZA/view?usp=sharing ok I have had to use google drive for the pictures as this site gave me an error for uploading the pictures. The board I guess is version 4 double sided and it says CORE_R4D on it, are any bridges needed for this board? If so where do they go? also on the first picture what are those 5 holes near the bottom of the pic for, I have put a resistor bridge between 2 of them so I will have to take it out, what are the holes for? do any bridges go there? if so how do they connect? Many thanks for your invaluable help, alistair.
  2. Noise-Generator, would you be able to flash me a pic with the bootloaders and mios on it? Also would I be able to send you my core module to have a look? at as I'm having a few issues with it, thanks.
  3. Hi can someone show me a photograph of a completed v4 core board? I'm having trouble working out where the bridges go. Thanks.
  4. Please can someone show me where the bridges are on the v4 board? Thanks.
  5. Is it the holes in the board above r6 & r10? Just checking thanks.
  6. Hi I notice on the core v4 the bridges that are instructed to be soldered on the core v3, b61-b62, b41—b42, b12—b? (cant read it on the board layout because its covered by something else) b21 b? Are not visible, have these bridges been incorperated into the existing layout of the board on v4? Thanks.
  7. Al99

    Part Queries

    Hi I am planning to build my 2cnd core after getting as far as getting the lcd to do a line of black squares on my 1st core but send no informstion to mios studio even though I successfully flashed the bootloader with p1818 software on a windows 98 pc with mphp burner, I suspect there is a soldering fault on my core so I am building another module and buying a pre programmed pic from either smash tv or the guy who has taken over from mikes electronic seite, just a question about the z5u-2.5 100n capacitor there were some variations on the model number in the reichelt online part list so I bought the 50 volt version, what is right? The 50 volt or 100 volt version? Also regarding B80C800RUND rectifier, this was unavailable on reichelt website, what are the specs of this rectifier so I can order on ebay? Also if I can't get a pre-programmed pic would any of you guys be able to program it for me if I sent you one? Many Thanks Alistair.
  8. Hi I'm having trouble getting mios studio to execute on ubuntu mate 16.04.6 LTS it asks for libcurl.so.4 ,says it's missing version `CURL_OPENSSL_4' but I checked on synaptic package manager and libcurl3 provides that library in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ it also reports: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by ./MIOS_Studio) Any ideas how i can get mios studio working so i can download the necessary hex file via midi to the core? thanks.
  9. Hi I'm having trouble getting my core module working. I notice on the wiring instructions 2 extra wires are to be added to the core pcb. What pins do these 2 wires connect to? Thanks.
  10. Hi I flashed the PIC18F452 with the firmware and built the core. I'm testing it with 9v dc and a 5 volt lcd display but the lcd display is not lighting up but the voltage regulator is getting very hot, what procedure do I follow to debug? where do I look for faults first?
  11. The PIC18F4685 version on the walkthrough. Which pins on it connect to which pins on the iic midi module? Thanks.
  12. Hi Im at the stage of soldering the cables before 1st power up. What pins does iic midi module connect to which pins on core module please? Thanks.
  13. Hi please where is the link for the pic16f88 hex file to be flashed with the mbhp burner thanks.
  14. Hi i have a fault on my mbhp burner the clock pin is always at 5 volts even when clock is switched of in brenner software. How is the pin turned on and off in the mbhp burner circuit please so i can diagnose. Thanks.
  15. Please where is the link to the bootlader firmware hexfile for burning on to the PIC18F4685 with the MBHP burner? Thanks.
  16. What are the ribbon cable connectors called on raechelt store that connect the modules i need the catalougue number thanks.
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