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silverlight2004 last won the day on May 28 2021

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About silverlight2004

  • Birthday 07/10/1964

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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. Thanks to you Peter and Michael who built LoopA for me and for the continuing support you offer. It's a great sequencer...look forward to working more with it and as it gets even better with continuing updates! Best regards from Bali...Dave
  2. thanks for the quick reply Peter! hope you do manage to work out the dynamic memory...and i fully understand your answer about multiple midi channels...it makes a lot of sense actually would be pretty confusing considering the overall design and workflow of loopA. But you gave me a great idea to think about using 2 loopAs in parallel for 12 tracks of sequencing...maybe for the future... dave
  3. Hi Peter and team, I have a feature request for next update...would it be possible for LoopA to record multiple midi channels per track? Also a previous request i still am interested in would be for dynamic allocation of memory, so for example, all 36 clips could share a common total note pool and the user may allocate them as preferred. many thanks for your work Dave
  4. Thanks Peter for your update re: LoopA V2. Great to hear you think it highly likely that Aftertouch/pitchbend and Program Change will be implemented. Using a key combination to trigger 'one-shot' mode would be fine, or a footswitch command too....i will leave it to you and the team to decide however you think is best. I will be ordering a Looper soon! (it's a beautiful machine) Regards Dave
  5. this is possibly the closest thing (available, so that discounts zyklus mps) i have seen to my dream midi performance sequencer. I will be putting in an order soon. as per our emails Peter, i have a wishlist of features i really hope can be implemented in future to make this machine even better. they would be (in order of priority) : 1/ adding aftertouch and pitchbend as an additional option in the clip 'extra layer' menu along with midi cc. 2/ midi program change capability for changing patches on connected devices 3/ the ability to make clips either 'looping' or 'one-shot' a big thank you and well wishes to the team responsible for realising this sequencer Regards Dave
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