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Posts posted by TK.

  1. But i could manage it into a desktop like case. Aside from that, im puzzled by midi channels. Can i use all operators on one channel only, kinda like a regular, lets say DX synth ? 

    yes, the operators of an instrument can only be controlled from a single MIDI channel.

    There is no possibility to satisfy special requests - this is a really old project written in assembly language for an expired microcontroller. It also has a very inflexible patch structure (where I intended to allow the control of all parameters via CC). It isn't fun to enhance this, therefore it's officially only in maintenance mode anymore.

    However, it makes some cool sounds! Don't miss the powerful randomizer! ;-)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  2. At page #4 you can see, that BYPASS SELECT and PRESET SELECT are digital inputs with pull-up connected to 5V

    If you configure one of the J10 ports as output in open drain mode, it could be directly connected to pin 3 and 4, and Vs (ground) to pin 1 of HDR2

    The MIDIbox NG firmware doesn't allow to switch between push-pull mode and open-drain yet, but I planned to provide this option anyhow. :)

    Page #6 shows, how the RESET# is generated, actually it's via open drain (resp. open collector) as well. This RESET# goes to U20 where also the buttons are connected. But I fear that it will not only reset the button logic, but also the DSP. Don't know what this means.

    You could try this out by (shortly) connecting pin 10 of U20 to ground - does this reset the entire device? Any noticeable effect in the audio path?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Hi Tom,

    fortunately I also implemented the inverted option for EVENT_LED (I had the same use case in mind :)

    For bulk-assignments, I've actually another idea: the possibility to set "attributes" from a .NGR script, and to provide some kind of iterator, such as "set_attribute BUTTON:{1-256} inverted 1"

    But it will take some time until this will be available, because it requires some parser extensions.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Most simple entry point would be the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module running with the MIDIbox NG firmware.

    No DIN or DOUT module required, you could connect reed relays and buttons directly to J10A/B, configured as digital in- and outputs.

    If the vocoder has some kind of "reset" for the program button, it would be easy to setup a .NGR script which issues the reset, and then sends pulses depending on the desired program number. But the documentation doesn't give enough info how a reset could be triggered.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. No, it isn't like modern kits. The project has been created 10 years ago and was intended to be built into a 19" case with a large display and many menu selection buttons + soft function encoders.

    Smaller variants (such as sammichFM) are more difficult to use, actually it's better to edit sounds with the CTRL editor for these devices.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. This is a typo, the AOUT interface should be in MBSEQ_GC.V4 (and not MBSEQ_CV.V4) file. However, you don't edit this file directly, instead this file just stores the values that you changed in the CV configuration page.

    Gates are configured in MBSEQ_HW.V4

    You've to ensure that the 3rd SR isn't assigned to any other function which could overlay the gate.

    Typical errors if the CV interface isn't working:

    • no proper connection via J19, e.g. swapped signal lines
    • too long cable between core and AOUT(_NG) module (max. 20 cm)
    • soldering errors
    • wrong track configuration (-> see http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html search for AOUT port)
    • wrong CV configuration


    Most simple way to check the communication between core and AOUT_NG:
    Enter the CV configuration page, select the right module (AOUT_NG), set Calibr.(ation) value to 1V, 2V, 4V, 8V
    You should notice that the selected CV output should change it's voltage.
    If this works, you know that the MIDI track configuration doesn't select the right AOUT port and channel.

    Most simple way to check if gates are working:
    Set "J5_ENABLED 1" in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, and connect a LED via 220 Ohm resistor between Vs (GND) and J5A.A0 to check if the gate is working with this pin.
    If yes, do the same with the SR that you selected with CV_GATE_SR1
    Note that the first gate is located at D7 (not D0) output pin!
    If this test isn't working, then your MIDI track configuration doesn't select the right AOUT port and channel.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. For the records: Christian and I worked out a calibration mode which is now available in the repository.

    More details about the calibration procedure at the MBKB webpage soon.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. This one could work - please try it and give us feedback.

    If it doesn't work, I will send you a replacement for free (at least it's worth a try, because this looks like a good source for european users)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. Hi,

    I agree that this can be confusing. I will add a new option which allows to select the key selection strategy soon: first, last, highest note, lowest note (these modes may also be interesting if the transpose value is entered with the BLM or with an external keyboard)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. TK.: very nice! It looks like the slider implementation is very good. I guess you kept the longer sliders in? This will be a personal preference I suppose. An idea I had was to make or buy some silicone covers to use as slider caps. This might make them a bit more ergonomic and also act as diffusers for the LEDs which can be quite bright. 

    The long slider shafts are ok for me. LEDs are too bright (especially the white ones) with a 220 Ohm resistor, I will probably replace it by a 1k resistor. Silicone covers would be nice.  

    I take it that there's no issues with the case? Stability (i.e. no PCB flex) is good with the extra standoffs? Are all M2 grub screws installed? Do the bottom feet work? 

    Thanks for the reminder about the bottom feet, I forgot to install them and that's also the reason why the case slipped sometimes during the video recording. Now it's stable.

     Yes, I installed the M2 grub screws, PCB is stable when I push the buttons

    Okay, thanks for the file, let's see how yours goes and I can add it to the OP. I didn't have issues with mine (corners are properly rounded) and I think TK.s was also good? In any case, the spacer holes are a few mm larger than the buttons.

    They are good, but I've only 4 spacers, a spacer for each screw would be better to avoid that the PCB is bended during mounting

    @Altitude: nice panels :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten. 

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