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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Hi Jens,

    yes - the flashing LED indicates that the bootloader is running.

    It's strange that USB MIDI doesn't appear on two different computers. The only difference I noticed in your video so far: you are using a MB997C board, while I started with a MB997B, and later switched to a MB997D

    Not 100% sure, but it could be that this board revision requires a fix - see for example: 

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Hi,

    I checked options, and come to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of this issue is to update the forum software.
    Unfortunately this won't come for free, a new license would cost US $105... :-/

    Not sure if we could get the money via donations, there are not so many active forum members anymore like some years ago

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Hi Kazik,

    1) FAST button control with Bookmarks: this can only work if you disable the "ENC_AUTO_FAST" feature in your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, which overrules interactive FAST button changes

    Background: with ENC_AUTO_FAST, FAST mode will be auto-selected depending on the selected parameter layer, and can be temporary (!) overruled by pressing the FAST button. Without this feature, FAST button has full control over the encoder behaviour

    2) HUMANIZER changing CC values: works at my side, would need more input to give you guidance, please use the appr. thread to discuss at the right place

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  4. Thanks for the feedback! It was a nice challenge to nail down this issue, because it only appears in conjunction with the TPD, which explains why many other MBSEQ users didn't notice this so far! :)

    Please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_098_pre3.zip

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    P.S.: background -> https://github.com/midibox/mios32/commit/66fa4df5960d51c93ee90c065062c5ba28fdde69

  5. Interesting timing of this posting: recently I noticed a very similar problem and hacked a quick change into the firmware to move forward.

    Let's make it official :-) -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_098_pre1.zip

    From the ChangeLog:

    MIDIboxSEQ V4.098
       o Phrase Mode: if Option 3/33 "Pattern Change Synchronization" is activated, patterns will start
         from step 1 after song position change. This is especially useful if phrases contain tracks
         with different lengths.
         Option 5/33 "Restart all Tracks on Pattern Change" should be disabled in this case because
         it won't lead to the intended results.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    P.S.: I removed your first posting because it seems to be a duplicate

  6. Hi Christian,

    I agree that your keyboard doesn't handle Note-Off messages correctly. According to the MIDI Spec (-> https://web.archive.org/web/20071005165318fw_/http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/noteoff.htm ) the default velocity should be 64 if not supported, but it sends 0 instead. Your other keyboard sends 127, which is actually also wrong if it doesn't support this feature - but somehow works better.

    Actually it's recommended that keyboards send Note On with velocity 0 to turn off the note, because this keeps the runtime status, ensures that no extra byte has to be sent out and therefore saves some time (ca. 320 uS)

    Behringer Neutron: either sets a very long release time (e.g. for VCA envelope) with Note Off Velocity 0, or it doesn't handle Note Off correctly -- 0 is a valid value and if there is no special processing for this velocity value, it should be handled like any other.



    Second question: can I use MidiBox to receive MIDI commands, send the good ones and correct the bad ones, or would that create huge latency?

    This would add +1 mS latency, which is acceptable.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Hi Bartosz,

    the entire history is in github, which means that in your downloaded repository you could switch back to the sources which were used for v1.036

    The appr. commit was 6edfcd51ad6cb78f83d6094c5c9d1b7c5b85ddb3
    So, just enter "git checkout 6edfcd51ad6cb78f83d6094c5c9d1b7c5b85ddb3" to switch back.

    There are also ways to compare the "good version" with the latest one, e.g.: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/compare/6edfcd51ad6cb78f83d6094c5c9d1b7c5b85ddb3..master

    Or you could clone the repository two times, switch one to the good version, and then use a diff tool such as "beyond compare" to analyze the changes:



    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  8. Hi,

    you could send values from the Tick() hook - by using a static variable you can ensure that the values will only be sent once after startup.

    Something like this (untested code)

    // This function is called by MIOS in the mainloop when nothing else is to do
    void Tick(void) __wparam
      static unsigned char ain_sent = 0;
      if( ain_sent == 0 ) {
        unsigned char pin;
        unsigned char num_ain = MIOS_AIN_NumberGet();
        ain_sent = 1; // only sent once after startup
        for(pin=0; pin < num_ain; ++pin) {
          MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0xb0); // CC at channel 1
          MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to CC number

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. (Almost) well done! :)


    Some unexpected high notes.

    I would propose to define a 13th step (at position #12) which transposes by +0 (-> no transpose), and to set the loop point there. This ensures it won't be transposed further.
    Alternatively try Oneshot mode.


    In Wavetable 2, I want the Triangle Waveform to play on each of the 12 steps. So in hexidecimal it should be a value of 01 on each step?



    It could also be an issue with my MB-6582 causing unexpected behavior, I need to resolder joints as I get some noise at times.

    Are you using this PSU? https://www.c64psu.com/c64psu/43-commodore-64-c64-psu-power-supply.html#/37-ac_cable-eu

    I noticed that the 5V output sometimes only delivers ca. 4.5V, which is too low and can cause random glitches. Also display backlight becomes darker. Power-cycling the PSU normally helps to get it stable again.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    P.S.: I will move the wavetable topic to a separate thread, because it's unrelated to the Ctrlr Panel

  10. The links listed here: http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual.html are working at my end - which page do you mean exactly?

    Yes, I'm aware that WTs are harder to program. People have to learn hexadecimal numbers... a good GUI design could hide this complexity and make WTs more accessible, but 1) Ctrlr limitations have to be considered and 2) it has to be consider that actually 4 wavetables are available with inididual start/end/loop point which can be anywhere in the 128 steps table.

    If you limit such features just to simplify the GUI (like in Insidious), it would mean that WTs in some patches can't be edited properly. Hence we need a solution which is easy to use and universal enough.

    Concerning usage examples: did you already find the "first steps" guide - search for "Wavetable Sequencer": http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_fs.html

    There are also some legacy tutorials for MBSID V1 which show how to work with arpeggios:

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  11. Thank you both - as you noticed, I'm solving some topics, but please don't expect too much in the next months, I just want to ensure that we are still able to play with our MIDIboxes (and of course enhance them) the next years :happy:

    On 10/26/2023 at 10:26 PM, Smithy said:

    Have you any plans or even the time to finish the Wavetable Editor for the Ctrlr panel?

    Need some time to think about this - The MBSIDV2 WT handler offers much more flexibility than the Reaktor based solution, and such a nice looking GUI won't be possible to implement with the given capabilities of Ctrlr. So, it's already clear: if I come up with a solution, it will be very pragmatic... :veryhappy:

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Interesting! You are totally right, and it seems that nobody complained about this before, resp. if so it didn't raise my attention ;-)

    It's fixed now, please try: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midibox_sid_v2_046.zip

    I think that I should also release this version, the official one is v2_044, but some minor changes have been done in the last years so that it's worth to make it available for everybody who uses the pre-built version.

    Please let me know if it works with your hardware.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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