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Posts posted by TK.

  1. I appreciate this project a lot - finally a standardized controller surface :smile:


    Please add more buttons and LEDs, you can never have enough to switch between different functions on your synth, to trigger something (like a .NGR script), or whatever.


    I don't see a way for MBCV V2 support, but I also don't find it necessary.

    I think it's better to work on a dedicated solution for MBCV V2 instead.

    MBCV V2 uses a special LCD driver mode which allows to access a 2x20 CLCD and 4 OLEDs from the same core. This is a dedicated hack and neither universal (e.g. it isn't supported by MBNG) nor scalable (1 CLCD and 4 OLEDs is the limit for MBCV V2, and the OLEDs can only be used as scopes)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. 1) The PGA2311 is not having increasing/decreasing steps when I turn my encoder, even if the variable "value" increases/decreases 1 by 1...  :sick:

    Instead, I get the PGA2311 obviously hopping between values out of the row, it seems to be a random order.


    I guess that the chips expects the MSB first, which means that the byte has to be mirrored.


    Please try: 

    MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte(2, mios32_dout_reverse_tab[Sendbyte])

    this should do the trick




    The PGA2311 is not reacting very reliable to the function MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte. I need to execute the function twice to get a reasonable return value (e.g. 0x7F).  :rofl:


    The readbyte (as a return of the function MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte) is not corresponding correctly to the value that has been set. Furthermore it returns the value that has been set in the last call of the function. Thats confusing me. Any hints?  :question:   :question:


    that's the normal shift register behaviour, it can't shift out the value which is currently shifted in.

    It will be shifted out with the next transaction.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. You shouldn't change anything in the mios32_midi.h file!

    And please never start such modifications outside your own application to prevent a big disaster ;-)


    The "midi_package.chn == 9" is part of your own code.

    I'm surprised that you can't find it there - just search this keyword in your initial posting.

    It's even part of the subject.


    I proposed that you replace the 9 by Chn10 to improve the readability, nothing else.


    Just try it out - it works! :smile:


    Best Regards, Thorsten.


    P.S.: I will avoid to give you background informations in future, they confuse you too much.

  4. Search for mios32_midi_chn_t in this file

    (CTRL+F, then enter this keyword into the search mask of your web browser)


    Again: this file is included by default (via mios.h), you can just use the enum as shown in my example.


    Btw.: you don't need to copy&paste such code into the posting, please reference it with the SVN link: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Finclude%2Fmios32%2Fmios32_midi.h


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. I don't know a good reference for such topics, I just observe and decide, and if I'm unsure, I measure ;-)


    After a successful build you will find an assembler listing under project_build/project.lss which gives some useful information, e.g. how many assembly instructions are generated by a C construct. Makes sense to check this file from time to time...



    Should I be concerned about straightforward math?  ...like, should I try not to multiply/divide/add/concatenate/etc. things unless absolutely necessary, or is the impact of straightforward evaluation like that relatively minimal? 


    Cortex-M has special instructions for these math operations, therefore no need to be worried about this.



    How about structures like if or switch statements?


    Depends on the implementation and available alternative methods.


    E.g. sooner or later I will optimize the large switch statements in seq_cc.c by a lookup table.

    I did something similar in MBCV V2 (-> http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fprocessing%2Fmidibox_cv_v2%2Fsrc%2Fcomponents%2FMbCv.cpp ) with great success.


    But it's not worth the effort for switch statements below 30..40 items, and I don't think that you've to consider this in your code domain...


    If I see something "which hurts", I will optimize it sooner or later and show you the improved version.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Cool, thanks for the changes! :smile:


    First of all: I gave you access to the (hidden) Programmers Lounge.

    Here are the informations about SVN write access to the repository: 


    It makes sense that you upload your changes directly to the repository - I can always switch back to an earlier version if I'm not happy with the changes. ;-)


    I also added a new type in seq_robotize.h which simplifies the access to robotizer flags:

    typedef union {
      u8 ALL;
      struct {
        u8 SUSTAIN:1;
        u8 NOFX:1;
        u8 ECHO:1;
        u8 DUPLICATE:1;
    } seq_robotize_flags_t;

    Sustain: search for tcc->mode.SUSTAIN, just OR this flag with the robotizer flag: (tcc->mode.SUSTAIN || robotizer_flags.SUSTAIN)


    Don't put temporary flags into the CC array, it's better to keep them in the local stack like it's currently done.


    From time to time it makes sense to check the performance impact of your code.

    Go to the INFO page (Main menu, GP#16), the Stopwatch will display the consumed time for each SEQ_CORE_Tick()

    The maximum value will be captured and can be cleared by pressing GP9 button in this page.


    Currently the function consumes +30 uS on a STM32F1 if a single track is playing.


    It could be improved.

    E.g. I noticed that you reverted an important change that I made: you are writing for example:

      if( ( (s16)SEQ_RANDOM_Gen_Range(0, 31 * 31) <= tcc->robotize_oct_probability * roboprob ) && robooct ) { // Octave Event

    but it's better to write:

      if( robooct && ( (s16)SEQ_RANDOM_Gen_Range(0, 31 * 31) <= tcc->robotize_oct_probability * roboprob ) ) { // Octave Event 

    so that SEQ_RANDOM_Gen_Range() won't be called if robooct isn't activated


    Same for robonote, robovel, robolen


    The copy of tcc-> variables into local variables isn't really necessary:

      roboprob = tcc->robotize_probability;
      robovel = tcc->robotize_vel;
      robolen = tcc->robotize_len;
      robonote = tcc->robotize_note;
      robooct = tcc->robotize_oct;
      roboskip = tcc->robotize_skip_probability;
      robosustain = tcc->robotize_sustain_probability;
      robonofx = tcc->robotize_nofx_probability;
      roboecho = tcc->robotize_echo_probability;
      roboduplicate = tcc->robotize_duplicate_probability;

    because the impact of indirect addressing isn't so high compared to other things (such as function calls)

    I would remove this - it makes the code more difficult to maintain.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. From the documentation:


    The Error Codes (0E)
          F0 00 00 7E 40 <device-id> 0E <error code> <additional information> F7
          <device-id>:  the MIOS device ID from 00 to 7F
          <error code>: see below
          <additional information>: for internal use, ignore it
       Error Code | Description
        0x01      | Less bytes than expected have been received
        0x02      | More bytes than expected have been received
        0x03      | Checksum mismatch
        0x04      | Write failed (verify error or invalid address)
        0x05      | Write access failed (invalid address range) - 
                  | used by 1st level bsl
        0x06      | MIDI Time Out
        0x07      | Wrong Debug Command
        0x08      | 2nd level bsl: Read/Write command tried to access an invalid 
                  | address range
        0x09      | 2nd level bsl: Read/Write address not correctly aligned
        0x0a      | BankStick not available
        0x0b      | MIDI IN Overrun (CPU load too high)
        0x0c      | MIDI IN Frame Error (Bad signal/Optocoupler)

    You got 0xc -> bad signal or optocoupler.


    If the resistor values are ok now, try another 6N138


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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