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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Hi Rhogben,

    I will talk with Mike/Christian, that they should improve the documentation about the kits. I agree with you, currently it's not clear which parts are coming with the kits, and which additional parts are necessary (Note: I'm not financially involved on the selling, so Mike and Christian have to take care for the websites by themself)

    Yes, for a common MIDIbox64 2 AINX4, 1 DOUTX4, 1 DINX4, one CORE and optionally one LTC module is required. Also a JDM module if you don't already own a programmer. These kits cost 84 EUR in total + 15 EUR shipping. You can e.g. pay with eurocheque, this will cost +5 EUR due to bank transfer fees.

    Remark for people in Germany: you can save about 20-40 EUR when you buy the components directly from Reichelt and the PCBs from Mike

    Currently not available: LCD, bankstick, pots, faders, encoders, knobs, cables, plugs, cases, power supply.

    It will be difficult to offer a dedicated power supply for every country, so this is something which has to be ordered locally.

    Regarding pots (and encoders): Chris and Mike are trying to get some directly from ALPS

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Normaly jittering values should be history, most users don't notice this anymore...

    How did you connect the pots to the AINx4 module, are you able to send me a photo so that I can give you some suggestions regarding the wiring? Alternatively you can describe it: how long are the cables, how did you connect the pots together?

    From my experience this is the best wiring method: starlike


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Hi TraiZor,

    I implemented something like a MIDI note queue which ensures that every Note On gets an Note Off, independent from the sequencer state. Maybe you noticed a new corner case which havent been checked before - since I also own a RM1x, could you please describe, how I can reproduce the problem exactly? How did you connect your MIDIbox with the RM1x? You can also send me a .syx file with the configuration.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. normaly a pulse wide modulated signal is used to dim a LED. The principle in a nutshell: with shorter pulses (___||____||____||____||___) the effective power through the LED and therefore the illumination is lower than with longer pulses (_|   |_|   |_|   |_|   |_).

    Diming some LEDs was the very first project I realized with a microcontroller. It was a 80c535, a little bit overkilled for such an application, but it worked well ;-) It can be realized much easier with PIC micros, since most of them contain one or two PWM units

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Hmmm... wenn Reason2 immer noch keine Rueckantwort sendet, sieht es wirklich schlecht aus. Da kann auch ein MIDI-Dolmetscher nichts mehr richten, von nichts kommt nichts. Falls Reason jedoch irgendwelche exotischen SysEx-Strings oder NRPN-Daten liefert, wuerde ich die entsprechenden Auswerteroutinen einfach in die MIDIbox-Firmware einbauen, da waeren sie schliesslich am besten aufgehoben.

    Doch selbst wenn eine Rueckkopplung nicht moeglich ist, haettest Du immer noch den Vorteil, dass beim Umschalten der Baenke die Settings nicht verloren gehen. Solange Du also die Sound-Parameter nicht in Reason selbst verstellst, kannst Du bequem & sprungfrei zwischen den verschiedenen Baenken hin und herschalten... (es stehen ja genuegend zur Auswahl ;-)


           Thorsten (der sich eine perfektere Integration von MIDI-Controllern wuenscht - dat ist doch gar nicht sooo schwierig)

  6. Mir gefaellt der Matrix-maessige Aufbau auch ganz gut - vor allem die beschriftete Folie erleichert die Uebersicht ungemein, ausserdem laesst sie sich nach Bedarf mal schnell austauschen. :)

    Als spezielles Feature moechte ich kurz nochmal Joergs Idee aufbringen: er schlug vor ein paar Monaten vor, die LED-Kraenze durch LED-Balkenanzeigen zu ersetzen, wie bspw. diese hier:


    ...die waeren vielleicht auch etwas fuer Deine Box :)



  7. Hi Ian,

    it makes no sense to control all available parameters with a MIDIbox64, thats the reason why I want to design a dedicated user interface. Biggest problem are all the flags for the waveform, LFO, ENV, Filter assigments, which must behave like toggle switches... I think that nobody wants to build a big controller box with over 100 buttons, just to have access over 10 of them during the daily work. The main purpose of the hardware user interface will be to provide a more efficient control with an adequate number of pots and buttons (maybe 30 pots and 20 buttons... but I don't want to tie down myself before I have implemented all sound features!), with some LEDs (must) and with messages on a (optional) LCD.

    Temporary usemodels:

    • use any MIDIbox controller for parameters which should be accessed directly (tuning, LFO, ADSR, filters) in conjunction with your sequencer program or MIDI-OX to switch on/off the waveforms and LFO/ENV/filter assigments
    • create a MIDI control interface with your sequencer if it provides such a function - Logic: Environment, Cakewalk: Studioware Panel, Cubase: Studiomap
    • wait for Serge's MIDIbox SID editor :)

    Audio-In: yes, it's a common audio input, you can connect it with any Audio source (another SID module, another synthesizer, a microphone amplifier, ...)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Hi Serge,

    I already wrote it in the news, but here again, just for the records: there is a link below the forum index (MIDIbox Forum mainfolder) which leads to an oversight for the 10 most recent articles. Currently it doesn't work correctly because of some inconsistencies caused by the converter script, but this imperfection will be automagically fixed after the first 10 regular posts ;-)

    I fixed the boards subject for the dutch section - I should adjust my Babelfish  :-/

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. Hi TraiZor,

    I never twiddled on a Doepfer Pocket Dial, so I'm not the right person who should give ratings for a Dial and a MIDIbox16E... based on the specs the MIDIbox16E is better  ;D (optional LCD, optional LED-Rings, higher resolution, BankStick, multiple MIDIboxes can be synchronized via Program Change, ...), however, the Dial is just a commercial product with main focus on parts and assembly costs instead of usefull features...

    There are different usemodels for the MIDIbox16E, because every single encoder can be assigned to different modes.

    A normal synthesizer or MIDI program can only handle with "absolute values", so just assign every encoder to the "ABS mode", and the MIDIbox16E will send the same MIDI events like known from a common MIDIbox with pots/faders. The advantage is the bankswitching: if you select another bank, the internal encoder values will be restored to the saved values of the new bank - so that you don't have to readjust the pots. Also the LED-Rings and the messages on the LCD screen will be updated, so that you see the "virtual pot positions" of the bank immediately.

    If your sequencer or synthesizer provides MIDI feedback, the virtual pot positions can also be changed from external. I use this feature in conjunction with Reaktor: when I switch to another snapshot, the program sends all values; the MIDIbox16E collects all parameters which are assigned to the current encoders and updates the "virtual pot positions". Btw: it works on the same way with the MIDIbox SID when it gets a program change event - a very important feature :)

    Now to the different relative modes: if a program or synth supports relative increment/decrement values, you can assign the encoders to these events. The advantage compared to absolute values: no feedback is required (if you don't use the LED-rings) and values greater than 7-bit can be handled with high precision.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. I don't know an alternative (and already available) oscillator which comes with a sync input, but maybe you will find something similar with http://www.google.com ; my indention was just only to demonstrate how to adapt CV outputs to the analog inputs of a MIDIbox...

    There was also a question in the old forum regarding the frequencies which can be achieved: with the appr. Cap/Resistor combinations the ICL8038 can oscillate with up to 300 kHz, but since the waveform values have to be send over the MIDI line, the maximum MIDI transfer speed limits the maximum frequency.

    A MIDI value requires appr. 1 ms, that means: a sine waveform with 100 Hz will get just only ca. 10 samples (audible result: an automatic sample & hold effect ;-)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Yes, there is a link below the forum index (MIDIbox Forum mainfolder) which leads to an oversight for the 10 most recent articles. Currently it doesn't work correctly due to some inconsistencies caused by the converter script, but this imperfection will be automagically fixed after the first 10 regular posts  ;)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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