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Everything posted by Duggle

  1. No, actually I felt silly yesterday. Today I'm full of piss and vinegar again!
  2. Thanks again, Tim. There was an extension in Chrome called "Save by click" or similar. Deleted.
  3. It's Google Chrome on W7 x64 machine. I'll take a good look at this tomorrow.
  4. Sorry, I assumed others have noticed this. It's a complaint about the forum software (or something related). I'm talking about how a (particular) word from peoples posts (I'll use the example where I first noticed this happening) appears on my browser as link to advertising (a.k.a spam). In this post: The word "Information" appeared on the browser as a hyperlink which takes the user to an advertisement. Is it possible the machine I was using was infected by Adware Malware?
  5. Umm... it seems that this "new" forum platform randomly embeds links to SPAM in user's posts. Not cool. :mad:
  6. The encoder looks great. 17Euros each puts it out of contention for my new MIDIbox64, unfortunately. I'll stick with Fairlightiii PCB this time (though 31 LEDs per encoder is cool!)
  7. Hi, I'm interested in the encoder, but your post above has a link to *spam* The link on the word "Information".... [edit] funny, there's no link any longer.....WTF? Is the forum set to randomly embed unrelated links to advertising (without user involvement)?
  8. In my opinion 6 characters is not enough to be worth the effort. It may show the level/value but not a very good parameter label. The PCB as it is, can fit a 16x2LCD (~80mm) adjacent to each pair of encoders (spaced 42.7mm apart). At least this is what I'm doing, so we'll all see how well it turns out!
  9. OK, so the intended usage is to set up a different song # for usage in song mode OR phrase mode, but not both, right?
  10. Thanks TK, it seems to be working. I'm still a bit unclear: the Phrase Mode GP buttons only access song positions A1,B1,C1,etc, and yet song positions include A2,A3,A4,etc If a song position say A3 undefined and have a pattern action defined B1, then in song mode the song stays on A2 never progressing further. So you can't use phrase mode to manually step through the parts of a song?
  11. I'm using Wilbas control surface on my SEQV4. I'm having trouble understanding what to do in phrase mode. From the manual: "select the "Position" item by pushing Layer button B" which button is this?
  12. Thanks, seems to be working right with the guide track!
  13. TK, I noticed that the router settings work but are not stored. I used set router 1 IN1 all OUT1 all store it worked, but not after powerdown. BTW:I have a pitchbender and mod wheel working really well. (I'm not sure about the calibration procedure working right, I'll let you know about this with more detail....)
  14. Duggle

    MIDIbox KB

    I suppose the keyboard has a Fatar 61 note keybed?
  15. So far I've just been manually setting patch on the RC-50 and the song on the seq. I want to move on from this way very soon. The midi control options with the RC-50 are extremely limited: (1)have RC-50 output tempo and control (midi clock "master") called INTERNAL as the parameter of "Sys:MIDI Sync" (page 75) OR (2) have RC-50 output tempo (midi clock "master") but receive "midi start of recording,playback and stopping(only)" called REMOTE as the parameter of "Sys:MIDI Sync" (page 75) OR (3)have the RC-50 respond to tempo and control from external gear (midi clock "slave") called AUTO as the parameter of "Sys:MIDI Sync" (page 75) There is a fact about the way the RC-50 syncs that has influenced my choice to use (1) or (2),( midi clock master). That is, that in (3) it cannot actively synchronise to the external midi clock while audio recording is active. It just keeps at the same (last) tempo generated internally while recording is active. This means that sync problems could occur during long recordings (your mileage may vary, in practise). I can confirm that the RC-50 works superbly with the SEQV4 when SEQ is tempo slave. So I'm thinking of using the RC-50 in "Sys:MIDI Sync"="REMOTE" clock: RC-50 -> SEQ patch change:RC-50 -> SEQ (maybe have the drummer be able to send: "midi start of recording,playback and stopping(only)", also and be able to tempo change via tap tempo footswitch, presumably I would still have control over these function with the front panel of RC-50) If this scenario pans out well, I guess I would request the minor change to the firmware of the SEQ to receive patch change as song selector.
  16. I'm sequencing a song idea that has 7/8 time then transitions into 4/4 I have a pattern B1 in which the Tracks (all 16) have length set to 28/256 steps. Playing the pattern, works well as 7/8. In Song Mode however the x4,x8 etc. seems to equate to multiples of 16 steps not 28. The result is that after x4 the sequence repeats 4 beats of the 28 step pattern then moves on to the next action, a 16 step pattern. This behaviour is consistent with the sequencer only having fixed beat length measures to count song parts in. A real problem for music with changes and shifts in time signature. Or is there something I'm not doing right? Thanks
  17. Whoops! I just ordered 1050 ($50) of 90deg 6mcd LEDs from Futurlec. I'll be loading the ULN2803 drivers and I'll make sure to test with a lower series resistor before soldering my PCB's. Yes, a Black/White list is a great idea.
  18. The other parameter to look at besides mcd is view angle. The LEDs with unreasonably high luminous intensity tend to have narrow view angles, which are not so good for control surfaces. The ones TK identified had 2.5mcd at a very wide 140deg. The one's Ive ordered from Futurlec are 6mcd but only 90deg (should be wide enough). Its always a good idea to test new kinds of LEDs in-circuit when choosing a limiting resistor before committing to a lot of soldering. @Fairlightiii picked up 100 from digikey, thanks for the tip!
  19. Does anyone know anyone who has stock of PEC16 encoders? It looks like 10+ weeks of waiting....
  20. Very exciting, TK! If there is any flexibility with the amount of display RAM then that would be welcome. :smile: >>I take it that the buffering would consist of the LCD output J15 driving a number (say 4) inputs of non-inverting buffer for each signal of the LCD bus? >>(Assuming the buffer can drive 4 LCD's, thats 16 LCDs, and 4 sets of buffers, a driver gate for each of D0..D7,RS,RW [10 per LCD]. 5 octal buffer/driver would be sufficient in this scenario. >>The enable lines would be wired 1 to each display so need not be buffered. Perhaps (?) a more rational way (from a wiring POV) would be to expand on the Core_LPC17 IC2 shift register data inputs. This means having the same serial data feed a number of shift registers simultaneously. This reduces the amount of wiring (by a few wires) but involves the distribution of higher data rate signals which has it's own issues.
  21. I have no idea what this means. Re-check the SD Card on a computer to make sure you have not damaged it. The schematic and also the series of photo's showing how to wire the SD Card on ucapps.de are correct. Follow the photos.
  22. The schematic in your post shows the correct connections to make. Note the "notch" on left of J1. This is how the connector (actually called J16 on the LPC17 Core) is viewed looking down on the core PCB. SI and SO are just the names of the signals in the core circuit. If you look at the pin called J1.DO this is the same as J16.SI on the core_lpc17 circuit.
  23. Works great, thanks Tim!
  24. I'm now basing it on 4 x Fairlightiii PCB. The encoders are 42.7mm distance from each other. This means that a 2x16 LCD fits above/below a pair of encoders nicely. So each Fairlightiii PCB has 4 LCD's above and below it: There would be 5 x 4 =20 LCD2x16 modules, however the top and bottom row would be treated as single line (1x16) displays to abide by the RAM limitation. Would/could NG support this arrangement? (Assuming suitable buffering of LCD bus and distribution of enable lines) It's just that 2x16 LCD's are very cheap (especially in lots of 10). Here's a diagram detailing how the displays relate to the encoders:
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