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Posts posted by Dimitris_FX_freak

  1. Ãåéá óïõ uclaros

    ÅåðéäÞ äåí áíáöÃñåéò áí åßóáé ÃèÞíá Þ êáðïõ áëëïõ ïé ðëçñïöïñßåò ðïõ èá óïõ äþóù äåí îåñù áí èá óïõ åßíáé ÷ñÞóçìåò.

    Ëïéðüí óôçí êáííéããïò (ïäüò) ëßãï ðïéï ìÃóá áðü ôï ÅÌà õðÜñ÷åé Ãíá ìéêñü ìáãáæáêé ìå çëåêôñïíéêÜ ï áíèñùðïò ðïõ ôï Ã÷åé ìðïñåß íá óïõ öÃñåé ôá ðÜíôá (áëëá ëßãï áêñéâüò) áëëßùò Ñáäéï ÊÃÔÃÕÌÃÓ óôï óõíôáãìá

    Ôï ìåãáëýôåñï ðñüâëçìá åßíáé ïé PIC ïé ïðïéïé óôá 40 ÌÇÆ äåí ðáéæïõí óôçí Åëëáäá.

    Èá óïõ ðñüôåéíá ùóôüóï íá êáôáóêåâÜóåéò êáôé ìå ôï íÃï ÌÉÃS ìéáò êáé ïé äõíáôüôçôåò ôïõ åßíáé ðáñá ðïëëåò

    Ôé ÷ñçóçìïðïéåßò Cubase h Logic?

    ÕÓ. Ãí äåí âñåéò PIC å÷ù Ãíá 16F877 ðïõ äåí ôï ÷ñçóçìïðïéþ

  2. Amazing news Thorsten    :)

    I will be testing MIOS on my upcoming LC the only think is there are going to be a lot of questions. ;)

    But for the time I have to deside the layout of the box >:(

    And of course I need those 18F from Microchip (for free ;D) (stryd_one <-you are very lucky in the timming, I have to work on that)

    Take care man


  3. &#931;&#949; &#945;&#965;&#964;&#972; &#964;&#959; Forum &#956;&#960;&#959;&#961;&#949;&#943;&#962; &#957;&#945; &#946;&#961;&#949;&#943;&#962; &#960;&#955;&#951;&#961;&#959;&#966;&#959;&#961;&#943;&#949;&#962; &#947;&#953;&#945; &#964;&#959; &#960;&#969;&#962; &#952;&#945; &#954;&#945;&#964;&#945;&#963;&#954;&#949;&#965;&#940;&#963;&#949;&#953;&#962; Midi Controller &#947;&#953;&#945; &#949;&#966;&#945;&#961;&#956;&#959;&#947;&#941;&#962; DAW &#949;&#960;&#945;&#947;&#947;&#949;&#955;&#956;&#945;&#964;&#953;&#954;&#941;&#962; &#954;&#945;&#953; &#956;&#942;.

    &#931;&#949; &#960;&#949;&#961;&#943;&#960;&#964;&#969;&#963;&#951; &#960;&#959;&#965; &#964;&#945; &#945;&#947;&#947;&#955;&#953;&#954;&#940; &#963;&#959;&#965; &#942; &#959;&#953; &#947;&#957;&#974;&#963;&#949;&#953;&#962; &#963;&#959;&#965; &#963;&#949; &#951;&#955;&#949;&#954;&#964;&#961;&#959;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#941;&#962; &#954;&#945;&#964;&#945;&#963;&#954;&#949;&#965;&#941;&#962; &#963;&#949; &#960;&#949;&#961;&#953;&#959;&#961;&#943;&#950;&#959;&#965;&#957; &#956;&#960;&#959;&#961;&#949;&#943;&#962; &#957;&#945; &#949;&#960;&#953;&#954;&#959;&#953;&#957;&#969;&#957;&#942;&#963;&#949;&#953;&#962; &#956;&#945;&#950;&#943; &#956;&#959;&#965; &#964;&#959; &#919;&#955;. &#964;&#945;&#967;&#965;&#948;&#961;&#959;&#956;&#949;&#943;&#959; &#956;&#959;&#965; &#949;&#943;&#957;&#945;&#953; &#954;&#940;&#964;&#959; &#945;&#960;&#972; &#964;&#959; &#949;&#953;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#943;&#948;&#953;&#959; &#956;&#959;&#965;. &#913;&#957; &#949;&#943;&#963;&#945;&#953; &#949;&#957;&#964;&#972;&#962; &#913;&#952;&#951;&#957;&#974;&#957; &#952;&#945; &#956;&#960;&#959;&#961;&#941;&#963;&#969; &#957;&#945; &#960;&#961;&#959;&#947;&#961;&#945;&#956;&#956;&#945;&#964;&#943;&#963;&#969; &#964;&#959; PIC &#954;&#945;&#953; &#957;&#945; &#945;&#960;&#959;&#966;&#973;&#947;&#949;&#953;&#962; &#954;&#940;&#960;&#959;&#953;&#945; &#941;&#958;&#959;&#948;&#945;.


  4. Here is a tip for all the ppl using Logic in Windows XP:

    Create a text file

    Copy paste the following using notepad or any editor:

    [tt]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"><assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86" name="CompanyName.ProductName.YourApp" type="win32"/><description>Your application description here.</description><dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="X86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" /> </dependentAssembly></dependency></assembly>[/tt]

    Save the file.

    Copy the file to Logic directory

    Rename as the filename suggests eg for logic 5.5

    Logic Platinum 5.5.0.exe.manifest

    Run logic and observe the differencies on the dialog more XP styled.

    This tip is useles with the steinberg products cubase, wavelab ( I thing they using Borland libraries and not the standard MS API).

    Happy sequencing  ;D ;D ;D

    PS. Thorsten bring the MIOS even undocumented (at least to me as I am alpha and  beta tester) :) :) :)

  5. Hi Thorsten

    The price can be reduced by following meassures:

    motorfaders replaced by non-motorized faders (saves also one core module)

    Regarding the implementation of normal 10k linear faders instead of motorfaders not mainly for cost reasons but i havent yet found a source to get them in greece (and i already had a bad experience with internet shopping)

    So the point is: using the 18F processor how many DINX, DOUT, AINX will be  needed to have the LC emu.

    Another point is using linear pots there is no limitation for only 8 pots as in motorfader extention so the master can be implemented as well.

    Some rough thoughts are for 96 buttons needed 3 DOUT

    Also another DOUT for led rings

    1 DINX for the 9 encoders 8 for channels 1 for scrub wheel

    1 AINX for the 9 faders8 for channels 1 for master.

    Are those thoughts right or I got it all wrong.

    Any inputs are welcome


  6. These words are from Axel's reply to the same question

    Hi Dimitris,

    I bought the transparent disks on top of the LEDs together with the knobs

    at Bürklin (www.buerklin.com), but similar ones are available at Reichelt

    (www.reichelt.de ) or Farnell (www.farnell.com ). Farnell is quite expensive

    for most parts, but delivering is very fast and easy

  7. These words are from Axel's reply to the same question

    Hi Dimitris,

    I bought the transparent disks on top of the LEDs together with the knobs

    at Bürklin (www.buerklin.com), but similar ones are available at Reichelt

    (www.reichelt.de ) or Farnell (www.farnell.com ). Farnell is quite expensive

    for most parts, but delivering is very fast and easy

  8. Or instead you can use the BB firmware with 2 buttons instead of 4 as Thorsten suggest and get the best compatibillity with logic and cubase. If you search  in the troubleshouting you will find a post from me on that matter

    Mind you that I bought an hex coding dial but the 2 buttons are far better in terms of usabillity

    here is the link


  9. Or instead you can use the BB firmware with 2 buttons instead of 4 as Thorsten suggest and get the best compatibillity with logic and cubase. If you search  in the troubleshouting you will find a post from me on that matter

    Mind you that I bought an hex coding dial but the 2 buttons are far better in terms of usabillity

    here is the link


  10. Hi there

    Since you got the mackie in phisical dimmention may be you want to help me (and the forum) by getting the dimmentions of the spaces between faders buttons etc... I know its kind hard to get a ruler and start mesuring but in that way (having all the spacing diameters) I can make a autocad drawing and a pcb so all the buttons, leds, faders are in position and will require even less effort for the ones with less electronick knowlege to build an emulator. If you have 15-20 mins spare I will appreciate the inputs.

    PS if you have the pdf from emagic there is a draw in  there so writting the values in aprinted copy and then scan it will be easier. The dimentions have to be center to center for buttons, leds for faders the screws above and below.


  11. Hi there

    Since you got the mackie in phisical dimmention may be you want to help me (and the forum) by getting the dimmentions of the spaces between faders buttons etc... I know its kind hard to get a ruler and start mesuring but in that way (having all the spacing diameters) I can make a autocad drawing and a pcb so all the buttons, leds, faders are in position and will require even less effort for the ones with less electronick knowlege to build an emulator. If you have 15-20 mins spare I will appreciate the inputs.

    PS if you have the pdf from emagic there is a draw in  there so writting the values in aprinted copy and then scan it will be easier. The dimentions have to be center to center for buttons, leds for faders the screws above and below.


  12. Thats good thinking for bothof you

    I would like to ask if is possible to connect only 9 encoders instead of 16? the reduntant signals just go to earth?

    For my self i have a plan with 2 cores 1 mf & 1 16e

    96 buttons 8 motorfaders 9 encoders ( or if possible to assign master to encoder 10)

    and all the leds

    Basically an exactly copy of the lc.


  13. Thats good thinking for bothof you

    I would like to ask if is possible to connect only 9 encoders instead of 16? the reduntant signals just go to earth?

    For my self i have a plan with 2 cores 1 mf & 1 16e

    96 buttons 8 motorfaders 9 encoders ( or if possible to assign master to encoder 10)

    and all the leds

    Basically an exactly copy of the lc.


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