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Posts posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Ja, misschien heb je wel gelijk. GoT wordt de laatste tijd sowieso nogal bekrompen gemod en veel users zijn puberale testeron bommetjes, maar ja, een kwestie van gewoonte he...

    Ik zal iig geval Conrad en Reichelt wel ff een ie-meel sturen.

    Overigens, ik denk wel dat via GoT een veel grotere groep aangesproken kan worden, waardoor de prijs omlaag kan. Het nadeel van berichtgeving in het forum hier is dat we dan alle GoT'ters die hier verder niets te zoeken hebben naar hier halen, met alle vervuiling van dien.

    Ik voel er op zich wel iets voor om daar GoT voor te misbruiken. Het enige nadeel is dat er net een IA voor LED's is geweest en dat we midden in een paar IA's en de HCC periode zitten.

    By all means, misbruik GoT!  ;D

    Ik bedoelde meer dat we voor de gebruikers hier ook een topic hier kunnen starten, zodat ze niet door die puberale beerput op GoT heen hoeven  ;)

    Ik heb die knopjes inderdaad gezien, die van reichelt met LED-uitsparing zijn zeker geil voor een sequencer! De rest van de knopjes hoeft van mij geen led IN, die komen er in rijtjes naast namelijk. En ik wil ze wel vierkant/rechthoekig hebben. Ik check de Conrad gids wel even. Tnx iniedergeval.

  2. als je dus drukknopjes bedoelde, daar heeft Reichelt mooie voor: DT 6 BL

    Ik zoek inderdaad drukknoppen, maar niet van die enorme als de dt 6 BL... hierbij staat trouwens dat het een 240v schakelaar is, ik ben geen electronica expert, maar een MidiBox werkt met 12v, werkt die knop dan wel?

    Ik zoek vierkante/rechthoekige knopjes, zoals je die op moderne apparatuur vindt (Triton, A3000, Virus, etc.).

  3. Ennuh Geert, als er een IA komt dan wordt die georganiseerd op GoT, het forum van tweakers.net. Maar goed, ik vermeld dat dan hier wel even. Het is nog de vraag of die van de grond gaat komen, want er moet voldoende vraag zijn en iemand moet het organiseren. Ik wil daarbij overigens wel assisteren...

    Ik snap niet helemaal waarom het via GoT zou moeten? Uiteraard is het leuk als die jongens (en meisjes uiteraard) meebestellen, dan gaat de prijs per stuk omlaag ;) , maar we kunnen toch ook gewoon  hier berichtgeving doen op het forum? Dan hoeft niet iedereen naar de GoT site om op de hoogte te blijven.

    Assistentie is zeker makkelijk, ik heb namelijk erg weinig bronnen en/of tijd om zoiets op poten te zetten, ik weet bijvoorbeeld niet eens welke leveranciers korting geven bij grote partijen...

    Dus als er mensen tips hebben of vooronderzoek willen doen is dat zeer welkom!

  4. Pasgeleden was er een inkoopactie via GoT waarbij de blauwe leds slechts 0,23 euro kostten, helaas heb ik er maar 30 besteld omdat ik ze te fel vond (2000 MCD geloof ik, 300 is "normale" sterkte). Als er veel mensen interesse hebben is het misschien mogelijk om een nieuwe inkoopactie te starten, voor normale sterkte LEDs? Ik heb er bijvoorbeeld al ruim 200 nodig...

  5. Hi, I have a question about the following line in the SID specs:

    "3 AMPLITUDE MODULATORS Range: 48 dB" - What do they do?

    furthermore I read in the CC implementation of the MIDIBoxSID the following:

     45 | 2Dh | Filter Mode
        |     |   Bit 0: LowPass on/off
        |     |   Bit 1: BandPass on/off
        |     |   Bit 2: HighPass on/off
        |     |   Bit 3: Voice 3 off

    What is the purpose of turning Voice 3 off as a Filter option? Isn't this done by using the "bypass filter" option for OSC 3? Or are they totally different things?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. As an addition to my previous questions:

    I'd rather have the SID Control Surface replace the Core module entirely. As I pictured situations in my previous post the Control Surface would need many functons the Core already has, so it would be a waste of resources to have these features on both boards.

    If a modified Core module would send incoming data (knob tweaks, buttons pressed, etc.) to the SID module not in MIDI, but in "machine language" that would probably be all of a Control Surface you'd need, wouldn't it? The Core can already:

    - accept pots, encoders, and buttons as inputs

    - accept leds and ledrings as outputs

    - accept LCD

    - accept bankstick

    What more do we need?  8)

  7. Hi,

    i guess this post is more or less directed to Thorsten.

    First, I hope I'm trying not to ask you what you deemed "classified" in your last post to me, but I want to make sure I can re-use the modules I buy and/or construct before commencing the project:

    1. If the SID Control Surface is finished, can the current MIDIBoxSID modules be plugged into it, or will the design of the SID module change?

    2. Will the SID Control Surface connect directly to Pots or Encoders and LEDRings, or will it need extra DIN and DOUT modules for this? (The latter option will make it more customizable I guess 8) )

    3. Will the Sid Control Surface connect between the SID module and the DIN/DOUT modules (or directly to the pots/encoders) with the SID module connected to the CORE, or will the Control Surface itself connect to the  CORE module (and then also to the SID module etc.)?

    4. When MIDIBoxLINK is finished, can the current CORE module be plugged into it or will it require adapted modules? (I can imagine that the "slave" modules need some parts removed...)?

    5. I have made a module-based schematic (in paint, very primitive :) ) of my will-be MIDIBox, but unfortunately I can't attach any pictures on this board. I would have liked to post it for review, and I don't have  a webspace.

    If you can't answer these questions because you don't want to make promises, consider them suggestions.

    Best regards,  Alex.

  8. OK, thanks, I'll start ordering some stuff then ;D

    I'm already filled with anticipation by imagining how the result of the final project would look, 24 rotary encoders, 4 LCD screens (I've seen some very cool blue ones from Crystalfontz, would match very good with blue LEDs 8) )...

    Feel free to keep me posted on any updates!

  9. Hi,

    is there already any info on this control surface? Does it do anything besides controlling the SID directly?

    ...Will it make possible to connect an LCD to every SID module 8) ???

    The bankstick sounds cool. I guess you'd need one "receiver" for a stick per core module? Or is there a way to flash all three cores at once?

    What I want to have is:

    - 3 SIDs with a minimum of 8 Pots (and 1 LCD if possible, to display patch info and such) per SID (-> 3 SID Boards, 3 Core boards, and one (or more?) SID control surface, perhaps a MIDIBox Link module too if I understand correctly? ANd also 3 LCDs if possible).

    - A bunch of knobs to assign to various MIDI functions (40 sounds enough if alle pots need to connect via MIDI, 32 will do fine too if the SIDs will be directly controllable by 8 pots, so I'd only need one Analog Input board -> 1 or 2 Analog Input boards).

    - An LCD to view MIDI stuff, and buttons beside it to control menu functions. I only need the buttons for the menu and special functions, so a single DIN board would suffice(?). If I need the DINX4 board for the buttons anyway, I'll implement some other buttons as well, I guess they can come in handy for trigger and/or mute functions. But then I'd want to have LEDs next to (or IN 8) ) the buttons too (-> 1x Digital Input X1 board or 1x Digital Input X4 board and 1x Digital Output board, and an extra LCD).

    - LEDs to flash whenever MIDI data is sent trough or received by the external MIDI ports. (-> 1x LED/THRU/COM module).

    - A way to store knob configurations and SID patches internally, but readable by all Core boards and all SIDs. Would it be possible to use the Bankstick Flashrom, but not fix it in an external "key" but on an internal piece of PCB, and then attach it to all Core boards and/or all SIDs? Is this technically possible? Is it's memory big enough? Would it be able to hold SID patches too? Is it perhaps a good idea to develop a separate board with a load of flashmemory, perhaps two separate modules; one for Knob Assignment Data and the other for SID Patches?

    - I do not need a sequencer (I have a Korg Triton and Fruityloops, enough sequencer power for me)

    - I do not need motorfaders (I have a Yamaha 03D, enough motorfaders for me)

    So, is it possible to interconnect all these devices and make it work too? I hope I'm not too much touble ;)

  10. Thanks for your reply.

    OK, I understand that I CAN'T stack four of them on one control board then, I would need 4 Core boards (I called them control boards, my mistake) to connect 4 SIDs.

    First, I've already deceided that 3 SIDs is enough for me. But now, how can I control 3 Core boards when I have 64 pots hooked to 1 Core board? I'm currently not up to the sollution of hooking 20 pots to one board, I'd need 3 MIDI out ports to make the whole bunch assignable then, while I want one MIDI out port only.


    Or should i use a MIDI merger at the end then? Any suggestions are welcome! (For example: what would be a good way to distribute them among the 3 Cores, 20/20/24? 8/8/48? I like this last one, I'd use 8 pots for every SID exclusively and make 40 pots assignable (I know the 24 SID pots are assignable too, but I'd leave them alone)

    Any suggestions are still appreciated!

  11. Hi everyone.

    Since the HardSID cards are sold out and I needed a pot-box anyway (hmm, sounds like... ;D ), I'd like to build me one of your nifty MIDIBoxSID devices. Only I'd like to use 4 SID modules. So, there rose some questions:

    - Is it even possible to stack 4 SID modules on one control board? (I understood it works this way, please correct me if i'm wrong)

    - I also need potmeters. Lots of them. It would be very cool if it would be possible to build myself a box, tabletop, with 19" dimensions, lots of pots (MIDIBox 64 module I guess?), and the possibility to assign these pots to either control the SIDS or my other MIDI gear.

    - So, I've gathered 4 SID IC's, what do I need to wire them up? (Probably a FAQ question but I'm so new I haven't even found the FAQ yet)

    - Oh I'd also like to use one of those LCD screens, they're cute.

    Thanks in advance and feel free to mail me about this.

    Rgds,  Alex.

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