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Posts posted by NorthernLightX

  1. The 6581 also contained some 'bugs', which were later exploited by l337 C64 coderz to play samples on the C64. They used some kinda bug that made a click after you set the volume to 0 (or something), if you're interested you can probably find some more info on that somewhere on the net.

    For midibox purposes that's useless I think. the artifact noise the 6581 sometimes produces can sound vintage indeed. if you just want a clean fat sound go for the 8580. I'll have them both.

  2. Well, how are you going to keep them there without something to solder them to, if you want them without copper? Most parts don't exactly stay in 1 place, even if they have 'hooked legs'. My tactile switches for example have those legs, you can click them in, and they won't fall out. But as soon as you push them they move. not an option as far as i'm concerned...

  3. Hi everybody,

    I had a working Core+SID+LCD on a C64 PSU with optimization circuit on a separate board. Before equipping the IC's on this setup I tested the voltages: 5,12 vor all 5v connections, and 12,00 for the 12v line.

    Then I decided to add some more stuff: 2 extra cores plus 2 sids, with no IC's equipped yet. Soldered all wires according to the Optimized PSU PDF. Result: no backlight. No mios. Nothing.

    I began measuring the voltages in the psu: 9vAC stable, but on the 5vDC board in the PSU it's 0,3xx volts!? My first tought was that I fried another psu, that seems to happen to me lately. So I desoldered the PSU wires from the optimizer board. Last night I wanted to be sure, so I measured the voltages without midibox equipment connected to the PSU: 5,12v. OK, cool, it's not broken, let's connect it again! Fired it up: nothing. Mesured again: 0,3xx volts. Damn!

    Then my neighbor suggested we measure the current (amps) on the 5v circuit, so we placed the multimeter in between the white wire from the PSU and the optimizer board: more than 2A!!! Looks like a short, right?

    So we began measuring the resistance between all 5v + and - connections on all cores and sids (like + and - on core 1, then + and - on core 2, etc.) but they're all good. resistance was 1 kOhm if i remember correctly, with the occasional 1,1. On one occasion we got 0,8 tough...

    I'm going to try to remove all boards, and then connect them one by one, and watch the increase in amps, to check which one is faulty.

    Any other suggestions? 3 cores and 3 sids (of which 2 cores+sids ICs are not stuffed yet) and 1 LCD should never draw 2A right? More like 1A I think. Before connecting everything I did check for shorts optically, and what we found we fixed (some minor tinflow on tricky spots). Any tips are welcome!

    Cheers,  Alex.

  4. I have seen some caps at Conrad that fit the tactiles from reichelt. You'll have to order the 'extended' ones tough, with a shaft of at least 5mm, as these fit over the shafts. I'm getting those for my box definitely. The measurements are about 10x5 mm, but they're not soft rubber but more like plastic i presume.

  5. Voor 5 euro heb je alle onderdelen om je 6581 onderdelen om te wisselen voor de 8580, voor alle 4 je boards, dus daarvoor hoef je het niet te laten.

    Ik denk dat ik ze wel kwijtraak. Sowieso gaan er al 10 naar de USA, en ik heb al 3 anderen die er tezamen 8 afnemen. Ikzelf nog 2, en die overige 10 raak ik hier echt wel kwijt ;-)

  6. Het is nu nog even de vraag: wanneer... ik heb namelijk wel 3 sids gemaakt, maar allemaal met 6581 componenten. Eventueel kunnen we misschien iets ruilen als jij nog componenten moet bestellen?

    Als je nog dingen bij reichelt nodig hebt kunnen we eventueel samen bestellen, en heb je al pcb's van mike?

    Gr,  Alex.

  7. Een 6581? Heb ik voor je, ruilen tegen je 8580?  ;D


    even serieus, ik heb wat 8580s in bestelling staan, dus ik kan 1 6581 missen. ik weet alleen niet meer of ik die nou al aan Twin-X had beloofd  :-[ . Uiteindelijk ga ik nog een 6581 over hebben, maar ik heb hem nu nog nodig om mijn step-B te testen...

  8. ik woon dicht bij conrad, mischien is het handig als er meer mensen iets bij conrad moeten bestellen, ik het in de shop zelf ga halen, en dan kan opsturen, zit je ook niet aan een minimum bedrag vast

    Cool! Roep maar als je weer eens langs gaat, ik heb een aantal knob-caps nodig (50 ofzo)

  9. Kan alletwee in 1 box, op het board moet je echter wel de juiste componsnten voor de sid gebruiken, voor de 8580 heb je bijvoorbeeld 9 volt nodig en voor de 6581 12v. Maar dat staat allemaal bechreven.

    Het maakt allemaal niet zoveel uit welke sid's je neemt. de 8580 serie heeft een aantal bugfixes waardoor die wat minder ruis en artefacten heeft, maar voor lekkere lo-fi geluiden zijn die juist wel weer leuk. ik neem er van beiden 2 zoals het er nu uit ziet.


    I'm looking for a 19" 4U, sloping desktop case. my design is in Schaefer FPD, completely finished. Is that sufficient for the holes? I also like the screening option, but what is a dull-chrome finish? Matted chrome? Brushed aluminium? I'd like black text on brushed aluminium, if that's possible.

    Prices would be nice indeed!

  11. Just tried that for you: made a loop in Fruityloops, with midi-out to the SID (just been playing for an hour with patch 1, this thing is great! ;D) and some samples from fruity, let it play, and then i pulled te power out (no switch yet) and put it back in. My midi-interface went bananas, but the box booted correctly and immediately resumed playing (the interface began broadcasting noise on some audio-outputs, its an integrated Wave&Midi thing).

    So, no problem right now? I really am puzzled. I am quite sure that BSL 1.1b is used, Twin-X flashed it for me a few weeks ago.


    Found the exact moment of problem, it only occurs if:

    - Midi interface is turned ON while booting, and

    - NO program is "commanding" the midi-ports. (this means no midi program is loaded.)

    If I boot with this situation, the LCD shows the bars. But as soon as I fire up a MIDI program, such as fruity, or MIDI-OX, the box spontaneously begins booting.

    I am sure this is related to my midi-interface. Perhaps make it a faq entry for fellow EgoSys WaMiRack 24 users?

    Cheers,  Alex.

  12. I have another strange problem: After everything worked last night, i unplugged te power and went to sleep. 5 minutes ago I fired it up again, nothing, just the initializing bars on the LCD saying "hi!". Rebooted the box, same thing.

    I thought, maybe the PIC has a little altzheimer, let's flash it again. Started midi-ox, and suddenly the LCD comes to life, and MIOS starts. Rebooted the box, works again.

    Closed midi-ox, rebooted box, problem back again!? powerd down box, removed midi-cables, powerd up again, and mios starts well.

    How can this be explained? My midi-interface was powered on all the time.

  13. open it and measure on the inside (pry the bottom loose with a screwdriver. You should be able to measure 5v DC, after the rectifier, and before that (but after the transformer ofcourse) 9v AC (put your multimeter on AC, that might be the problem?). The 9v is only transformed to DC on the optimizer board.

    I had a failing psu earlier, but it gave me nothing at all. If you get 5v, 9v must me there also, because the 5v is made from the 9v...

  14. Hi all,

    there was no problem with wiring, the problem was.......i had to f*cking reboot my PC. After a reboot (I rarely do that because I need it to be available over internet for work) midi-ox suddenly came to life, and the sysex was done in 5 minutes. SID firmware is loaded!

    thanks for all help and patience. Now lets try to help Twin-X load his, he's still having trouble at this moment...

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