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About der.warst

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Hey, anyone of you come across the U-create music? I found it a while ago in this Blog: http://nomeist.com/ucreate-music/199/comment-page-1#comment-584 (read the comments, too, this is where the real informations are). Needless to say, I immediately bought one and to say the least, this thing frelling ROCKS! Well beyond any toy I ever bought for about 10 pounds before, or any proper instrument i got for an equal amount of money, for that matter. I would even go as far as saying it beats the dren out of quite a few so called "pro" pieces of gear for prices waaaaaay beyond that. The effect section alone is unbelievable for a unit this cheap, and yes, you can use it as a standalone fx unit. Apart from the somehow quite average flanger/phaser/distortion/delay/filter it has those amazing looper and pitch fx --instant aphex twin! It's no KP, but amazingly close when it comes to controllability and fun factor. Only one effect at a time, but, well you could just buy another one. :) There's no comfy way to add your own samples yet, apart from the two sample slots, which is why I'm trying to spread it around the DIY community a little. Perhaps some of you know how to write an alternative frontend for it, or how to reverse engineer it or whatever... Oh, and I don't work for Mattel. I'm just very impressed with that thing. It's just too cool to not be hacked to its full potential. der Warst
  2. Hey there, I've been a lurker on this forum for quite a time, but now switched to active mode because I'd really like to MIDIfy my Yamaha CS01 Synth. For a start it would be enough for me to have it receive notes, but maybe some control for the sliders could be added, too. As far as I can see on its schematic: http://freenet-homepage.de/kirdneh/yamaha_cs01_schematic.pdf, the keyboard matrix is pretty simple: By seeing the vast amount of projects that this forum is filled up with, I'm a little unsure which application would fit the best and if I could just use something "as is" for that task or if I have to write/modify some code. Anyway, Thanks for any hint in the right direction. Simon
  3. Danke! Tschä... weiß ich eigentlich auch nicht. bisher funktionierts und sieht super aus. Langzeittests hab ich natürlich noch keine machen können. Zugegeben, circuit bending ist sowas wie "Programmieren mit dem Brecheisen" oder vielleicht noch eher mit dem Vorschlaghammer. Ausprobiert hab ich das auch vorher nur mit Musikinstrumenten, und die meisten davon funktionieren seit Jahren problemlos. Ob das mit einer alten Spielkonsole ebenso ist, kann ich von meiner Seite aus natürlich nur vermuten. Aber davon abgesehen, hast du eine Idee, wie ich die Kamikaze-Loesung irgendwie ansatzweise sicherer gestalten könnte? Gibt's da irgendwelche tricks, mit denen man die Chips ein bisschen ...hm, "robuster" machen kann? Grüße, Simon
  4. Hallo, Das hat jetzt zwar mit Midiboxen nix zu tun, aber ich bin grad ein bisschen am verzweifeln, und da hier viele hilfsbereite Leute unterwegs sind, dachte ich mir, ich frag mal hier: Ich bin im Moment dabei, aus einer alten Ps/2-Tastatur ein Interface für circuit-gebendete Super Nintendos zu bauen. Anschauen kann man sich das hier: (das ist ein relativ früher Test) Eigentlich hatte ich geplant, die Bends mit 4066-Vierfachschaltern an einen gemeinsamen Punkt zu schalten, also eine Matrix, bei der jeder pin des Vram chips mit jedem anderen Verbunden werden kann. Insgesamt sind das pro SNES 40 Pins. Also bräuchte ich 10 4066. Dachte ich mir. Dummerweise allerdings hat der 4066 einen Schaltwiderstand von ca. 120 Ohm, was ihn für meine Zwecke unbrauchbar macht. Ich hab ein wenig rumexperimentiert und -gemessen und herausgefunden, dass der Schaltwiderstand maximal 20 Ohm betragen darf, also 10 ohm pro Schalter. Hat jemand von euch 'ne Ahnung, wie ich das anders lösen kann? Maxim stellt chips her, die mit einem Widerstand von zum teil unter 10 ohm schalten, ich hab nur leider keine Kreditkarte und außerdem haben die ziemlich hohe Verandkosten aus den USA. Wisst ihr vielleicht einen Deutschen Händler für Maxim ICs? Danke, Simon
  5. Hey, currently, I'm looking for something pretty similar for my Casio DM-100 which also has a LED blinking to the beat. I was thinking along the LDR technique, too. but maybe one fourth of a 4016 quad switch would give a cleaner digital signal... Please tell me about your progress. I don't know how to code, so I'd really appreciate anything you come up with. Do you think the application could work on a 16fxxx Pic? I have a few of them lying around and would really like to put them to a proper use... cheers, der Warst
  6. Hey, I've got a Casio DM-100 Keyboard which I circuit bent some time ago. The sound of it is great but since there's no MIDI, I have no way of syncronizing it with other Gear, which I'd really like to do. It has a blinking "Tempo LED", though. So I thought it might be possible to convert the LED's steady pulse to a MIDI clock signal somehow. maybe with a Display showing the current BPM. I guess doing this wouldn't be very hard for someone who knows how to code, but I don't. Does anyone know if this has been done before? If so, please tell me. I've searched the archives but didn't find anything that exactly matches my needs. But perhaps I've used the wrong words for my search, so please be gentle if I asked a very common question. any help will be greatly appreciated, cheers, der Warst
  7. Hey, my MB SEQ will hopefully be finished pretty soon, and I'm really enjoying the fact that you integrated the DIN Sync feature just in time for me to include it without having to open everything up again. But I have one question: since there are different standarts with DIN sync, is it possible to change the output's resolution? Would be cool If this could be done without any coding in the interface. I know, a hardware solution would't be much of an effort, but this way it could be more comfortable. Thanks, der Warst
  8. der.warst


    Hey everybody, finally I found the time to work on my MB projects again. Since I know this is a very nice Forum, I don't feel too intimidated to ask stupid questions, so here it is: Looking at the mbfm_dout_default.pdf for MBFM, I assume a DOUTx3 would be enough. Is that right? Just want to make shure. Thanks, Warst
  9. ahem... Guess I'm not the first one noticing that, do you allready have secret insider-Jokes about that? Is this a test? you nerds are weird... ;D
  10. Hey, i've been to Votis site some minutes ago and noticed that he sells surplus Notebook touchpads for spectacular cheap. Does anyone of you have an idea if it would be somehow possible to include one of those into a Midibox. It sends a standart PS/2 signal, so i guess it wouldn't be too hard to do for someone who knows what he's doing... would be cool to have some kind of MIDI-Kaosspad... greets, der Warst
  11. Me too, 2. around 40 -depends on the price 3. the cheaper alternative for me too 4. doesn't matter to me 5. Pushbutton would be cool. 6. I have a Dremel, so any shaft length will do
  12. please keep me updated with efforts on this issue! Would it be possible to integrate some rater unusual controls like extreme pitch alterations or an abillity to play a Sample backwards? Weird stuff in general... ;D I mean it's Lofi allright, but it could get a lot more interesting than only rebuilding an 80s drummachine. But you are the guys who know how to do this, so you decide what it's gonna be like. der Warst
  13. yay, a beatbox with your own favourite sounds in raunchy 8-bit format! would be cool if some live-controllability was possible, like pots or encoders for pitch, envelopes, whatever... but who will design it?
  14. Hallo, ich hab das zwar schon unter "parts questions" geposted, aber ich versuch's nochmal hier. Ich hab drei 2x40 LCDs übrig und falls jemand von euch noch so um die 17 Encoder überhaben sollte, aber noch LCDs braucht, könnten wir ja ein kleines Tauschgeschäft anleiern... :D :D der Warst
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