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Posts posted by bugfight

  1. ... i had just thoungt that haveing same nick on different places, like electronic or music forums etc. would be simple for some reason that you can undestand. ...

    i changed for this reason (not to fool anybody, "anybody" fools themselves plenty on their own), is good enough reason...

    ...My point of view have nothing in common with coolnes, supernick or fame etc,...

    i am, however, very famous, just not a lot of people know about it...

  2. ...this would lead to two buttons with 3 different functions (press, shift+press, hold+menu encoder), which is probably not really that good an idea.

    no it wouldn't. you won't need shift and press, cause you have a dedicated button for bank.

    increment/decrement buttons are right there already

    tk has an elegant solution...

    also you could just add the bank button and continue to use the menu button for ensembles

    as the buttons should go with the menu controls if you decide to go this way.

  3. An analog mixer would be sufficient

    it may be a can of worms regarding the patch/ensemble structure,

    but vca would be useful for other things and maybe more flexible

    and keep the control count down...

    if you already gots cvs vca is pretty easy...

    Look at other synths - LCD and menu controls are mostly on the left

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    all of these are on the right:

      kurzweil k2000

      roland rd-700

      kawai xd-5


      quadraverb 2 (hehe ok, not a synth i won't list the other non-synths)

    if you manipulate with your right hand you don't want it covering the display...

    maybe a lot of others menu around with left hand while playing righty?

    or maybe you thought i meant where the lcd is on the panel. 

    i meant where the menu controls are relative to the lcd.

  4. My first thought: why are the waveform and ring/sync buttons so dominant? Wouldn't it be better to add 8 volume pots for the SIDs + 4 "Mono" buttons (which merge two channels together for multi engine) instead of spending area for functions which are not permanently used live?

    hmmm, i really like the idea of mono buttons

    i wonder if the mixer might best be implemented by adding vca...

    Why not adding a second modwheel?

    ooooo great idea, i've never seen this before, they would need to be easy to "feel" so you knew which one you were spasticly grabbing...

    or how about a joystick?

    CutOff and Resonance knobs are too close together.


    The modulation matrix is missing :)

    hehe, was my first reaction in the chat too.

    told ya so, f *whack*

    also, i'm wondering why the menu controls are on the left.  i am not left handed, so no one else should be either...


  5. plus:  "german is too brutish a language for opera.  all intelligent people agree on this."

    or like such as...


    akk this quote is from the movie "Amadeus," which i highly recommend

    no offense to the germans here!

    honest, some of my favorite midi-boxers are german...

    let's try another:

    "our germans are better zan zeir germans."


  6. Old chat is up. I will monitor it.

    If the server gets slow no more chat for you guys until i get my dedicated server!!

    wooohoooo! back in the chat agaaaiin!

    so what is the issue with it slowing the server?

    does it have anything to do with the animated avatars?

    if there's something i can help with, let me know...

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