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Posts posted by arumblack

  1. I made Library for the SID in eagle. If anyone want's it let me know.

    New question, but first a suggestion....maybe thre should be a sction of the forum for eagle, or any other, layout software questions.

    Now the question.... I exported a design as an image, but the holes in the pads have traces through them. How do i make the program make real holes? Iwill be making the boards myself either with tonertransfer or transperency for presensitized boards, so this is important....

    Maybe I am just dumb....

    I am getting along with eagle much better now though, but I can't help but wonder why they chose to implement some things as they did.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. If i want to connect a core module to a midimerger module, can i simply leave of the second optocoupler and directly attach J11 Midi Out from the core to RA4 of the pic16f877 midimerger?

    The info on the core page seems to suggest this, but since it's not explicitly given as an example I figured I would ask.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. A similar question has been asked before. I think the answer was no. the workaround....you need a sysex librarian to transmit the apps as sysex. this would be a pain in the butt to do live, IMO. Probably less frustrating to just build two boxes.

    Maybe this could be possible, but I think a full app may be too big for the banstick.

  4. I too was not complaining, merely explaining an issue. DOS attacks could explain the behavior described, and I have encountered no such problems since. I believe everyone appreciates the service you have done us. Things are so much faster now!

    Thank You Twin-X!

  5. Well, the motorfader module can only support a mf's per core, so this would be a similar concept, and probably run into the same limitations. and the motors would increase the size of the project. Just some things to think about.Perhaps you should check out the mf driver code....

  6. Igot it too, tried 3 times and had to wait ten more minutes.... when i did get on i was the only one there.......so does this mean a million ppl where on the board and all left during that ten minutes or was this some other flaw?

  7. Ahh very good. I plan to use all 8580's.

    I think I found the ulp's  I need for generating the libraries. I will try them out tommorow and see for sure.

    I will try  to keep the grounds as seperate as possible, as I mentioned before, this should be fairly easy, due to there not being much analog circuitry anyway. Only thing that bothers me is the sid, it has only one ground pin but is both analog (filters) and digital (everything else right?) I am thinking though, that i may connect it to analog ground. It does not operate at the high frequency of the pic( but 1MhHz is still high, compared to audio)

    of course it is all one ground in the end......

    well, prototype prototype.......

    Thanks for the advice,

  8. Ok, I am trying to combine the core and sid to one board, with the eventual goal of combining 4 cores and 4 sids to one board.

    As I try I realize this may not happen....

    first an eagle question, what is the way to create a library from an existing board? ( I want to make sure i use the same footprints as in Smash TV's boards, so I can use the same orderlist, and spares from other orders.) I Think I need a ULP or script ore something.

    Second eagle question, How the heck do you copy and paste in the library editor? I wanted to make a device for the SID chip and tried to copy the dil28 package as per instructions in the tutorial, to no avail.... I wabnt to make the symbol and use it in the schematic, so i cna use forward back annotation, and so it will look pretty and be labled nicely like everything else. Maybe someone has done this already and wants to share the file?

    Now, the stuff that might really stop me.

    first, grounding: Do i need to seperate analog and digital ground? I mean everything I know says i should, but the only analog things on the sid are audio in/out right, and are not seperated on the sid layouts.(or are they?) I am prepared to use sockets with inbuilt bypass capacitors if neccesary to help against any digital noise.

    Next, do I really need to use the voltage regulators on the sid boards? only one , or none? the thing will probably not be powered by the c64 psu in the end, because I will be running an aout and some other things too, and this will likely exceed its ratings, in addition to needing bipolar supply.

    Finally , board space will be very tight . I am trying to do 2 cores and sids on the freeware version of eagle, and if i can get that accomplished , prototyped and working, get the nonprofit liscense, with twice the board area. what would be really bad to put too close near other components. I am figuring the audio section will get any breathing room i can give it, and the rest not so important? I have a basic idea of track clearances and widths and the like, but for noise or heat purposes???

    just so you know the entire lcd section is being left out, there is no room on the case i plan to use for it anyway(it is an old rf amp chassis from some surplus telecom equiptment i purchased for 15 bucks at an auction) I may add a nokia display (i2c right) later. I will program and test the pics and sids on my existing hardware and transfer them to the final board, any problems then will be hardware related(bad soldering or hopefully not, poor layout).

    That's about it for now. thanks in advance for any useful advice, and sorry to bombard you all with so many Q's I've been thinking about this all weekend.

  9. most motorized knobs I've ever seen ( volume knobs on stereo's) move quite slowly, so probably not so use full on a midi box. they are availible from some surpluss outlets, like all electronics i think....I know I have seen them in some catalogs.

  10. anyone having troubles staying logged in? I set login time to forever, but every time I come back I have to login again... I have made no changes to my browser settings(so the cookie should still be there).

  11. It's still far cheaper and better than a SIDSTATION!

    I really couldn't say how much I've got in mine, and it's not finnished. I started oct 2003....(that's when i decided to definitely build it) in the mean time i decided to go to school and study electronics(I always found it interesting, had some little project labs when i was younger, but the sid did inspire me more).

    The best thing about theese projects (for me) is that you can build a module at a time, spreading out the cost. of course it is easy to lose track of total cost this way, I don't really care anymore. build one core and one sid, listen to it, be inspired. Add the basic controls, love it more. order the rest of your parts and try to get life to leave you alone so you can finnish the darned thing!

    one day I will finnish.


  12. Thanks guys!  ;D

    I would like to move the DIN and DOUT to dual-row connectors on the ins/outs also in the future.  Should save massive build time on each box (I hate crimping SIL pins, and I even have the correct crimper and an electric wire stripper!)

    Keep the suggestions/comments coming and you will see them in future revisions of the layouts I do.........



    and 2 row IDC's are so easy, just ribbon cable and a vise, bang done 30 seconds!

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