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Posts posted by Phattline

  1. Hallo ich versuchs nochmal auf deutsch.

    Volgendes Ich hab die 14 Pots auf das Core

    Modul verkabelt und die Sysexfile vom Magic Midi delay raufgeldaden,

    Vorher hatte ich natürlich im MPlab ein Projekt gemacht dass ich main nannte und hab dann die main.asm hinzugeführt und die Pots aktiviert. In der Zeile wo ihrgendwas steht wie: type 1 when you use Pots.

    Naja dann das übliche convert bat ausführen, Midiox öffen, sysex senden

    ja jetzt ist das Programm am Pic,

    Also schalt ich ein, Mios bootet, Mididelay läuft ohne auf die Pots zu reagieren

    und nach ein paar secunden rebootet Mios dann wieder.

    Das Problem hab ich aber nicht wenn ich die datei lade die zum runterladen ist- ich glaub die ist für encoder eingestellt.

    also wie programmiere ich oder wo liegt der Fehler ???

  2. Hi there!

    I have a Problem, I want to have the mididelay on my pic

    with Pots ok i have wired it,

    The default sysex is for encoders but i want pots

    ok I make a new project call it main, I add the main.asm

    file and open it and earese the 0 and write instead 1

    in the line where printet"..If you want to youse pots 1.."

    ok type F10 or make and the hex is already finished

    all ok completely - run convert bat, with midiox I load the software ok,

    OK and now to the problem

    Mios Reebooting, ok in my 4x20 LCD printet quite cool parameters, but I cant controll anything, and mios is reebooting every 5-10 seconds, with the default -encoder sysex it doesent reebot-

    Ok whats the problem

  3. A Question, have anyone a better price for a Encoder with switch or without switch please tell me, because I will ordering some of this from albs.

    I hope there is a better because this is about 300 Euro  :P

    EC12E2444400 24Pulse/24Rastungen(jog detent)/flat schaft 6mm

    LM1=20mm/with switch 0,5mm          100 Pieces EUR 2,05/Piece.

    EC12E24204A9 24Pulse/24Rastungen(standard detent)/flat shaft 6mm

    LM1= 25mm/without switch 100 Pieces. EUR 1,34/Piece.

    That prices are without taxes (+20%Tax).

    Thankz for Helpz Phattline

  4. Jack- yea man - cool stuff this saves alot of time -

    I will remove all unused stuff, and so on.

    But I have a little problem with my Eagle  I cant

    Move a whole circuit- means mark a circuit and move it on a other place - I dont found something in eagle - or with witch function this can by realized- mark all doesent exist- how do you copy a whole curciut.

  5. Hey Jack send it, you already finsihed something simular like this? Nice! ;D

    Sorry for this piiiraty question - eagle and so on I dont will sa c y r i a t ck no more :-X

    But with a half euroo pcb i´m not come very  fare

    when I want to build a controll surfaice like step c

    I have built a step c controll- allot of timee 4- days

    many wires - too much wires -noise and so on

    the front designn </a> is also not so good - no problem, but I use A plexi glass Front plate- and mechanic stability would also be nice

    - with 2 Pcb´s it would be solved-  

    So - I Will by eagle version with bigger pcb functions

    And with the eagle light everbody can print it out - not customize but print - also good - or?

    By Phattline

  6. Yea I had yesterday a simular idea becouse my led matrix dont work-

    so I want to minimize my design

    So the whole Parts are in a groovebox size box

    I will make a Controll Panell with eagle

    with integratet Dinx4´s and Doutx4´s

    on board this board should stuffed with rotary encs

    with integratet switches - to save room

    Planned all on two Board´s 1.Controll 2.Core-Sid with one Powersupply for all on board -(not Traffo)

    When I have my Controll Board finished I will give it into forum! and then I would redesign yours - for my Quad Sid.

    But first I must find a crack for eagle light  ;D

    The full is to expensive :'(

  7. Docs Idia  to take 180Ohm Resistors was good now there are more Leds

    But this dont solved the problem

    with the the direct way Vs-Vd  all Leds begin to flickering-to the midinotes -looks cool but

    the problem is not solved

    The 1uF Kerko Version was good-no flickering by all leds-but by the matrix it flicks and flics.shit

    I short the cable to the Bankstick (24LC256 Microchip)so it is 3cm short

    I minimized my Front Panel design and make all cables short- ok flickering is here-shit

    I disconect bankstick - Midiwire (Neutrick -geschirmt-isolatet) LCD SidModul Dinx4´s -hoho its still flicks (blinks and so on)

    Ok I replaced th M74HC595B1 (from ST) with a 74HC595N from Philips now it dont flicks (all other Dinx4 stuffed with th ST ones they works

    But the problem is not solved because only the First row horiz. lights every time

    The first 2 rows verti. are  uncompletly working the others do nothing, but all switches are working -I hear the LFO sound

    I put all electric Machines away from my sid (electro smock) nooothing helps!

    I noticed that the 2 74HC595´s are worm - not hot-a little bit over Human Body Temperature (heat, but I think this is normaly

    This is my sid:

    One Sid one Core 3 Dinx 4 (the third is only with one Chip stuffed) 2 DoutX4 (The second with 180Ohm Resistors)

    A 2x20 LCD one Bankstick very cheap 3mm LEDS witch are in function (Red-lowpower)a huge Coolbody (Kühlkörper) for the LM´s

    A magnetic isolatet Midicable a 3 Ampere 12V Power Supply and a very compact Design that means- all Dinx4 cabels to the switches are not longer then 10 cm

    and the Dout wires to the Leds are not longer then 15 cm and the Cabels to the moduls are about 8 cm long Bankstick 3cm

    Ok what tha hell is wrong- I havent any Idea Help me!

    I dont have checket it with the troubleshouting LEDMATRIX thing yet, but in the evening I will check it.

    Thanx Phattline

  8. TK-thanx for answer

    I use Win98-2 and MS I-Explorer latest version

    Ok Forum problem solved I activatet cookies-its running no

    Oh sorry- :-X I dont use the Stec 16 shit- I use-

    I use the  STEC11B01 bestell NR 74 34 12/13 about 5 Euros

     Encoder with integratet switch 30 Impulses per Turn

    I buyed it by Distrelec in Austria and the pinning is D0,v,D1

    TK-another Question in the Alpha Version Sid, its much better then in the older by the cuttoff of the filter

    The steps are too high in the low (1-7) Only

    eg. I hear a Deep bass by step 6 and by step 7 its in the bandbass-

    Doc-I will cut the wires - hoping it will functionist

    With the MPlab I will start later, couse evertime when I begin to download by 50% its stopped-dameged-error

    Hey all what Caps did you use for Sid by the Audio Out

    By the 10uf-Elko ? 470pF Kerko? and so on

  9. Hi all, My MBSID Step C is running-yea, all buttons leds

    and rotary encoders are running, but in the LED Matrixx is something false only the first Row and last row

    are active, and the whole matrixis flickering

    -looks bad   >:(

    Ok, I measure´d all wires and replaced 74595 on the Dout board and the 74165 on the Din board

    I´v take a second look on the Pdf´s for the dins and douts, but noticed no differnt´s beetween my circuit and the pdf´s


    I´m wondering that no earth ( - ) is conectet by the Leds in the pdfs.

    How does this work-  ???

    Ok, I load the new alpha Sid Sysex into the pic

    It´s the same problem.

    I also noticed that the discribtion in the pdf for the stec16 of alps are wrong- this is written: v, d0,D1 in

    but in reality its d0 v d1

    And a second problem, when I type www.ucapps.de

    for two seconds the screen is alright and here, and its white-  :(

    And a third problemm, it is still here all the when I type the passwordd and the usernamee in the forum to log in it´s all ok but, when I click to a topic, i´m looged out, so I must type every day the same:

    httpwww.midibox/...../YaBB.c...rofiername=........and so on

    Can anybody help me :'(

  10. Hi, a maybe stuped question but i´m not a programmer:

    I am on the way to built a MB64 and a duluxe Sequ

    The Ain´s on the sequencer are free that means 64 Pots for a Sequencer with integratet MB64 (e.g.only pots), I tell this question, beause when I have 2 Midiboxes I need a Midimerger thats means more money.

    The same Question by SID with integratet MB64 (e.g only 64 Pots)

    Is it possible or are the Firmwares to differnt?

  11. Hi who is so nice, to burn the bootstriploader in my 6 Pics.  and maybe Mios 1,5 (2x ID 0, 4xID for SID step C), but in first line I need the bootstriploader in the Pics

    I have much problems with the burning, because my RS232 on my motherboard dont sends the right voltage

    and with the 2 9V batteries I have killed one Pic last week :'(

    And it´s not the rigt time to give up because I have buyed Parts for 600 Euro :'(

    Please help me

  12. Hallo wer wäre so nett und könnte mir den Bootstriploader auf 6 Pic´s brennen, und vieleicht gleich

    Mios 1,5 [mit den IDs 0 sinds 2 und die anderen 4 für

    einen 4 fach SID (Step C glaub ich)]

    Ich hab nämlich ernsthaft Probleme mit dem

    Programieren da 1. meine Rs232 schnittstelle nicht passt (liegt am Motherboard zu wenig spannung), und ich anscheinend unfähig bin die Spannung mit 2 x9 V Blocks zu betreiben (Pic wurde heiß-deffekt), und keinen anderen Computer habe.

    2. ist es zu spät zum Aufgeben nachdem ich mir die Hardware für den Sequencer für die SIDs und für ne MB64 besorgt habe. (600 Euro  :'(  )


    Eine Frage noch: wenn MIOS drauf ist kann ich dann die anderen Datein mit dem SysexLoader von Serge laden

    oder muss ich dann wieder Midi Ox verwenden (wovür gibt es ihn dann?)

  13. Take a second meaning, i dont know if i´m right but: the 7812 gets hot? there is no big consumer after the 7812 hmm´.... by a short the voltage should fall (depends from the vA of the psu)....

    On the other IC´s the 5 V are here? (Pin 16-8) or also more then 5 v

    The Sid take´s not much A (under 100mA I read)

    I dont think that the Voltage fall to 12V when the SId

    is plugged in.(but I´m not sure)

    The 1nF?-I dont believe?  Check your circuit again:

    Test your Transistors (also the placement->rotation)

    Sorry If I tell you things that you already know

  14. "We could work as a group to develop multifunctional controllers, and eventually more specific controllers for more commonly used plugins, with midi controls mapped specific to that plugins specs. "

    Hmm... In wich way you would do this:

    like: One make this part an the other a other part

    like: On make the Front 19 HE (by a CNC built with the Core and programmed with PC ;D -could be nice)

    One the cases one the PCB´s one the PCB soldering (with a soldering machine controlled by the core and PC?) and alltogether electronic parts?

    I have read that is a non profit projekt?

    Is Mios for free, or/and for "capitalism"

    Or is anyone a extrem cool programmer like TK

    and can programm Mios new?

    Dont understand me false, that is for me a great Idea ;)

    (When this project is cheap, better, cooler for consumer

    cheeper as Roland Emu Akai and so on we can destroy the capitalism of Music Industrie-MP3... Midibox we are on the way ;D)

  15. Ach du riesen schei....

    Und ich hab mir schon 2 Pics und 16 Banksticks

    um 140 Euro besorgt  >:(

    Danke für die Erklärung es warten eh schon cores auf ihre Belebung

    Noch eine Frage wenn ich die Bestelle muss ich da was

    extra ausfüllen (anklicken-sample)

    Nicht das ich was bestelle und dann zahle?

    Nochmals tausend dank ;D

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