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Posts posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. You can buy them from "x-keys" as well, like the caps (Cherry Key Switches).


    You don't have to buy the caps, you can have 'em for free from me. I bought caps from x-keys too and they first sent me the wrong ones, the ones you want. Since it was their fault and sending them back from Switzerland to USA would have gone on their account, they offered me to keep them for free  :D (excellent service by the way).

    Greets, Roger

    PS: If you want them and you're from USA, I can send them to SmashTV, together with the fader bulk next week.

  2. How is it possible to amplify the signal from 2v to 5v ? Anybody good on electronics ?

    ... there is nothing to amplify to 5V. It's meant, that since you don't have the full rotation of the pot (only 40%), that you don't reach the zero position (no resistance).

    I don't know about it will work with midibox when you calibrate the pot.

    Greets, Roger

  3. ???  Umm...  hello?  Did I ask a forbidden question or something?  Is there some protocol for posting questions that I didn't follow?  If so, I apologize.

    I see that most posts concern the MIDI Box.  I did look at some of that, but it's more than I need.  All I need to know is if it will work to add inputs to the floorboard as I've described.  I can code the change.  For assembler, that's pretty clean code!

    ... No forbidden questions... I'm just to stupid to have an answer  :-* And I'm propably not the only one  ;D

    Greets, Roger

  4. Hey George

    Please read everything on ucapps.de "MidiBox LC"

    Those giant boxes in the gallery with the 2x40's have parameters chopped into perfect channel sized columns. Is this available with the regular MB apps?

    ... I think it's ready to download

    I've also seen additional MTC/clock displays. Is this from a separate MIDIMon circuit or something, or can you get the MTC to output to LEDs if you have enough free shifts?


    Where are the channel meter signals coming from?

    ... from the MIDI Out of your host to... http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/midibox_lc_ledrings_meters.pdf

    Are the "emulating" apps modular at the hardware level, or do they require an exact cloning of the motorized faders, number of controls, etc.?

    ... you don't have to build all of the controls but you're limited by the possibilities of your host or the LC protocol

    I'm guessing maybe I'll need to switch to an emulation to get some of this. I'm not even sure Nuendo spits any MIDI out while solo/muting with the mouse, so there would be no means of LED indication on an external device. 

    ... it does

    Greets, Roger

  5. but has anyone already tried the ALPS RSAON motorfaders mounted in a midibox to control Live? Does it work

    ... it doesn't matter for the host application, which type of motorfaders you use. The faders have to work within the MidiBox, the rest is a implementation thing of the MIDI-protocol of your host.

    Greets, Roger

  6. Hi everyone, is there anyone who can explain me how motorfaders reach their positions? I don't know if I'm correct, is it the midi out of the Host application in the PC which sends position data to the motorfaders?

    ... this is correct!

    Greets, Roger

  7. Hallo Leute,

    habe bereits vor längerer Zeit Die Seite gefunden und war von Anfang an begeistert!

    Ich habe aber ein Riesen Problem, es gibt in meinem Bekantenkreis keinen der mir bei der Controlerprogrammierung helfen kann und jetzt suche ich auf diesem weg jemanden der im Raum Berin/Brandenburg dabei Helfen kann?!?!

    Vielen Dank im voraus


    ...??? Was hat dies mit dem Display von KAZU zu tun?  ::) -> neue Topic

    Greets, Roger

  8. If not mistaken you still can use log faders.

    You just won't be able to have fader in the center when 50%

    Most audio equipments seem to be using log faders.

    .... you can't compare that. In DAWs, the host is doing the log calculation. In a MIDI Controller, it's a linear ratio of position to loudness. I think you can't really mix anymore when you reach the top end of the fader position.

    And making a nice sounding fade with a hardware fader, is like learning to play a musical instrument... you get used to the speed it takes to get the fade you'd like to hear. - Imagine, you suddenly have an absolute different ratio of movement to loudness behavior.  :(

    Greets, Roger

  9. Hey guys

    I received the o.k. from incarnation. I'm still in the process of evaluating the shipping costs... not easy, when you don't have the parts handy to make shipping ready box for getting the weight  ??? - It's possible, that I order and prepay the faders before you guys pay me, it would make things easier. I could set the money free for a certain time without hurting my life  ;)

    Incarnation might order more faders to reach 200 overall. This would mean: No extra fader but lower price per piece.

    You guys will hear from me soon!

    Greets, Roger

  10. Hey Taylor

    that NAND Gate is interesting. the 7400 looks like a quad chip. so thats 4 gates right? so four 2 to 1 gates. so that would get me 8 LCDs per 7400 IC right?

    ... not exactly  :(  Let me explain:

    I guess you'll work with the LC protocol. So if you want 24 faders you basically need 3 cores (one per 8 faders) that's how the LC is implemented into the host. So your host software sends you the LCD information for 8 faders over MIDI over one hardware MIDI port.... and the same for the next 2x8 faders.

    Now just let's talk about the first 8 faders and at the end you just have to build this package 3 times.

    You can have two character displays per core. So you have two displays on your "basic" core, which also runs all the functions (... encoders, buttons, faders). Normally on this core you would read out the display information for the first display of fader 1 to 4 and for the second display of fader 5 to 8. But you only read out the information of fader 1 for display one and fader 2 for the second display. Now you send the same MIDI signal which feeds your "basic" core over the thru port to the NAND Gate, which amplifies the signal so you have three times the same MIDI signal containing the same infrmation (of 8 faders). Those three MIDI signals are feeding your 3 additional "display" cores. One of those three additional cores reads out and diplays the information of fader # 3+4 on it's two displays, the next #5+6 and finaly the last one displays faders 7+8.

    Greets, Roger

  11. marcel.

    thanks for the reply.

    2 questions:

    1. i guess i could use 2 lcds per core. so 12 core cards in the box. would that induce lag or delay passing thru so many modules or is it still ok.

    2. using 12 cores. will i be able to use 24 graphic LCD's? the code is written to the PIC of the core right? what problems would arise from any of this.

    thanks again.


    1. I wouldn't pass it through all the cores. Go from the host computer to the first core and from there over MIDI thru to a NAND Gate

    2. Yes: With 12 cores you'll get 24 character displays

    Greets, Roger

  12. Btw, if you order 200 N-Type faders instead of 190 it will be a bit cheaper.

    SURPRISE !!!

    Since we didn't reach 200 pcs, the price will be € 16.03/pce. So I'll receive (my part included) a total of about € 3'045.- .

    If I'll order 200pcs or more, the price will be € 14.42/pce. The total of 3'045.- devided by € 14.42 makes 211 pcs  :D ... an extra fader for free for everyone as a spare part ;D

    We have orders for 14 people (chille included) so there will be 6 or 7 extra faders left over, which I thought, could be donated to TK, if he wants them. - What do you guys think?

    Greets, Roger

    PS: Please give me some time for the handling, I'm still very occupied from my work.

  13. You forgot me... or actually I forgot to tell you I'm in

    8 x RSAON11M9, N-Type Motorfader

    8 x FK13x25 Silverchrom

    ... o.k. I can make an exception, because you already "almost"  ;) ordered and you have had to check your budget first.

    To everybody:

    Sorry I forgot to mention... Please include your shipping address with your "OK" PM, so I can check for the costs

    Greets, Roger

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