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Posts posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Yes there have been trouble with switching PSUs but also examples where they ran perfectly (example: TK's LC is running on a switching PSU). (... I couldn't find the thread)

    The sometimes occuring problems are in the 5V supply for the core... not the supply for the MF-Board.

    About the power you need depends on how much you draw  ;) ... how many LEDs, LCD backlights etc.

    Greets, Roger

  2. Hey! Welcome Stitch

    Also, does anyone think that me trying this is a bad idea?  Do you think I will be overwhelmed?  and about how many man hours does it take to put the board together, and how complicated is it to actual hook up controls? (pots, sliders, etc.)

    I happend to hit the UCAPPS page for the same reason as you and like you, I can solder (after soldering  several bantam patch bays, but never before a PCB... but my core boards look very nice :D) and the rest was some foggy cold air.

    I'm in the forum for a year now and it's unbelievable what I learned and how enthusiastic I got... Even if I don't have too much spare time (having a family, about 10 to 12 h/day work and still having audio engineering as a hobby in my own studio), I don't care about  the man hours... when my controller is done, I think it's unpayable but it's gonna be MY baby  ::)

    You trying it isn't a bad idea... there are so many electronic professionals in this forum... and they help you where ever they can!

    Make your dream controller come true  ;D

    Greets, Roger

  3. Thanks for the "status report" Andreas! I'll mail you in the next few days for talking about best time to call you... this time it's my turn  ;)

    Digidesign: unfortunately I got no chance to test it.

    ... In about the middle of may I'll have a Digidesign ICON D-Control for testing in the studio and I'll report, if I can find out about what faders they're using, how they track and feel.

    Studer Vista8: catastrophic! In recalled presets, coupled faders don't move accurate after some manual movements of the master fader. And they are very noisy. Some of them even lost the track and stopped moving completely. I don't know how they can sell such a high level console for a lot of money with such low quality fader implementation. Or I got a "monday model" in my fingers...  Studer is using the ALPS K V faders -- as far as I know.

    ... Yes they're using ALPS V-Fader. I didn't experience any tracking problems when I checked it at the Tonmeistertagung in Leipzig... I didn't pay enough attention on that since I was so fszinated by it's user layout.

    Greets, Roger

  4. if your power is regulated and in DC , i thinkyou can bypass the reg on the core.

    ... well, that was actually part of my question ;). By connecting the external regulated supply on J2, I would "bypass" the onboard rectifier and regulator.

    But the question I asked was: Is it a problem, when the onboard stuff is still soldered to the PCB?

    Greets, Roger

  5. Since you're a bit more into programming and stuff.. Can you tell me about how you do it, what can the chip control and so on??

    ... this is just burning the bootstrap. Now it can't do much... he later will programm the MIOS application... the one which does what he wants it to do  ;)

    Greets, Roger

  6. I finished my core boards, on which I soldered the rectifier and the voltage regulator. If I now have a regulated 5V Power Supply, can I just connect it to J2, leaving the regulator and rectifier on the PCB or do I have do desolder the stuff?

    THX and Greets


  7. Hello

    O.k. it's time to officially start the bulkorder. You can find all the data (inkl. for switches and push on knops, which I order for me anyway) on this website: http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm

    The prices are in Euros (€) and Swiss Francs (CHF) without freight costs (the MEC prices are without the TAX of 7.6%). I can't make a statement about freight but you can be shure, that I will choose the cheapest way. And don't worry, there is no profit and no extra charge from my side.

    - For Germany, I will drive there and send the goods out from there.

    - For USA I will send everything to SmashTV and he will distribute it for the American continent. - THX Tim!

    I will update the Website from time to time (I think about twice a week) with the orders taken from this thread.

    Please, please, please... no orders by E-Mail. I will only accept orders as "replies" to this posting!!!

    Greets, Roger

    PS 1:

    Thorsten modified the control of the motorfaders in MIOS so it will work with the K-Type faders from ALPS. I think it will be included in the next release. - THX Thorsten!  But there are some restrictions... please refer to this post:

    If somebody from Germany has time to translate the important information... would be cool  :-*

    SKUNK is working on an other way to drive the faders (with individual processor and FET per fader).

    PS 2:

    If the bulk order takes enough time, there perhaps will be an addition. I found a supplier for PCD8544 LC Displays (about $2.50) in China. I will send samples to Thorsten to test them. If they're o.k., there will be 500pcs I could order  :D

  8. Wenn Du die 8 erst Thorsten geben möchtest ist das kein Problem.

    ... hast Du falsch verstanden: Ich kann total 16 vergeben. Ohne Gummi nützen sie Dir nichts, so müsstest Du auch die Sammelbestellung abwarten.

    Kannst Du ein paar Bilder machen? Und vermessen?

    Wozu? Entsprechen genau den Bildern in den versch. geposteten Links, einfach ohne connector und ohne Rahmen http://www.amontec.com/lcd_nokia_3310.shtml

    Greets, Roger

  9. BUMP!  ;D

    Any progress on the group order?


    ... there is some work in progress for a different MF driving. - Please hold on a few days, I'll keep you guys updated.

    Well mabe it is for the best that the CP type doesn't work, that is going to save us a lot of money and decision-angst

    ... if the CPs work, I won't have to decide for long and I think I would rip my hair off, when I bought the cheaper ones and then somebody calls: "It's working perfectly with the CPs now"

    Greets, Roger

  10. Yepp, habe die Displays bekommen!... Habe mit dem Posting noch gewartet, da die Displays ohne Kontaktgummi geliefert werden  :( und ich davon nichts wusste.

    Ich werde nun 1 Gummi überteuert (ca. 5€) hier in Europa bestellen, das Display an Thorsten senden und wenn die Tests gut verlaufen sind, werde ich eine Sammelbestellung starten und dazu auch gleich die fehlenden Gummis bestellen (beim Chinesen $0.10  :D). Zur Zeit kann er 500 Stk. lifern und ich denke, wenn wir alle bestellen würden, wird auch der Preis noch sinken (ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass die LCDs dann mit Gummi etwa für $ 2.50 zu haben sein könnten.

    Wie ich Dir versprochen habe, kannst Du von mir 8 Stk. haben oder bei der Sammelbestellung mehr nehmen. Falls die Dinger sauber laufen, gehen 8 Stk. an Thorsten als Donation für den Aufwand.

    Greets, Roger

    PS: Solltest die Verpackung sehen... ein Paket wie der Turm von Pisa und die Displays sind in Klopapier gewickelt  ;D (... wohl verstanden ungebrauchtes  :P)

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