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Posts posted by Marxon

  1. But when I create the FreeRTOS project, should I also flash that project? It thought it just creates a working space directory?!

    Yes you are right. The "empty" project does not need to be flashed too.

    Sorry for my wrong help attempt!

    Thought this time i can also help somebody :(

  2. Hi Elektruck,

    have you created and flashed a new "FreeRTOS project" in LPCxpresso IDE first?

    This enables the flash programmer. After this you can upload the MIOS32 bootloader.

    The LED should fade three times if it was uploaded correctly.

    Best regards


  3. Hi,

    it would be nice to have "current operator" controllers to control

    Volume, Flag, Frequency Multiplicator, Attack Rate, Decay Rate, Sustain Level, Release Rate and Waveform of the currently selected operator.

    Like the "current instrument" controller on the Sid Synth.

    Best regards


  4. Hallo wiedermals,

    gleiches Anliegen anderer Lösungsansatz:

    könnte man nicht einfach im Sequenzer (Midirouter) eine spezielle SidDrum Destination erstellen,

    die alle empfangenen current Instrument Parameter der Drum Engine (Attack, Decay...)

    zum aktiven, im Sequenzner ausgewählten Drum Instrument "umroutet"?

    Aber ich vermute, dass ich mir das zu einfach vorstelle...



  5. Great work TK!

    I love your Update-Sundays :smile:

    Ok, for the case that it's really useful for other people, the enhancement is now part of the official release.

    That´s indeed very usefull.

    It improves workflow a lot beause

    i don´t need to change the mapping of my master keyboard

    if i want to play another instrument.


    Have a nice evening!


  6. Hi,

    i know this is not the best way, but you could control the filter type

    with some conditional events which are depending on different encoder value ranges.

    For example:

    if_less_stop_on_match=Encoder:x:10 -> filter type 1

    if_less_stop_on_match=Encoder:x:20 -> filter type 2


    Best regards


  7. Hi

    Has anyone tried to make custom MIOS edits to add a few MIDI CC parameters to multimode?

    It's my favourite mode on the beast and would love to run it with some PW and filter effects automated.

    Guess I could try playing with the script, but I'm a n00b.

    yes you can do this but via nrpn


    Best regards


  8. Hi again :smile:

    I was reheating every soldering when i noticed a missing trace on my board.



    It is the 5v trace which goes to the bridge and from there to the rest of the board.

    But like i said in my last post there was 5v on Ic2 Pin 1, 3, 6, 9

    even without the missing trace?

    So the new question is: where do the 5v come from?

  9. Hi Midiboxers,

    after fixing my voltage issue, i still have a output problem :(

    It is very low and there is a lot of background noise:



    I allready checked:

    5V @ Ic1 Pin 1,7; Ic2 Pin 1, 3, 6, 9

    +12V @ Ic3 Pin 4; Ic6 Pin 4

    -12V @ Ic3 Pin 11; Ic6 Pin 11

    polarity of c1, c3, c5, c7, c11 ,c16, c18, c20 ,c22, c24, c26, c31, c32, c33, c34 = checked

    replaced Ic3, Ic6 = no difference

    FM-Interconnection test = passed

    Any suggestions what could be the fault?

    May some other capaciator?

    Thanks for your help

    Best regards


  10. The direct SR assignment (for all 8 pins) saves execution time and flash memory.

    As you already noticed, flash is very reduced for PIC18F452... and performance is an important topic as well.

    You are the master of 1´s and 0´s :smile:

    I am just a little solder guy.

    So i connect the LEDs like you think it is the best way to do.

    Oder auf deutsch: du wirst schon wissen was du tust :smile:

    Danke für die Info



  11. Hi Midiboxers,

    i just wondering if it is possible to change the assignment of the OP 1-4 and Instr. 1-4 LEDs?

    Because there is no option in the cs_menu_io_tables...

    Or is it necessary to connect them like in the FM Dout schematic?

    Best regards


  12. Hi all,

    if i try to compile one of the orginal FM 1.4 pic18f452.asm

    via make then i get a lot of

    "Address exceeds maximum range for this processor."

    make: *** [setup_pic18f452_mbfm_tk.hex] Error 1


    I suspected there is may some pic18f4685 option enabled

    inside the asm but they are all turned off.

    The pic18f4685.asm are compiled successful.

    I have installed the correct version from the toolchain:

    SDCC 2.80

    MYSYS 1.0.11

    Gputils 0.14.3 (also tried 1.0)

    The forum search did not find a working solution.

    Someone know what to do?

    Best regards


  13. Hi!

    Mir ist auf dem mbfm_dout_default.pdf Schaltplan ein

    kleiner Fehler aufgefallen:

    Der Hinweis über die Matrix Taster verweist

    auf die mbfm_dout_default.pdf.

    Es ist jedoch bestimmt die mbfm_din_default.pdf gemeint.

    Für den Fall, dass ich richtig liege,

    ist hier eine korrgierte pdf. :smile:




  14. I am that guy...

    The rotary switch in the video could be used in a digital circuitry or only analog one?

    I dont really understand what you mean.

    You can use that switch in every circuit.

    It is like you have 8 single switches but you can turn on only one simultaneously.

  15. Hi Sauraen,

    thanks for your help!

    I measured current like you said: 25mA (i am using only one YMF262).

    But now it gets even more confusing:

    Like said before i powered the OPL module with +12V/-12V/Gnd and

    +5V without its "own" GND.

    After adding the additional GND line the Core boots up....?

    But there is still some fault because the Testtone sounds distorted.


    Best regards


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