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Posts posted by cimo

  1. hi

    i have the chance to get a yamaha rm1x for a fair price, i d like to get some reviews and opinions from the midibox people cause all in all i trust you more than my own mamma ;)

    Price estimation would be cool as well.


  2. I didn't see one last I looked, but it would be awesome if the Wiki had a section dedicated to board layouts and schematics (linked off the main page even) so people could potentially re-use other's work. I know that's a concern for some of the boards (such as CORE or Wilba's 6582 boards) due to someone trying to re-sell kits, but for smaller boards, I think it'd be awesome.


  3. Perhaps amongst our joint book stack, some of us have a copy of Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance", in which he discusses retrospectively a man who attacked the amazingly thorny question of whether 'Quality' is subjective or objective. The book's character eventually suffers a nervous breakdown, when he breaks through the main question into the more difficult territory of our sheeplike acceptance of Aristotelian logic as a model for discussion of concepts.

    I would reccomend the lecture of the second/latest Pirsig s book: Lila.

    So far The Prof has been the most interesting, you can do better bitches ;)

  4. I don t think you guys are going offtopic at all, maybe just add something to the title of the thread, this is getting pointlessly interesting.

    I see plenty of total monkeys pay and blag their way through uni, and come out the end with a degree and yet they still can't even spell, let alone understand what they've been taught

    ...and funny

    highly intelligent people like you, BF

    i think there is an error there: you have not mentioned me ;)

  5. Hi,

    It's good to lern C.... but I fear this isn't enough in this case.

    Sure you can use the C code from the LC. But: The LC interacts with the Machie-Protocol. You only can display what the host sends you via Mackie-Protocol. You won't be able to emulate a C4 with this. If somebody "hacks" the C4, maybe then there is chance to build a Midibox-C4.

    A Midibox64e isn't also a solution, because your host won't send the labels via midi.

    I never got my hands on a C4. One reason for this is that only a few hosts are supporting this unit. My Cubase won't. Thats why I don't have a C4.

    Some time ago there were several  discussions on this issue. Do a search with "Mackie C4".



    hi Doc,

    yep i remember

    so no news from the C4 cracking front?

    about "C" learning: i ve found out that for 110% nOObs like me it can be easier to see "something already done" and start from there.I thought that i could from the LC how to print stuff on LCD.. but yeah i don t know what i am talking aobut ;)

    I am also planning to get some guy to give me some lessons this winter.We ll see.

  6. i tried to redo the powersupply, i un-soldered the cables and started from the begining and attempted to redo it. and got the exact same thing 5.16, and no 14volts. i have a question, on the scamatic there are parts that that on the same side of the part  have more than one connection of another part to it, in this situation the cables can all cnect at the same point or should there be a sequence?  like lets say on the scametic on the left side of the part something is connected and on the right side something else connects to it, should it be like this on the bored with say 3 connecting points, or all 3 cables soldered at the same point?


    if I understand your question, which is questionably... , it doesn t matter, when there is electrical connection it will work, at least on a PSU.

    I quote myself

    Let s try with:

    -buy all new components, i had to replace mine cause they were so old they didn t work properly

    -are you using the whole C64 supply as it came or just the transformer?

    Take high resolution pictures and maybe we can do something about it

  7. well you got 5 volts so you can try everything except the SID module, but wait anyway, i don t like those 0.16 volts extra you got there.

    Please take a picture also of the back side and try to get things focused.If you can get a digital camera somewhere that would ease things greatly.

    Offtopic: hey Stryd whenever we get the Mbuntu (or whatever we are going to call it) things up and running, video conferencing will be sooo good for trouble  shooting.

    Angel isn t it that you have a web camera and we can get to troubleshoot in real time?

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