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Posts posted by Therezin
This is the second thread I've seen with someone putting a midibox into a toy guitar, and the second one where I've thought "I gotta do that". ;D
@nickw: That thing's a monster! you got it for a pound? I better look on ebay more often...
Any idea how much it would cost to ship 8 of them to the UK?
Hey! You wanna buy a bus ticket? You wanna buy a f***in' bus ticket?!?!
with all the non-english speakers here I think it is important to be as clear as possible to make it easier on them.
Very true.
with some upcoming "meta" threads that need editing, That's not the best option....Again, very true. There's a number of threads I know of on other forums I read where the first post is regularly edited by the poster, so that whenever he releases a new version of his software it appears on the first page. The utility of being able to edit your own posts outweighs the "crank factor" for me anyways.
Looks like a cool box, and a very clean layout - especially now using the illuminated knobs, and without the crossfader assign buttons. To be honest, I've not seen many things you can do with a crossfader that you can't just using the track faders - turntablism aside of course.
As for the cameo, TK? I like the little in-joke ;D
Surely since the forum's PHP-based, it would be a relatively simple matter to remove the edit option from the "view thread" page? Obviously, it's a matter of finding the time to do this - but it doesn't seem like a huge amount of work, if there were enough demand.
Emerald Isle
I saw this a while ago after following a link on the uCApps.de MBSID main page, tho they hadn't got the cartridge version on the site then. I downloaded the disk images and tried them in CCS64, it's a pretty good piece of kit. I highly recommend doing the same, 'cause it's a pretty dang funky piece of software.
Do you have any more information on the displays? Make, model, datasheet etc?
Full Metal Jacket
There's definitely not a SID in there, if that's what you're after :P
There are headers inside to connect to a keyboard tho, and with some sort of simple hack you can get to the original C64 Basic OS. I assume there'll be some kind of connectors you can use for external storage too, tho obviously you'll need to do some soldering (shouldn't be a problem ;))
Apparently the only reason these connectors weren't on the outside was because they didn't want all the customer support phone calls from people wondering why their 20-year-old games won't play anymore.
Firstly: Welcome to the forum.
Secondly: There are very few people who will help those who don't help themselves. What do you want from your MidiBox? How many pots / faders / buttons? What parts of nuendo did you want to control? Nobody will simply tell you "do this, this and this and you'll have a MidiBox".
A fiver? got any more info on these displays? Size, backlight etc?
I tried to wire 110v up to some giant, red, Dr.Seuss looking megaphone horn thing I found in a basement once, and it started vibrating and squealing, making a horrible stinky smoke. It was face down on the carpet at the studio when I did it, and it melted this spiral ring crap through the carpet. It looks like I tried to launch a small spacecraft from the center of the room.
This had me laughing for minutes. Literally.
My worst bite ever was from a large tube laser power supply.....that one should have finished me. ;) It was 65kv at high amperage..... I was soooo lucky, Was sitting on the floor next to it instead of standing..... For whatever reason the crowbar ckt decided to dump HV to chassis ground, when I had my hand near a ground point. It went in second finger and out fourth, so no heart damage etc. Caused me to need therapy and special exercises to fight muscle atrophy in that arm for 6 months or so after, blackened both fingertips at entry and exit, and I cranked the back of my head on the floor from the recoil (luckily I was already out when I hit) I woke up feeling like I had just lost a fight, and I swear it was a minute before I knew who/where/what (probably from the head conk)
Remind me not to play with lasers. And to take off my jewelry when messing with stuff like that, 'cause that's gotta be enough to melt silver and I don't like the idea of my rings burning themselves into my hands
If I were stateside, I'd probably end up getting one for my old Palm IIIx and another to take apart an' see what makes it tick... Oh well, guess I have enough stuff laying around here for me to play with for a while :P
That thing is the craziest idea i've ever seen.
I want one.
that is if a single AIN module can take both faders and pots?
Electrically speaking, pots and faders are exactly the same thing. Since an AIN module can take 32 inputs and you only want 8, that's all you need.
That would be very strange, the cap wasn't that hot at all, and the air wans't damp either. It's actually pretty arid in my house...
Ah well, just a thought.
I've had a few old ceramic caps (brownish colour) lying around, and used them for bypass caps on a DIN module. When heated for the first time all of the disks became a litte wet all by themselves, and on the newspaper I had lying underneath the boards actually was a little wet spot. I don't believe it's broken, I think more of a protective coat or something that got heated away...
Cheers, Alex.
Could that just be condensation forming on the ceramic coating, due to the cap being hotter than the air around it?
Great. I'll try and do my part by updating some of the project pages.
@stryd_one: Just looked at the page for the vX - that thing sounds like a monster! I wasn't going to build a SEQ 'til I read what you're planing :P
I love the new look! ;D And the tabs to jump right to the WIKI or the uCapps pages is a big help. BRAVO!!
Agreed, the new look is awesome.
(not) a different midi instrument
in MIDIbox HUIs
Midibox addiction: Better for you than drugs, but often as expensive ;D
Your box kicks ass by the way, I'd not thought of using arcade buttons for a 'box before but thinking about it they'd be great for live use - large, relatively cheap and nearly indestructible.