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About Slorrin

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Addict

MIDIbox Addict (2/4)



  1. This may be a stupid question but, are these pannels the same as the ones from a year ago? or has there been some change? I managed to get a set of pannels in the first buy a long time ago, but then there were no pcbs avalilable for months so i stopped checking. Have these pannels changed? has the mb-6582 changed? or is this just a new order of the same old pannels from before? I would like to have not wasted money on that first set of pannels if possible :(
  2. you may be right re: the extra audio line. It may not be able to provude audio via the cart. infact, you are PROBABLY right. Re: 2.0, x|k is not saying anything regrding dates.. last i heard he was saying "i'm still developing the idea". I would say a year would not be too far off, but that's just a guess.
  3. It should be noted that x|k who is the maker of the midines is working on midines 2.0, which will have substantially improved features. It will possibly involve a built in tracker software, for instance, and there is talk of an FPGA to emulate the mappers that make NES music so great. See, the RICOH 2a03 only has 5 channels.. 2 pulse, 1 tri, 1 w/n, and 1 dpcm sample channel. But loads of games had memmory mappers allowing for larger storage, but that also integrated extra oscillators. The japanese famicom had a channel that took the combined output of audio channels on the cart, and fed them through the audio out along with the 5 2a03 channels. Not sure if the american nes can use the extra mappers for audio.. Anyhow.. the midines 2.0 is supposed to respond to many needs people who use it have brought to x|k's attention. Like, having to program volume envelopes and pulse width changes into your sequencer, rather than having instruments that contain that information stored in the cart by some means (like patches). One solution, for current midines users, is to use a tracker like renoise with midi out. Famitracker i believe has midiout too. Then you can do whatever the hell you can possibly think of with the real midines. Famitracker actually has pretty good instrument settings screens. Again, i'm not 100% sure if it has midi out. Though, famitracker shoudl deffinately work on creating integration with midines. That seems onyl logical.
  4. if you can control each sid voice by a different midi CC< then sascha, you'll have become my HERO!
  5. i have not quite figured out how to use the wavetable in this midi VST.. an documentation would be appreciated..
  6. its amazing to me that people will buy pannels and queue for baseboard kits.. without any PCBs on which to mount the parts in the forseeable future.. THAT my friends is the deffinition of FAITH! (i share that faith)
  7. i bought pannels in the first group buy, and now, many many months later, i have yet to see PCBs materialize for purchase :( Very sad.. i have these beautiful pannels just sitting around collecting dust..
  8. How about the main thing. MIDI its USB controlled..... so... what about putting it in your midi chain?
  9. To me, the price is just way too high.. 350 EUROS?
  10. Check out the latest thing from Hardsid.. maybe it was developed to be a midibox killer.. but.. its 550$ ... http://www.hardsid.com/hardsid_4u.php
  11. Thanks for the concise and direct answer :) You make it easy to be a newb!
  12. This is all basically great.
  13. I really don't keep up on this forum enough... PCBs and kits are being sold already? Ak, what are the details?
  14. Wild.
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