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Posts posted by sneakthief

  1. Ich habe ein paar Pollin-Encoder und habe mit Mios 1.9g MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED4 gerade probiert - es gibt noch Stellungen, wo es wackelt ...ich benutze Clockbox Simple v1c.

    Vlt. kann es sein, dass ich meine Encoders beim Löten beschädigt habe?

  2. stryd_one - i don't mind crunching HTML. i've been doing it by hand with notepad since 1995 :) i'll start that next week as this weekend i'm touring in glasgow and have to prepare my setup before i leave.

    cimo - would you like a little reverb on your toast?


    i'm selling mine because i just finished building a great DIY dual-spring reverb called the Tellun Neural Agonizer:


  3. re. wiki - is it recommended that I post the information that I have here on a new wiki? http://sneak-thief.com/sneakyseq.html

    The issue is that the pattern sequencer that I created is pretty specific to my workflow. Would that preclude it from counting as a User Project?

    Or should this thread have been started in the general Design Concepts forum? It seems like a gray area to me.

    Somebody show me the way! I don't want rock the MIDIbox boat.

  4. Two options:

    1. Cleaning the buttons:

    - open the rm1x (but be careful with the flat ribbon cable that goes to the LCD - don't touch this!!!!)

    - very gently snap off the white and black molded plastic keys

    - take a blunt pointy object and VERY VERY VERY gently push the rubber membrane of each of the main pattern/note buttons to one side. the point is to be able to get inside the button assembly and scrub it with contact cleaner on the tip of a q-tip or something like that. you may even want to gently scrape the oxidization off the metal contact on the bottom of the button.

    - carefully, patiently, slowly tuck the rubber membrame of each button back under the bezel of the housing. this takes time and practice. if you rip the rubber membrane, you're screwed.

    2. Replacing the buttons:

    - if you're handy with a soldering iron, then just order new buttons:

    The digikey part # is:


    the manufacturer part #is:


    from ITT/Cannon

  5. i've thought about this many times over the years - there are a ridiculous amount of devices that would benefit from this type of midi->tap tempo interface, although some of which would involve soldering wires directly to the tap-tempo switches ...in my case, namely for a redsound c-loops (aka peavey grabber) and a kaossilator.

  6. anybody see the specs for the new blofeld keyboard: 60mb of user-loadable sample memory.

    i cross-posted this thread in a discussion on vintagesynth. some people were speculating about whether the blofeld would get this "upgrade":


    if i'm not mistaken, the original blofeld already has a 64M flash chip on it. something to ponder, huh?

  7. 1. No, you're supposed to use A2-A7. A0 & A1 mirror the 2 gates on the AOUT board.

    2. Did you have the right midi channels selected in the menu?

    3. Did you accidentally fry those pins on the PIC? That happened to someone else recently. If you weren't careful and connected the 5v Vd pin to the Ax's then you could have fried them when sending a signal.

    Try using a different pic.

  8. OK - I sort of have it working - even though I didn't use CV_CLK_PULSEWIDTH_L or CV_CLK_PULSEWIDTH_H (uh-oh!)

    If I send Pin 1 of J5 0v, the pulse is really short. If I send it close to 5V, the pulse is much longer. Good so far.

    But it's not a linear function - sometimes it get shorter, sometimes longer (and vice versa) as I turn the pot. I'm obviously manipulating this variable incorrectly.

    This is what I've done so far:


    - Added:

    ;;  set this define to 1 if you want to use pots
    #define USE_POTS 1
    ;; initialize the AIN driver
    	;; use 1 pot
    #if USE_POTS
    	movlw	1
    	movlw	0
    call	MIOS_AIN_NumberSet
    	;; if pot number == 0, set the DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH
    	movf	MIOS_PARAMETER1, W
    ;; we have a 10-bit result in MIOS_PARAMETER[23], but need a 8-bit value
    	;; shift value two times to the right (-> value / 4)
    	rrf	MIOS_PARAMETER3, F	; 1
    	rrf	MIOS_PARAMETER3, F	; 2
    	rrf	MIOS_PARAMETER2, W	; -> WREG
    	;; 8-bit result is now in WREG, store value into DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH register 
    	call	PULSEWIDTH_Set		; with this function
    app_defines.h -Added:
    CV_CLK_PULSEWIDTH_L	EQU	0x60	; used by cv_clk.inc
    CV_CLK_PULSEWIDTH_H	EQU	0x61	; used by cv_clk.inc
    cv_clk.inc - Changed:
    j5_dout.inc - Changed:
    	bsf	TRISA, 0	; Pin RA.0 = output off (chaged from bcf)
    app_ain.inc - New routine:

    Am I smoking crack here? What's going on here?

  9. Oops - I just remembered that J5 is used for the Gate Outputs! However, there are also two extra pins used as gate outputs on the AOUT board. Ugh, I'm going to have to disable one of the gate-out J5 pins and reassign it as a pot input.

    Thanks goodness for this line in j5_dout.inc:

    	;; (note: if you want to use some of them as input instead, just set the appr. line to "bsf TRISx, x"

    (also - does the Pulsewidth have to be a 16bit if I interpolate values between .5ms and 1s? Can't I just use a select number of pre-defined pulse widths from a table?)



  10. First of all, I'm a complete ASM newbie! I'm just taking a wild shot in the dark here, using some AIN-reading code from the Magic Midi Delay.

    How about something like this (with the appropraite variable declarations added beforehand):

    	;; if pot number == 0, set the DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH
    	movf	MIOS_PARAMETER1, W
    	;; we have a 10-bit result in MIOS_PARAMETER[23], but need a 8-bit value
    	;; shift value two times to the right (-> value / 4)
    	rrf	MIOS_PARAMETER3, F	; 1
    	rrf	MIOS_PARAMETER3, F	; 2
    	rrf	MIOS_PARAMETER2, W	; -> WREG
    	;; 8-bit result is now in WREG, store value into DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH register 
    	call	PULSEWIDTH_Set		; with this function
    Function to set new PULSEWIDTH (which uses a table to scale the values accordingly):
    	;; calc address to timer value: PULSEWIDTH_TABLE 
    	clrf	TMP2				; clear help register
    	clrc					; clear carry bit
    	movwf	TMP1				; save result in TMP1
    	rlf	TMP2, F				; shift TMP2 to the left (it's zero, but just for info)
    	TABLE_ADDR PULSEWIDTH_TABLE	; this macro sets the base address	
    	movf	TMP1, W				; add DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH offset (number *2) to TABLPTR
    	addwf	TBLPTRL, F			; low-byte
    	movf	TMP2, W
    	addwfc	TBLPTRH, F			; high-byte (+carry bit on overrun)
    	;; read value from table and copy to MIOS_PARAMETER[12]
    	;; copy MIOS_PARAMETER2 to DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH  (is this necessary?????)
    And now for the scaling table - and I know these numbers need to be tweaked if I want to get the pulse width up to 1 second:
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 0
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 1
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 2
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 3
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 4
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 5
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 6
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 7
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 8
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 9
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 10
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 11
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 12
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 13
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 14
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 15
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 16
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 17
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 18
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 19
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 20
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 21
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 22
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 23
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 24
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 25
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 26
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 27
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 28
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 29
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 30
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 31
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 32
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 33
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 34
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 35
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 36
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 37
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 38
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 39
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 40
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 41
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 42
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 43
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 44
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 45
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 46
    	dw	0xFFFF	; PULSEWIDTH: 47
    	dw	0xFE50	; PULSEWIDTH: 48
    	dw	0xF91F	; PULSEWIDTH: 49
    	dw	0xF424	; PULSEWIDTH: 50
    	dw	0xEF5A	; PULSEWIDTH: 51
    	dw	0xEAC0	; PULSEWIDTH: 52
    	dw	0xE652	; PULSEWIDTH: 53
    	dw	0xE20E	; PULSEWIDTH: 54
    	dw	0xDDF2	; PULSEWIDTH: 55
    	dw	0xD9FB	; PULSEWIDTH: 56
    	dw	0xD628	; PULSEWIDTH: 57
    	dw	0xD277	; PULSEWIDTH: 58
    	dw	0xCEE6	; PULSEWIDTH: 59
    	dw	0xCB73	; PULSEWIDTH: 60
    	dw	0xC81D	; PULSEWIDTH: 61
    	dw	0xC4E3	; PULSEWIDTH: 62
    	dw	0xC1C3	; PULSEWIDTH: 63
    	dw	0xBEBC	; PULSEWIDTH: 64
    	dw	0xBBCC	; PULSEWIDTH: 65
    	dw	0xB8F4	; PULSEWIDTH: 66
    	dw	0xB631	; PULSEWIDTH: 67
    	dw	0xB383	; PULSEWIDTH: 68
    	dw	0xB0E9	; PULSEWIDTH: 69
    	dw	0xAE62	; PULSEWIDTH: 70
    	dw	0xABEE	; PULSEWIDTH: 71
    	dw	0xA98A	; PULSEWIDTH: 72
    	dw	0xA738	; PULSEWIDTH: 73
    	dw	0xA4F5	; PULSEWIDTH: 74
    	dw	0xA2C2	; PULSEWIDTH: 75
    	dw	0xA09E	; PULSEWIDTH: 76
    	dw	0x9E88	; PULSEWIDTH: 77
    	dw	0x9C80	; PULSEWIDTH: 78
    	dw	0x9A84	; PULSEWIDTH: 79
    	dw	0x9896	; PULSEWIDTH: 80
    	dw	0x96B4	; PULSEWIDTH: 81
    	dw	0x94DD	; PULSEWIDTH: 82
    	dw	0x9312	; PULSEWIDTH: 83
    	dw	0x9152	; PULSEWIDTH: 84
    	dw	0x8F9C	; PULSEWIDTH: 85
    	dw	0x8DF1	; PULSEWIDTH: 86
    	dw	0x8C4F	; PULSEWIDTH: 87
    	dw	0x8AB7	; PULSEWIDTH: 88
    	dw	0x8928	; PULSEWIDTH: 89
    	dw	0x87A2	; PULSEWIDTH: 90
    	dw	0x8624	; PULSEWIDTH: 91
    	dw	0x84AF	; PULSEWIDTH: 92
    	dw	0x8342	; PULSEWIDTH: 93
    	dw	0x81DC	; PULSEWIDTH: 94
    	dw	0x807E	; PULSEWIDTH: 95
    	dw	0x7F28	; PULSEWIDTH: 96
    	dw	0x7DD8	; PULSEWIDTH: 97
    	dw	0x7C8F	; PULSEWIDTH: 98
    	dw	0x7B4D	; PULSEWIDTH: 99
    	dw	0x7A12	; PULSEWIDTH: 100
    	dw	0x78DC	; PULSEWIDTH: 101
    	dw	0x77AD	; PULSEWIDTH: 102
    	dw	0x7683	; PULSEWIDTH: 103
    	dw	0x7560	; PULSEWIDTH: 104
    	dw	0x7441	; PULSEWIDTH: 105
    	dw	0x7329	; PULSEWIDTH: 106
    	dw	0x7215	; PULSEWIDTH: 107
    	dw	0x7107	; PULSEWIDTH: 108
    	dw	0x6FFD	; PULSEWIDTH: 109
    	dw	0x6EF9	; PULSEWIDTH: 110
    	dw	0x6DF9	; PULSEWIDTH: 111
    	dw	0x6CFD	; PULSEWIDTH: 112
    	dw	0x6C06	; PULSEWIDTH: 113
    	dw	0x6B14	; PULSEWIDTH: 114
    	dw	0x6A25	; PULSEWIDTH: 115
    	dw	0x693B	; PULSEWIDTH: 116
    	dw	0x6855	; PULSEWIDTH: 117
    	dw	0x6773	; PULSEWIDTH: 118
    	dw	0x6694	; PULSEWIDTH: 119
    	dw	0x65B9	; PULSEWIDTH: 120
    	dw	0x64E2	; PULSEWIDTH: 121
    	dw	0x640E	; PULSEWIDTH: 122
    	dw	0x633E	; PULSEWIDTH: 123
    	dw	0x6271	; PULSEWIDTH: 124
    	dw	0x61A8	; PULSEWIDTH: 125
    	dw	0x60E1	; PULSEWIDTH: 126
    	dw	0x601E	; PULSEWIDTH: 127
    	dw	0x5F5E	; PULSEWIDTH: 128
    	dw	0x5EA0	; PULSEWIDTH: 129
    	dw	0x5DE6	; PULSEWIDTH: 130
    	dw	0x5D2E	; PULSEWIDTH: 131
    	dw	0x5C7A	; PULSEWIDTH: 132
    	dw	0x5BC8	; PULSEWIDTH: 133
    	dw	0x5B18	; PULSEWIDTH: 134
    	dw	0x5A6C	; PULSEWIDTH: 135
    	dw	0x59C1	; PULSEWIDTH: 136
    	dw	0x591A	; PULSEWIDTH: 137
    	dw	0x5874	; PULSEWIDTH: 138
    	dw	0x57D2	; PULSEWIDTH: 139
    	dw	0x5731	; PULSEWIDTH: 140
    	dw	0x5693	; PULSEWIDTH: 141
    	dw	0x55F7	; PULSEWIDTH: 142
    	dw	0x555D	; PULSEWIDTH: 143
    	dw	0x54C5	; PULSEWIDTH: 144
    	dw	0x542F	; PULSEWIDTH: 145
    	dw	0x539C	; PULSEWIDTH: 146
    	dw	0x530A	; PULSEWIDTH: 147
    	dw	0x527A	; PULSEWIDTH: 148
    	dw	0x51ED	; PULSEWIDTH: 149
    	dw	0x5161	; PULSEWIDTH: 150
    	dw	0x50D7	; PULSEWIDTH: 151
    	dw	0x504F	; PULSEWIDTH: 152
    	dw	0x4FC8	; PULSEWIDTH: 153
    	dw	0x4F44	; PULSEWIDTH: 154
    	dw	0x4EC1	; PULSEWIDTH: 155
    	dw	0x4E40	; PULSEWIDTH: 156
    	dw	0x4DC0	; PULSEWIDTH: 157
    	dw	0x4D42	; PULSEWIDTH: 158
    	dw	0x4CC6	; PULSEWIDTH: 159
    	dw	0x4C4B	; PULSEWIDTH: 160
    	dw	0x4BD1	; PULSEWIDTH: 161
    	dw	0x4B5A	; PULSEWIDTH: 162
    	dw	0x4AE3	; PULSEWIDTH: 163
    	dw	0x4A6E	; PULSEWIDTH: 164
    	dw	0x49FB	; PULSEWIDTH: 165
    	dw	0x4989	; PULSEWIDTH: 166
    	dw	0x4918	; PULSEWIDTH: 167
    	dw	0x48A9	; PULSEWIDTH: 168
    	dw	0x483B	; PULSEWIDTH: 169
    	dw	0x47CE	; PULSEWIDTH: 170
    	dw	0x4762	; PULSEWIDTH: 171
    	dw	0x46F8	; PULSEWIDTH: 172
    	dw	0x468F	; PULSEWIDTH: 173
    	dw	0x4627	; PULSEWIDTH: 174
    	dw	0x45C1	; PULSEWIDTH: 175
    	dw	0x455B	; PULSEWIDTH: 176
    	dw	0x44F7	; PULSEWIDTH: 177
    	dw	0x4494	; PULSEWIDTH: 178
    	dw	0x4432	; PULSEWIDTH: 179
    	dw	0x43D1	; PULSEWIDTH: 180
    	dw	0x4371	; PULSEWIDTH: 181
    	dw	0x4312	; PULSEWIDTH: 182
    	dw	0x42B4	; PULSEWIDTH: 183
    	dw	0x4257	; PULSEWIDTH: 184
    	dw	0x41FB	; PULSEWIDTH: 185
    	dw	0x41A1	; PULSEWIDTH: 186
    	dw	0x4147	; PULSEWIDTH: 187
    	dw	0x40EE	; PULSEWIDTH: 188
    	dw	0x4096	; PULSEWIDTH: 189
    	dw	0x403F	; PULSEWIDTH: 190
    	dw	0x3FE9	; PULSEWIDTH: 191
    	dw	0x3F94	; PULSEWIDTH: 192
    	dw	0x3F3F	; PULSEWIDTH: 193
    	dw	0x3EEC	; PULSEWIDTH: 194
    	dw	0x3E99	; PULSEWIDTH: 195
    	dw	0x3E47	; PULSEWIDTH: 196
    	dw	0x3DF6	; PULSEWIDTH: 197
    	dw	0x3DA6	; PULSEWIDTH: 198
    	dw	0x3D57	; PULSEWIDTH: 199
    	dw	0x3D09	; PULSEWIDTH: 200
    	dw	0x3CBB	; PULSEWIDTH: 201
    	dw	0x3C6E	; PULSEWIDTH: 202
    	dw	0x3C22	; PULSEWIDTH: 203
    	dw	0x3BD6	; PULSEWIDTH: 204
    	dw	0x3B8B	; PULSEWIDTH: 205
    	dw	0x3B41	; PULSEWIDTH: 206
    	dw	0x3AF8	; PULSEWIDTH: 207
    	dw	0x3AB0	; PULSEWIDTH: 208
    	dw	0x3A68	; PULSEWIDTH: 209
    	dw	0x3A20	; PULSEWIDTH: 210
    	dw	0x39DA	; PULSEWIDTH: 211
    	dw	0x3994	; PULSEWIDTH: 212
    	dw	0x394F	; PULSEWIDTH: 213
    	dw	0x390A	; PULSEWIDTH: 214
    	dw	0x38C6	; PULSEWIDTH: 215
    	dw	0x3883	; PULSEWIDTH: 216
    	dw	0x3840	; PULSEWIDTH: 217
    	dw	0x37FE	; PULSEWIDTH: 218
    	dw	0x37BD	; PULSEWIDTH: 219
    	dw	0x377C	; PULSEWIDTH: 220
    	dw	0x373C	; PULSEWIDTH: 221
    	dw	0x36FC	; PULSEWIDTH: 222
    	dw	0x36BD	; PULSEWIDTH: 223
    	dw	0x367E	; PULSEWIDTH: 224
    	dw	0x3640	; PULSEWIDTH: 225
    	dw	0x3603	; PULSEWIDTH: 226
    	dw	0x35C6	; PULSEWIDTH: 227
    	dw	0x358A	; PULSEWIDTH: 228
    	dw	0x354E	; PULSEWIDTH: 229
    	dw	0x3512	; PULSEWIDTH: 230
    	dw	0x34D8	; PULSEWIDTH: 231
    	dw	0x349D	; PULSEWIDTH: 232
    	dw	0x3464	; PULSEWIDTH: 233
    	dw	0x342A	; PULSEWIDTH: 234
    	dw	0x33F1	; PULSEWIDTH: 235
    	dw	0x33B9	; PULSEWIDTH: 236
    	dw	0x3381	; PULSEWIDTH: 237
    	dw	0x334A	; PULSEWIDTH: 238
    	dw	0x3313	; PULSEWIDTH: 239
    	dw	0x32DC	; PULSEWIDTH: 240
    	dw	0x32A6	; PULSEWIDTH: 241
    	dw	0x3271	; PULSEWIDTH: 242
    	dw	0x323C	; PULSEWIDTH: 243
    	dw	0x3207	; PULSEWIDTH: 244
    	dw	0x31D3	; PULSEWIDTH: 245
    	dw	0x319F	; PULSEWIDTH: 246
    	dw	0x316B	; PULSEWIDTH: 247
    	dw	0x3138	; PULSEWIDTH: 248
    	dw	0x3106	; PULSEWIDTH: 249
    	dw	0x30D4	; PULSEWIDTH: 250
    	dw	0x30A2	; PULSEWIDTH: 251
    	dw	0x3070	; PULSEWIDTH: 252
    	dw	0x303F	; PULSEWIDTH: 253
    	dw	0x300F	; PULSEWIDTH: 254
    	dw	0x2FDE	; PULSEWIDTH: 255

  11. OLED's look great - but I'll be damned if I ever use one again until I know that the implementation is rock-solid.

    After buying 4 16x2 crystalfontz screens and having them all die within a couple of months, I'm a little more than wary.

    Caveat Emptor!

  12. Is it possible to poll an AIN pin to control the DEFAULT_EXT_CLK_PULSEWIDTH variable?

    Maybe from 500uS to 1S? (and I realize that fast clock speeds + long pulsewidths may result in no pulse at all)

    For example, when using the MIDIbox CV this would be great for controlling various gear that responds to gate length.

    The read rate wouldn't have to be that frequent.

    I imagine I would stick it in in here:


    (more soon on this part of the code - just looking through other examples first)

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