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Everything posted by sneakthief

  1. well the replacement that was sent to me was faulty. until someone can show me reliable products from another manufacturer, i can't recommend that anyone use PLED's.
  2. Crystalfontz discontinued all PLED's. I have a feeling that their supplier wasn't able to provide a reliable product.
  3. maybe i should sink them into the case...
  4. hey there aren't any fingerprints on mine! just some dust and reflections :) crystalfontz also offered to replace it with an LCD (since they discontinued their PLED's) but i don't think i can ever go back.
  5. The supplier was kind enough to offer me a replacement at half-price so I'm a happy camper :)
  6. Anybody ever have this happen to their PLED? I had it running very conservatively at 2.5v - I turned it on today and almost cried. These aren't cheap :( I dissassembled the metal screen and all the contacts are fine. It looks like the organic substrate just totally degraded. Maybe that's why Crystalfontz doesn't sell them anymore.
  7. the layout looks good! i'm jealous - i've been looking for a reasonably-price cem3394 for the past year :P
  8. re. pic lfo & adsr: are you using these? http://www.tomwiltshire.co.uk/sdiy/index.html
  9. re. 0-10v to 0-5v: this one comes from the great folks at the electro-music synth-diy forum: http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=117386 the legendary Thomas Henry was kind enough to drop in and give his suggestions! :) Use a voltage divider made from two resistors: signal in --- 2k resistor ---+--- 2k resistor --- ground | signal out
  10. re. 10v - i'll figure this one out shortly :) it should be relatively simple. then we'll have to change it to a .5V/Oct, with 1/24 V per semitone. is there an easy way to round the incoming values to 1/24th increments?
  11. re. analog toolbox - hmmmm... but then i'd have to recreate all of my favourite MIDIbox CV features. hehe. i looked at AC's speakjet code and the most interesting part was the harmonizer. stryd_one - if you're willing to help, maybe we can steal the force-to-scale ASM code from the MBSeq :) then the only thing we would need to do is read 0-10V from an analog input and convert it to the nearest midi note. the 1V/Oct standard is quite simple: 1/12 V per semitone or 1/1200 V per cent. Question Can the analog in accept 10V or do i need to scale it down? In any case, I imagine that it would be wise to implement some kind of opamp buffer.
  12. I'd still love to see some kind of CV-Input quantizer feature! I remember TK mentioned that he was experimenting with some code a while back in the MIDIbox CV discussion thread. And we now have all those great scales developed for the MBSeq *hint-hint* Too bad MIDIbox CV isn't in C, otherwise I'd take a crack at it myself.
  13. The sequencer worked perfectly last weekend! However,I made the mistake of loading a new soundcard driver for my ESI Juli@ and I had a couple of glitches during audio playback. Should have known better than to perform without thoroughly testing a new driver. Lindsay-J's angelic vocals: The Sneaky-Sequencer on the left of my live pc: Both hands busy: Micromodular vocoder madness:
  14. i meant lcd#1 on the v3 core wasn't flickering. i hadn't actually tried using the flickery lcd#2 on he v3 core until later.
  15. well it looks like it's the display that's acting funny. occam's razor, i guess. all the solder joints are fine. it's a shame because those OLED's weren't cheap. at least it only happens in only a couple of situations. the work-around was simple - slightly change the song names and then the flickering stopped; must bad memory on the controller.
  16. everything works perfectly except for the occasional flickering of the song name when songs 5 or 8 are loaded. it's as if the string is being shifted over one whole character to the right, then back in it's normal place. it has no effect on midi... i bet it's the pic. i'll check next week.
  17. i just noticed something odd: when i load songs 5 or 8, the song title sometimes flickers (0x00 + 3...13) and then suddenly a random character ends up in a blank space (0x00 + 14) - but only on my core v2, and not my core v3. it's not a show-stopper though, just odd. i reflashed the pic with mios 1.9d but it still does that. i wonder if it's time to replace the pic? here are a couple of possible explanations: it used to be my clockbox and has been through many gigs and airport x-rays over the last 2 years :) i also reflashed it hundreds of times (yes, that's well below the MTBF) i've got a couple of 4620's on hand but i would need to make an ltc to deal with the eusart bug. maybe next week!
  18. here's the fully-functional source, complete with all my song data *lol* http://www.sneak-thief.com/sneakyseq/sneakyseq%20v1.zip cheers to TK, stryd-one, mess, audiocommander and everyone who helped! FYI - Timeline: I planned a rough draft of the algorithm last year, but since then only spent a few hours here and there doing the user interface (which to me is the most important). I only seriously decided to build it last month, then I sourced all the parts and received them a couple of weeks ago. I spent 8 days building the hardware and another 7 days to get the software to a working state. I feel like I've been shot through a cannon!! :P best regards to the midibox cru, michel ps. mineral water is fine with me too because i don't drink at gigs :)
  19. nice one! it works great - thanks :) it's official - i ower stryd_one a beer (or a reasonable equivalent or facsimile thereof) you're down under right? i'm trying to get an oz tour together so i'm dead serious!
  20. update - re. the switch-case compiler error: i just noticed that the sdcc error is gone! however, as i mentioned it still crashes at switch 25 & 26. weird.
  21. ok, i'm going to use the sequence as is this weekend and then implement the suggestions posted here next week. so just for fun, here's the crappy code for my mostly-functional sequencer: http://www.sneak-thief.com/sneakyseq/sneaky-seq-0.1a.zip caveat emptor: i'm not sure who else will find this useful because it's really customized to how i trigger loops in kontakt. cheers, michel
  22. Julien: I got your questionnaire and will have it ready in the next day or two :) cheers, michel
  23. BTW unsigned chars don't work in this case: "error: no target memory available for section ".idata" it alright thought because i striped some unnecessary bits :)
  24. the split-switch didn't work. same error in the same place. the arrays don't need to be constants - i'll try them as unsigned. in addition to trying some of the good ideas presented here, this is my plan of action: 1. try stryd_one's linker for larger multi-d arrays 2. try adapting other suggestions i've received from people such as: typedef struct song { char data[255]; } song; static song *songs; char songval(int songnumber, int position) { return songs[songnumber].data[position]; } and char* whatSeq(int index) { /*.....*/ return &seq23; } from a function and that'll give you a pointer to the given array (a pointer is more or less the same as an array in C). So then you can go: char[] seq = whatSeq(5);
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