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Status Updates posted by Digineural

  1. 808 control surface drilled an mounted. Base PCB in final revision. :)

  2. got my 808 control surface to fit in a teko tekbox and is designing a new base pcb

    1. Hawkeye


      nice! can we haz pics?

    2. Digineural


      I'll start a blog on this soon with pics. The CS is on vero. It's a tight fit to get all the base parts in, even with SMD so I might go back up to the next size box.

    3. Digineural


      btw, this is just the control section. I have a drum module that I plan to interface this with

  3. has found all this midiboxing to be quickly distracting from everything else I'm supposed to be doing

  4. My wife got me a desktop CNC. She just showed me the receipt. It comes in tomorrow. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. technobreath


      That is one heck of a gift. I'll have to show mrs all the good webshops, and instruct her on my needs for a stagepiano :P

    3. Digineural


      I made a chart of things I wanted by cost. I very well could have just got another guitar pedal but she picked well.

    4. jojjelito


      Lucky guy! There I was, happy for that t-shirt...

  5. saw 2 fully stocked C64s in a kids museum today. They have no clue what they're missing out on.

  6. wiring up my handheld 808. It's no sammich, but it sure is tasty.

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