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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

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  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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MIDIbox Guru

MIDIbox Guru (4/4)



  1. Sold to CJ55. Thank you very much for a pleasant deal. If there was a seller/buyer feedback system here like Ebay, I would say Fast payment. No bs at all. No communication troubles. Would be happy to deal with you again any time!
  2. Hey. See screenshot I made from a bank's currency conversion calculator. I strongly recommend that you choose the tracked shipping option, as there will be no security for your investment if something were to happen to the shipment or it "disappears" during transit. The package is packed up and ready to go today, as soon as everything is in order. It is approx. 600g. We can take this further in PM since it will involve more sensitive info. Also if you have any wished to what is to be written on the package to make it simpler for the infamous German zoll, let me know. I'd rather not write the value of it lower than it actually is though. I will also provide you with pictures of recites and shipping/tracking, info so everything is transparent - in PM of course :D. /technobreath
  3. Thank you for that. As I usually dont send stuff abroad and have no estimate right now, I will need you to give me tomorrow to package it up and have a price for you then. I'll get back here as soon as it is done.
  4. Yo! See picture. Finally decided to part with a way-too-long-ongoing project. A little history about this piece of crap... I started this project many years ago. I was gonna have a SID synthesizer, and I was gonna have the best SID synthesizer. So I bought the sexy junk in the attached picture. Full of energy, I started to put this together. This was finally going to happen. But as it usually works - sometimes life takes some turns here and there that is not exactly planned for. Suddenly, there was kids. Then a larger old house (piece-of-shit) suddenly was mine - or rather the bank's :D hehe. Needless to say, this house was the perfect for me and my family. It was located in a very nice place, and needed a lot of renovation. Actually a lot of renovation can't really start to describe how much renovation it needed. So I created the Technobreath's Legendary Box Of Shame. This is where I put all the midibox projects (well mostly midibox projects). This is the box that was gonna look at me, one day, when I was finished working on the house renovation. It was gonna look at me from the shelf there with it's big strict eyes telling me to start pick stuff out of it and finish it. Yeah... As I don't respond well to threaths, the box has been sitting there - giving me the most evil eyes you can think of - and I have just given it the evil eye right back. So this is how it's gonna be. My face is getting wrinkled, and my hair is turning gray from all those evil looks I've been giving that box. Now - gray hair is something that I usually welcome - it's how it is. One gets older and older. And with the gray hair comes WISDOM! Which brings me to the damn point! I'm getting rid of this piece of shit. It's been nothing but trouble for me. It doesn't make me happy anymore. Hehe - to be a bit serious tho. I'm selling this also because my SID build has taken another direction. I no longer have any need for a CS like this. What you see in the picture is what you get. There is obviously NOT 2x PCBs. It's a picture of front and back so you can see what it looks like. It has been put together, and put in the box. Never been used or abused. The panels obviously need a bit cleaning (finger marks here and there which will wash away). But there are no scratches or any other dings in it that I can see. It is as u see. PCB has all components (iirc - so check it yourself) soldered. The PCB is bought from SmashTV's midibox shop back in the day. The panel kit is bought from julianf (which should really speak for itself when it comes to quality - this is professional stuff!) The encoders is bought from SmashTV. I have taken away the ball inside all of them except the menu encoder, so they are smooth - not clicky. All other components - LEDs, switches and the rest is noname brand bought off ebay. The only catch here, is that I have never had the chance to test it, as I never finished that build. The stuff is located in southern Norway, and I can ship to anyone who wants it. Obviously you need to pay for the shipping. This is not included in the price I want for it which is: 99 PayPal Euros! The way I came up with this price was like this. I took a look at the current prices for these items new. Then I took away one kadam to honor the midibox community, whos concept this is. :). This means, New price today, sliced that a bit off for good measure, never added the components to the cost - so they are free. Since it's never been used, even tho it's aged a bit, it has aged very nicely, so I think that's a fair way to do it, without totally killing julianf's panel sales. I also have a large box of knobs. I believe the 6582 originally was designed with the Waldorf knobs in mind. I have various colors, and I can throw in enough of those to make this even more complete if you are interested. I need a symbolic amount of money for those. TLDR: For sale. 99 euros. Can add waldorfs, paypal. Sold as is, untested. Buyer pays shipping and any other costs related to import. Drop me a message under here if you are interested in this piece of history. Well my history at least hehe. For ithat to be as transparent as possible, I will not accept PMs on this. It's only fair that everyone can see what's going on. First one that wants this will get it. After an agreement is reached, buyer will pay immediately. I have very low tolerance for BS. Shipping will be done only when full payment is in my paypal account, and it will be shipped within a couple of days after payment. If you by any chance feels that the price is to high - please - don't hesitate to make me an offer. I want this sinking stone gone! :).
  5. Great to see your build in such great details! :).
  6. Go for it! Be aware of the complexity it will include programming this and also the skills it takes to design it. You have no experience with fm programming? I encourage you to learn this before you plan too much. Basically u are strating in the wrong end if u like this to happen. Many questions will answer itself as you study fm synthesis and mios system and the apps. I wish you luck, but the people here are mostly all about mios cores so I wouldn't expect too much effort in helping reinventing wheels. There are some skilled people here that can do all this, and if you are one of them - we will see :-) Good luck.
  7. @Sauraen Hi. This was really a thing born out of a question from Smithy if I could help him out and show him howto build a wooden case, and if he is the only one wanting one, I figured it wouldn't make much sense spending much time on it. I also doubt that "designing" a case is necessary for this community :) - It is just a fancy word. Woodwork is second nature to me, so I call it building a box :D. The case isn't really a design. It is a drawing to show how a wooden version of your case can be put together. :). But, there are many people who find what I call basic and simple woodworking a challenge, and might not know how and where to start, what materials to use, and if they build a wooden box making sure they secure the PCBs on a dead surface like aluminium etc. Because of this, it is extremely important that if I make some build plans for this, that it is as simple and straight forward as it can possibly be. I appreciate you pointing your fingers to this issue, but don't worry, Building this box is as straight forward as it gets. As for the hiding screws :) Some thinks it's important, some don't. This box you can do both. It's really just a matter if you install the sidepanels or not :). Smithy set the standard for me to follow on this one - The terms were that it should be possible to build with simple hand tools, like a battery drill and a regular handsaw plus something to cut the alu plates if you need to (also handsaw with proper blade) - you know all about this of course ;).. I take it for granted that people know how to use sandpaper to finish up the thing a bit afterwards and also know how to operate a spraycan of paint if u want to paint it hehe - if not - youtube. If still not able to do it - u have no business doing it hehehe. You're right, there's no reason why people should limit their cases to exactly how you did it. But it is a good and practical case you got there, so it is not a bad idea to have woodplans for similar case on the forum. But people do whatever they like. Since I promised to help Smithy out with this, I figured that I might as well let others also have the plans I make for it. When I design cases, it is far more complex designs than this (but that's just me taking at least as much pride in the designing of the system as actually owning and using it hehe). I usually go for wooden models which can then become finished products made from plastic or fiberglass with the help of epoxy casts and clay etc. As for the logo I slapped on there :D - Have you seen Jugde Dredd? "I knew you'd say that!" - Hehehehe. I meant nothing else by it than to show what the case was all about. I didn't expect anyone to think twice about it. It was just something I slapped on there last minute in photoshop because I thought the showpiece lacked graphical hmmm details hehe (while I thought - yeah that looks cool) :D. It was most certainly not my intention to step on your toes in any way - you were very polite about it hehe. But of course I expect the proper logo to be used, it's not like I am the creator of it. The thing about spending time on a project that is not mine. First - I don't spend as much time on this as you might think hehe. The second thing is that I've been around midiboxland in one form or another since forever way back, and I don't know how it works these days, but back then one of the major strenghts of this community was contributing where u can, willingness to help others out with whatever you could help out with etc. So that's why when my good buddy Smithy ask me for help, I say of course!! :). I asked you for the dimensions of things and your thoughts on your own case design and system design really because I need to make sure that when I contribute with something as "important" (understand that correctly) thing as a case - it need to fit the things that are going inside it hehe :) - it would be very bad to make someone build a case from my plans just to find out it doesn't work at all. Anyway - this post has become FAAAR longer than I planned for. Just wanted to clarify my role in this, and clarify what this fancy case design shit was all about :).
  8. Here's a draft of the idea me and Smithy has been discussing. An all wooden case. Since it is wood, the idea was to put an alu plate inside where you want to mount the PCBs (wood is more or less alive - I was thinking either MDF or plywood). Those are illustrated with blue panels in there. With this design you can hide all mounting screws (except the ones on the CS panel itself - I can't do anything about that - and I just praise the powers that Sauraen didn't do a JB-Weld like experiment with that - because frankly that sucks, and is not robust enough). The only thing I can think of that would make a surface virtually free of screws (like professional system designs mostly look like) would be if you TIG weld alu standoffs to the panel itself in the correct place - and to be totally clear - TIG welding is not for everyone to do correctly, and also it is not for everyone to own or have access to these tools :) - so better stick to the through hole screws. If this is something the people think is interesting, I can do a model in exploded view with all parts and dimensions and building tips. Even tho I have had a job in the tech business the last 10 years old - a carpenter is what I'm am in my heart :). If you guys want this, I can spend some time doing this for you, so there is an alternative to the sorta special case Sauraen uses. By the way, I have a buddy that owns a large sheetmetal shop, and I talked to him about replicating these cases with sheetmetal. He said, for large quantities, no problem to do it cheap, but for such low quantities, it is not worth the effort. You gotta pay a guy there to make a CAD drawing of it, and then some hours of work in the metal shop. So at least here in Norway, it will not make any sense to offer a custom case made from metal. It is just too expensive. Now, if someone absolutely want that, and are willing to pay, we will fix this too, but it will be a rather foolish thing to waste money on :). Besides - wood is modern nowdays :P. What do you guys think about this? Something I should invest some hours in? If there is absolutely no interest for it, I see no point in doing it, so give me a hint if you would be interested in building one please :). And please, I am open for suggestions to the design of it. It is a bit hard to design a case for something I don't have in my hands, so input is most welcome :).
  9. Technobreath too lazy to read all details in the wiki :P lol. Good, good.
  10. @Sauraen - can you provide dimensions of the PCBs in the back mounted vertical? + how deep the CS PCB is from the back of the CS alu plate - basically the height of the standoffs + PCB - is it standard 1.6mm PCB? I'm fishing for if the PCB sandwitch (within the given dimensions) can be mounted horizontally.
  11. Hi. I appreciate the metric. Thanks. I'll get right to it :).
  12. Tim, my friend! :). Good luck!! - You have done well :) Thank you.
  13. Hi. I'm considering selling my set of unused set of panels - top and rear - for the MB6582. It's been a long time since I had a look at them, but I think it's the matte black with white engraving. Purchased from julianf bitd. I'm investigating the possibility to make my own design, as I want a bigger surface. I had have used the panels only for trying them on the CS PCB. So they are in "as new" condition. I'm just checking out here now if there is any interest for it - and if there is, I might consider selling them. I don't want to be rude when it comes to price, but I think the panels are worth their original price - I paid 80GBP for the set. Considering they are unused I want those 80gbp for it, but I am willing to make deals if needed :). I could probably throw in the CS PCB also, which is mostly finished when it comes to soldering, but I was unlucky and used some bad components, and it needs extensive work to function (the tact knobs are sadly mostly defective). And I'm not willing to spend the time to fix it. Let me know if there's any interest for it, and we'll see how it goes :). I can provide pictures if anyone is interested.
  14. This triggers my interest... Congratulations Sauraen (and Smithy) for being responsible for getting me at least temporary out of my cave for this :). I have been considering building a MBFM, and I even have some of the key components laying around from bitd, but this is really more interesting.
  15. I might be interested, but gonna wait it out a bit longer (yeah usefull answer :P) :D
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