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Posts posted by julienvoirin

  1. here is the final applications

    moreover i did a controller on arduino/ethernet/wifi and iPad/touchOSC for Roland Juno2

    ARDUINO CODE for Juno2 sysex translator :

    // OSCClass iOSC(iPhone App) test sketch
    // OSCClass version 1.0.1 (Arduino ver0014)
    // Copyright (c) recotana(http://recotana.com).  All right reserved.
    TouchOSC is OSCsend Application for iPad
     OSC setting example :
                 OSCMessage          type     value     on  off
     button1    /Juno2/button_name    float            1   0   :info-AlternateMode "ON" = toggle sw
     slider1    /Juno2/button_name    float            1   0
     Arduino setting IP address , incoming port : 8000 (server)
     Arduino setting IP address , outgoing port : 8008
     iPad setting IP address , incoming port : 8008 (client)
     iPad setting IP address , outgoing port : 8000
     Parameters on the Juno2 : 
     I. First scroll through the MIDI menu and turn Exclusive Messages ON.
     II. These are the components of the system exclusive message:
     F0 [Exclusive]
     41 [Roland ID#]
     36 [Individual Tone Parameters]
     0N [N=MIDI channel (N=0-F, Chan 1=00 Chan 16=0F)]
     23 [Format type]
     20 [unknown]
     01 [unknown]
     XX [Parameter number (0-23)] see table below
     YY [Value (0-127)] Can be left at 00
     F7 [End of Exclusive]
     III. Here is an example:
     A SysEx message for editing the VCF Resonance Parameter on MIDI channel 1:
     F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 11 00 F7
     "11" Is the SysEx code for the VCF Resonance edit parameter.
     "00" Is the SysEx code for the variable start value of the current edit parameter.
     Parameter Numbers (XX) For The Alpha Juno Synths: 37 parameters
     (Parentheses indicated range of variable values 'YY' possible for the parameter.)
     00	DCO Env. Mode (0=Normal, 1=Inverted, 2=Normal-Dynamic, 3=Inv.-Dynamic)		F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 00 00 F7	84
     01	VCF Env. Mode (0=Normal, 1=Inverted, 2=Normal-Dynamic, 3=Dynamic)		F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 01 00 F7	85
     02	VCA Env. Mode (0=Normal, 1=Gate, 2=Normal-Dynamic, 3=Gate-Dynamic)		F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 02 00 F7	86
     03	DCO Wave Pulse (0..3)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 03 00 F7	87
     04	DCO Wave Saw (0..5)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 04 00 F7	88	
     05	DCO Wave Sub (0..5)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 05 00 F7	89
     06	DCO Range (0=4', 1=8', 2=16', 3=32')						F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 06 00 F7	90
     07	DCO Sub Level (0..3)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 07 00 F7	91
     08	DCO Noise (0..3)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 08 00 F7	92
     09	HPF Cutoff (0..3)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 09 00 F7	93
     0A	Chorus Switch (0=Off, 1=On)							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 0A 00 F7	94
     0B	DCO LFO Mod. (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 0B 00 F7	95
     0C	DCO ENV Mod. (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 0C 00 F7	96
     0D	DCO After Mod. (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 0D 00 F7	97
     0E	DCO PWM Depth (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 0E 00 F7	98
     0F	DCO PWM Rate (0..7F) 	0 = Pulse Width Manual 1..7F = PW LFO Rate		F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 0F 00 F7	99
     10	VCF Cutoff (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 10 00 F7	100
     11	VCF Resonance (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 11 00 F7	101
     12	VCF LFO Mod. (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 12 00 F7	102
     13	VCF ENV Mod. (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 13 00 F7	103
     14	VCF Key Follow (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 14 00 F7	104
     15	VCF Aftertouch (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 15 00 F7	105
     16	VCA Level (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 16 00 F7	106
     17	VCA Aftertouch (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 17 00 F7	107
     18	LFO Rate (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 18 00 F7	108
     19	LFO Delay (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 19 00 F7	109
     1A	ENV T1 (0..7F) Attack Time							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 1A 00 F7	110
     1B	ENV L1 (0..7F) Attack Level							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 1B 00 F7	111
     1C	ENV T2 (0..7F) Break Time							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 1C 00 F7	112
     1D	ENV L2 (0..7F) Break Level							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 1D 00 F7	113
     1E	ENV T3 (0..7F) Decay Time							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 1E 00 F7	114
     1F	ENV L3 (0..7F) Sustain Level							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 1F 00 F7	115
     20	ENV T4 (0..7F) Release Time							F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 20 00 F7	116
     21	ENV Key Follow (0..78)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 21 00 F7	117
     22	Chorus Rate (0..7F)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 22 00 F7	118
     23	Bender Range (0..C)								F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 23 00 F7	119
    #include "Ethernet.h"
    #include <OSCClass_018.h>
    #include "MIDI.h"
    #define _POT_DEBUG_ 0 // set to 1 to debug with pot
    #define  LED_PWM 6 // red led of midi shield
    #define  POT_PIN  0
    #define  SW_PIN  3
    #define  note_offset  36
    #define  midi_channel  1
    OSCMessage recMes;
    OSCMessage sendMes; 
    OSCClass osc(&recMes);
    // server cfg (arduino)
    byte serverMac[] = { 
      0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
    byte serverIp[]  = { // arduino IP
      192, 168, 0, 13 };
    int  serverPort  = 8000; // outgoing from iPad, incoming to arduino
    //  byte gateway[]   = { 192, 168, 1, 2 };
    //  byte subnet[]    = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
    // client cfg
    byte destIp[]  = { 
      192, 168, 0, 19}; // iPad IP
    int  destPort = 8008; // outgoing from arduino, incoming to iPad
    char *Juno2_OSC_name[3] = {
    char *Juno2_OSC_param_name[37] = { // 36 parameters
      "/DCO_Env_Mode",   // $00
      "/VCF_Env_Mode",   // $01
      "/VCA_Env_Mode",   // $02
      "/DCO_Wave_Pulse", // $03
      "/DCO_Wave_Saw",   // $04
      "/DCO_Wave_Sub",   // $05
      "/DCO_Range",      // $06
      "/DCO_Sub_Level",  // $07
      "/DCO_Noise_Level",// $08
      "/HPF_CutOff",     // $09
      "/Chorus_Switch",  // $0a
      "/DCO_Lfo_Mod",    // $0b
      "/DCO_Env_Mod",    // $0c
      "/DCO_After_Mod",  // $0d
      "/DCO_Pwm_Depth",  // $0e
      "/DCO_Pwm_Rate",   // $0f
      "/VCF_CutOff",     // $10   d16
      "/VCF_Resonance",  // $11
      "/VCF_Lfo_Mod",    // $12
      "/VCF_Env_Mod",    // $13
      "/VCF_Key_Follow", // $14
      "/VCF_Aftertouch", // $15
      "/VCA_Level",      // $16
      "/VCA_Aftertouch", // $17
      "/LFO_Rate",       // $18
      "/LFO_Delay",      // $19
      "/ENV_T1",         // $1a
      "/ENV_L1",         // $1b
      "/ENV_T2",         // $1c
      "/ENV_L2",         // $1d
      "/ENV_T3",         // $1e
      "/ENV_L3",         // $1f
      "/ENV_T4",         // $20
      "/ENV_Key_Follow", // $21
      "/Chorus_Rate",    // $22
      "/Bender_Range",   // $23
    // Arrays of patch parameters values
    byte Juno2_SysEx_Patch_APR[54]; // whole patch
    byte Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[10]; // single parameter
    char *midi_note[12] = {
    // pot, led & switch flags
    boolean ledFlag;
    boolean  swFlag;
    long    oldPotValue;
    // Init 
    void setup() {
      // set midi baudsrate
    //  Serial.begin(31250);     // old method without midi.h --> don't use 
      //    Serial.print("reset");
      // Initiate MIDI communications, listen to all channels
      // Connect the HandleSysex function to the library, so it is called upon reception of a sysex.
      MIDI.setHandleSystemExclusive(HandleSystemExclusive);  // Put only the name of the function
      Ethernet.begin(serverMac ,serverIp);
      //    Ethernet.begin(serverMac ,serverIp ,gateway ,subnet);
      // setting osc recieve server
       // init osc send < --- pose pb si logMessage est compilé
       sendMes.setIp( destIp );
       sendMes.setPort( destPort );
      // LED OFF
      pinMode(LED_PWM, OUTPUT); 
      digitalWrite(LED_PWM, HIGH); 
      // switch and pot
      pinMode(SW_PIN, INPUT);
      ledFlag = false;    
      swFlag = false;
      oldPotValue = (long)analogRead(POT_PIN); 
      // osc message buffer clear
    // Mainloop
    void loop() 
      // osc arrive check
      if ( osc.available() ){
      // midi arrive check
        if (MIDI.read()) {                    // Is there a MIDI message incoming ?
        switch(MIDI.getType()) {		// Get the type of the message we caught
          case SystemExclusive:               // If it is a sysex
    	SYSEX_OSC( MIDI.getData1(), MIDI.getSysExArray() );	// call SYSEX_OSC function
          // See the online reference for other message types
    #ifdef _POT_DEBUG_
      // pot active send VCF CutOff  
    void HandleSystemExclusive(byte *array, byte size)
    // Convert OSC to Sysex
    void OSC_SYSEX(void)
        // toplevel address matching
        if( !strcmp( recMes.getAddress(0) , Juno2_OSC_name[0] ) ){    // "/jun"        
          // second level address matching
          if( !strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[0] ) ){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(0, recMes.getArgFloat(0));
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[1])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(1, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[2])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(2, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[3])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(3, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[4])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(4, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[5])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(5, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[6])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(6, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[7])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(7, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[8])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(8, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[9])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(9, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[10])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(10, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[11])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(11, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[12])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(12, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[13])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(13, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[14])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(14, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[15])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(15, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[16])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(16, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[17])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(17, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[18])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(18, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[19])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(19, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[20])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(20, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[21])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(21, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[22])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(22, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[23])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(23, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[24])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(24, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[25])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(25, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[26])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(26, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[27])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(27, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[28])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(28, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[29])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(29, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[30])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(30, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[31])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(31, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[32])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(32, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[33])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(33, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[34])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(34, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[35])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(35, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[36])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(36, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[37])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(37, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
          else if(!strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , Juno2_OSC_param_name[37])){
            MIDI_SEND_IPR(37, recMes.getArgFloat(0)); 
            // rien 
        else if( !strcmp( recMes.getAddress(0) , Juno2_OSC_name[1] ) ){
            // Note On OSC message
          // to complete
    // Send Juno2 SysEx string
    void MIDI_SEND_IPR( char osc_param_name, double osc_param_value)
      //byte sysex_param_value = (byte)osc_param_value; // transform that shit !
      // visual feedback LED
      analogWrite(LED_PWM, floor(255 - osc_param_value));
     // set IPR sysex bytes : F0 41 36 00 23 20 01 name value F7
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[0] = 0xf0;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[1] = 0x41;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[2] = 0x36;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[3] = 0x00;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[4] = 0x23;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[5] = 0x20;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[6] = 0x01;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[7] = (byte)osc_param_name;
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[8] = (byte)osc_param_value; // sysex_param_value
     Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[9] = 0xf7; 
     // send 10 bytes sysex array, including F0 & F7 (true)
     MIDI.sendSysEx( 10, Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR, true );
     // ça marche :)
    // convert SYSEX in OSC 
    void SYSEX_OSC( byte size, byte *sysex_array )
      // if it is a 54 bytes sysex string = APR
      if (size == 54){
        for (char i=0; i<55; i++) 
        Juno2_SysEx_Patch_APR[i] = sysex_array[i]; // extract param values from sysex
        // convert APR to 38xIPR message
        for (char p=0; p<39; p++){
          sendMes.setTopAddress(Juno2_OSC_name[0]); // "/jun"
          sendMes.setSubAddress( (char*)Juno2_OSC_param_name[p] ); // e.g "/VCF_CutOff"
          float f = sysex_array[ 7 + p ] + 0.000; // transform to float shit
          sendMes.setArgs( "f", &(f) );
          osc.sendOsc( &sendMes );
          delay(10); // small delay to see faders moving ;)
      // if it is a 38 bytes sysex string = not implemented
      else if (size == 38){
        // do stuff
      // if it is a 10 bytes sysex string = IPR
      else if (size == 10){
        // transform array
        for (char j=0; j<11; j++) 
        Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[j] = sysex_array[j];
        //OSC send IPR
        sendMes.setTopAddress(Juno2_OSC_name[0]); // "/jun"
        sendMes.setSubAddress( (char*)Juno2_OSC_param_name[Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[7]] ); // e.g "//VCF_CutOff"
        float f = Juno2_SysEx_Patch_IPR[8] + 0.000; // convert in float
        sendMes.setArgs( "f", &(f) ); // e.g "120."
        osc.sendOsc( &sendMes ); 
    #ifdef _POT_DEBUG_
    // Convert POT to OSC VCF_CutOff message
    void POT_OSC(void)
      int pot=analogRead(POT_PIN);  //adc data = 10bit data
      long value = (long)(pot >> 3); // 1024 -> 127
      if( oldPotValue != value ){   
        sendMes.setSubAddress(Juno2_OSC_param_name[16] ); // "/jun/VCF_CutOff"
        sendMes.setArgs( "i", &value );
        osc.sendOsc( &sendMes );
        //    Serial.print("pot:");
        //    Serial.println(value);
       oldPotValue = value;
    // Convert OSC Note message
    void OSC_NOTE(OSCMessage recMes)
      // toplevel address matching
        if( !strcmp( recMes.getAddress(0) , Juno2_OSC_name[1] ) ){    // "/note"       
          // second level address matching
          for(char k=0; k<12; k++){
            if( !strcmp( recMes.getAddress(1) , midi_note[k] ) ){
               MIDI.sendNoteOn((byte)( k + note_offset), (byte)recMes.getArgFloat(0), midi_channel);
              //MIDI.sendNoteOn((byte)(i + 60), (byte)recMes.getArgFloat(0), 1);
    //// Send Note from OSC
    //void MIDI_SEND_NOTE(long note, double velocity)
    //  MIDI.sendNoteOn((byte)note, (byte)velocity, 1);


  2. for A5 A6 and A7 the LCD looks buggy,
    that's what is expected ! you also need too see the right pin ?? i had understood that you only needed the right CC on midi OUT

    5 - DOUT part of the LCD is not showing events (not very important)
    of course ! it displays the midi messages SENT TO the midi box (midi in)

    change the value of HIGH and LOW in main.h for (HIGH = 1, LOW = 0)

    change this :

    // This function is called by MIOS when an button has been toggled
    // pin_value is 1 when button released, and 0 when button pressed
    void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam
            // http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Switch
            // if the input just went from LOW and HIGH, toggle the output pin 
            reading = pin_value;
            if ( reading == HIGH && previous == LOW) { // buttons are high-active
                    if (state == HIGH){
                            state = LOW;
                            state = HIGH;
            // digitalWrite(outPin, state);
            MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x90); // Note at channel 1
            MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to note number
            MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(state *127);  //  to multiply x127
            // toggle LED corresponding to pin
            MIOS_DOUT_PinSet( pin, state);
             previous = reading;
      // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that DIN value has changed
      last_din_pin = pin;
      app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;
    put this in initialise data section :
    // Local variables
    // last ain/din/dout
    unsigned char last_ain_pin;
    unsigned char last_din_pin;
    unsigned char last_dout_pin;
    int state = HIGH;      // the current state of the output pin
            int reading;           // the current reading from the input pin
            int previous = LOW;    // the previous reading from the input pin

    and recompile the app of course

  3. the pin A7 of j5B gives nothing (it should expect 48 isn't it ?)

    the pin A6 of j5B gives 48 (it should expect 40 isn't it ?)

    the pin A5 of j5B gives 40 (it should expect 32 isn't it )?

    OK my fault. we count from A0 so ... (i count from A1 like a stupid boy)

             case 31: // 32nd pot
                    case 40: // pin A5
                    case 48: // pin A6
                    case 56: // pin A7
                            // a pot has been moved, send CC#<pin-number> at channel 1
                            MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0xb0); // CC at channel 1
                            MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to CC number
                            MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet(pin)); // don't send 10bit pin_value, but 7bit value
    2 - Leds are light ... 3 - the LCD don't show events
    parenthesis problem modified code
    // This function is called by MIOS when an button has been toggled
    // pin_value is 1 when button released, and 0 when button pressed
    void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam
    	// http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Switch
    	// if the input just went from LOW and HIGH, toggle the output pin 
    	int state = HIGH;      // the current state of the output pin
    	int reading;           // the current reading from the input pin
    	int previous = LOW;    // the previous reading from the input pin
    	reading = pin_value;
    	if ( reading == HIGH && previous == LOW) { // buttons are high-active
    		if (state == HIGH){
    			state = LOW;
    			state = HIGH;
    	// digitalWrite(outPin, state);
    	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x90); // Note at channel 1
    	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to note number
    	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(state << 3);  // bitshifting to multiply x127
    	previous = reading;
    	// toggle LED corresponding to pin
    	MIOS_DOUT_PinSet( pin, state);
      // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that DIN value has changed
      last_din_pin = pin;
      app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;
    // This function is called by MIOS when an encoder has been moved
    // incrementer is positive when encoder has been turned clockwise, else
    // it is negative
    void ENC_NotifyChange(unsigned char encoder, char incrementer) __wparam
    // This function is called by MIOS when a pot has been moved
    void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
    	switch (pin){
    		case 0: // = 1st pot ^^
    		case 1:
    		case 2:
    		case 3:
    		case 4: 
    		case 5:
    		case 6:
    		case 7:
    		case 8:
    		case 9:
    		case 10:
    		case 11:
    		case 12:
    		case 13:
    		case 14:
    		case 15:
    		case 16: 
    		case 17:
    		case 18:
    		case 19:
    		case 20:
    		case 21:
    		case 22:
    		case 23:
    		case 24:
    		case 25:
    		case 26:
    		case 27:
    		case 28:
    		case 29:
    		case 30:
    		case 31: // 32nd pot
    		case 40: // pin A5
    		case 48: // pin A6
    		case 56: // pin A7
    			// a pot has been moved, send CC#<pin-number> at channel 1
    			MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0xb0); // CC at channel 1
    			MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to CC number
    			MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet(pin)); // don't send 10bit pin_value, but 7bit value
    		default: // all other pots and ain
    			// do nothing
      // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that AIN value has changed
      last_ain_pin = pin;
      app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;

    ain64_din128_dout128 - dubphil v2.zip

  4. Here is my idea

    1 - pin A5 to A7 each should gives only one CC : I don't guess where to put the switch/cases you suggest julienvoirin

    // This function is called by MIOS when a pot has been moved
    void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
    	switch (pin){
    		case 0: // = 1st pot ^^
    		case 1:
    		case 2:
    		case 3:
    		case 4: 
    		case 5:
    		case 6:
    		case 7:
    		case 8:
    		case 9:
    		case 10:
    		case 11:
    		case 12:
    		case 13:
    		case 14:
    		case 15:
    		case 16: 
    		case 17:
    		case 18:
    		case 19:
    		case 20:
    		case 21:
    		case 22:
    		case 23:
    		case 24:
    		case 25:
    		case 26:
    		case 27:
    		case 28:
    		case 29:
    		case 30:
    		case 31: // 32nd pot
    		case 32: // pin A5
    		case 40: // pin A6
    		case 48: // pin A7
    			// a pot has been moved, send CC#<pin-number> at channel 1
    			MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0xb0); // CC at channel 1
    			MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to CC number
    			MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet(pin)); // don't send 10bit pin_value, but 7bit value
    		default: // all other pots and ain
    			// do nothing
      // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that AIN value has changed
      last_ain_pin = pin;
      app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;
    2 - Buttons set to the toogle mode : is there a solution to set this directly in the app code ?
    // This function is called by MIOS when an button has been toggled
    // pin_value is 1 when button released, and 0 when button pressed
    void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam
    	// http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Switch
    	// if the input just went from LOW and HIGH, toggle the output pin 
    	int state = HIGH;      // the current state of the output pin
    	int reading;           // the current reading from the input pin
    	int previous = LOW;    // the previous reading from the input pin
    	reading = pin_value;
    	if ( reading == HIGH && previous == LOW) { // buttons are high-active
    		if (state == HIGH){
    			state = LOW;
    			state = HIGH;
    		// digitalWrite(outPin, state);
    		MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x90); // Note at channel 1
    		MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);  // pin number corresponds to note number
    		MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(state << 3);  // bitshifting to multiply x127
    		previous = reading;
    	// toggle LED corresponding to pin
    	MIOS_DOUT_PinSet( pin, state);
      // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that DIN value has changed
      last_din_pin = pin;
      app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;
    3 - associate DIN pins 17 to 24 to the DOUT pins 17 to 24 : I admit that
    	// toggle LED corresponding to pin
    	MIOS_DOUT_PinSet( pin, state);

    please try the .hex and tell me if it does what expected

    ain64_din128_dout128 - dubphil.zip

  5. thanks for your prompt answer Gilesjuk :)

    If i well undertand, you call "pad" what i call electrodes : yes there are still is place, there are 3 groups of electrod on 3 sides so that you can cut the EL foil to fit your design

  6. Dear Boxers

    I need your help, really, as i am not familiar with the electroluminescent (EL) technology

    I have a Yamaha REV7 with a very old LCD (Hitachi 44780 driver). The backlight is dead. It is not a LED backlight but a sheet of EL material.

    So i bought a EL sheet on ebay to replace it. When the sheet arrived i tested it by connecting it to the inverter and it has glowed. But the sheet was too big, so I cut it to the good dimensions.

    But after, the EL was no more glowing (??? wtf !!).

    I measured the output of the inverter : a pseudo sinusal 150V AC @ 222 Hz

    1 - is the inverter dead ? (it transforms 5V DC in 150 AC)

    2 - is he EL foil dead ? i cut it with scissors

    the sheet is similar to this one :


    inverter is NEL-D32-46

    Thanks for your help

    Cheers :)


  7. -64+64 : ableton va automatiquement mapper ton potard et le CC et la valeur 63 sera reconnu comme 0dB. pour info les CC midi vont de 0 à 127, le fait de marquer -64 est une interprétation du midi pour coller à la représentation humaine de la chose, en fait c'est 0)

    pour utiliser la meme surface de controle sur chaque tranche de console, il suffit de faire plusieurs mémoires dans ta MB64, les assignations de control change étant différentes entre mémoires

    (ex :

    tranche Bassdrum -> réglage de compression sur le CC24 canal midi 1,

    tranche Snare -> ce même potard de compression sur CC24 mais canal midi 2)

    et bien entendu mémoire1 = tranche1, mémoire 2= tranche2, etc

    il existe un editeur de mb64 dans mios studio pour faire ça "plus" vite qu'avec le petit écran LCD (et donc ça te dispense de l'écran LCD ^^)

    par ailleurs je te conseille plutot des potentiometres que des encodeurs car l'index te permettra de savoir ta position sans avoir à regarder un écran annexe, ni des LED, sans parler du toucher qui est un million de fois plus sympa ; y a une case à cocher dans un des menus pour que le mouvement du potard ne soit effectif que lorsque tu repasses par la position "d'origine".

    dans ce cas, pas besoin de passer par les circuits tout fait : tu achètes de la plaque pastillée et tu fais toi meme les pistes des circuits avec de la soudure. t'as juste besoin d'un PIC ! (je peux meme t'en filer un) et des analog multiplexeur (ça coute 0,5€ le composant et tu peux en mettre 4 pour 64 potards !)

    par ailleurs il existe une version mackie control/logic control de la midi box. à creuser

    je possède une mackie control et son C4 sur Logic et franchement, le fait que Logic gère automatiquement ces surfaces est un pur plaisir. dommage qu'ableton ne gère pas le C4.

  8. IIC MIDI Module

    yep. very good idea. aIalso though to very minimalistic schem on vero board : pics and crystals only. supply , octocoupler taken directly on the juno, the whole stuff being inside the Juno 106.

    my project is on standby as i am currently focusing on OSC, Midi and Arduino. The idea is to use the iPad as a CS.

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