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Posts posted by jrp

  1. that MBCV was only a quick hack I made for a friend

    Wow, i wouldn´t have thought that.

    I know no midi cv out there with such cool functions (number of outs, different responce, curves, etc)

    And i kow no midicv that is easy to use.... i wouldn´t even expect it to be. Did i mention that your design even has a display?

    Anyway, normaly it´s set it up once and leave it.

    There are propably few people who want to switch between different setups.

    One feature that might be really useful, and maybe easy to implement, would be to assing some of the cv outs as dynamic triggers.

    So any cv-out could be swiched to give a short velocity dependant pulse when reciving a note. Or in another mode keep the pulse till the key is released and return to 0v after that. Then it could fire an lag circuit directly. Much easier than triggering an envelope generator with a trigger out and multiplying the envelope-cv with a cv out.

  2. Well, this could be so nice...

    But one day... waiting for the time when interfacing finally works as the user excpects...

    maybe midi is overcome

    maybe often what it can do is just not used

    maybe steinberg just isn´t there yet

    maybe i should shut my mouth

  3. Für die Opamps sollten eigenlich alle bipolaren dual amps gehen.

    Für Fet ist die Impedanz zu niedrig, bei den richtig teuren Opamps ist sie wieder etwas hoch, denke ich.

  4. D3 im gleichrichter

    D3 am negativen regler sollte laut beschreibung D5 sein.

    Zum Verzerrer: So eine einfache schaltung eignet sich tatsächlich um ein paar grundlagen zu vermitteln.

    Transistor als verstärker.

    Wie steuert das signal den strom durch den transistor?

    Wie wirken Kollektor und Emitterwiderstand?

    Was macht die diode?

    wozu kondensatoren?

    vieleicht mach ich echt mal nen kleinen Beitrag...

  5. Thanks

    A jog wheel is what i ment...


    Well, about the lcd: If my sequencer project contains 24 audio chanels and i rarly use any more this should be not so hard. All i would need is a 3 leds showing me which set of 8 chs is on my controller at the moment.

    I don´t use fader groups and stuff.

  6. Brauchen wir wirklich noch eine anleitung zum moogfilter?

    Mal ehrlich: der grösste sinn einer deutschen diy seite liegt meiner meinung nach darin, dem anfänger einen leichten Einstieg ohne Sprachbarrieren zu ermöglichen.

    Wenn man den moog vcf bauen will wird man doch sicher soweit mit schaltplänen vertraut sein das eine deutsche beschreibung nicht mehr nötig ist.

  7. na, dann wollnwa das interesse mal ankurbeln!

    Ich nehm das ganze mal bei em in die hand, hab dort schon einige postings aufm buckel... und die leute dort sind alle tempcofresser!

    Hoffe wltronic hält das Angebot aufrecht, auch wenns bei uns noch etwas dauert.

    Ich werde erstmal unverbindlich fragen ob interesse besteht. Wie wir das ganze dann abwickeln können wir ja nochmal überlegen, wenn sich ein erfolg abzeichnet.

  8. Hi

    On the MIDIBOX LC Faq page the minimum requiraments include a lot of buttons and stuff.

    Wouldn´t it be possible to ommit a lot of these things?

    Eg, in my case it would be cool to remote just the basic functions, since i mix analog and use my sequencer just for recording and cutting.

    So what i like to have is:

    Transport functions,

    Scrub wheel,

    Locator buttons,

    Zoom buttons,

    Record, mute and solo buttons for 8 or 16 channels.

    Channel switch button

    Maybe this could even be handy without an LCD, just with leds showing if a channel is on or off or in recording mode.

    Don´t know if cubase or logic can tell the MBox what Leds have to be on or off...

    So can i build the thing with the LC software and just ommit the elements i don´t need?

    That is motorfaders, encoders, unneeded Din Dout modules.


  9. Die Ãœbersetzung find ich auch super!

    Vieleicht kannst du ja an verschiedenen stellen um Unterstützung bitten, dann musst du nicht alles selber machen. Ähnlich wie das WIKI hier auf uCapps.

    Ich hab mir zB schonmal überlegt eine kleine Bauanleitung für oben beschriebenen Verzerrer zu machen. Mit Bildern und für jeden verständlich.

    Die könntest du dann mit veröffentlichen.

  10. Hey, find ich gut!

    Die Projekte sind schonmal interessant.

    Ich finde du solltest aber Links zu den entsprechenden quellen integrieren.

    ZB kann man mit dem sidechain nicht viel anfangen wenn man den ensprechenden Thread nicht findet.

    Bei der Netzteilbeschreibung ist D5 mit D3 verwächselt, aber das ist ne kleinigkeit.

    Weiter so, eine solche Seite auf deutsch kann vielen Anfängern den Einstieg erleichtern.

    Allerdings fände ich es gut wenn sie Auch für Einsteiger ausgelegt ist. Wer den EQ bauen kann hat auch keine schwierigkeiten sich in den vielen vielen anspruchsfollen diy seiten zurechtzufinden.

    Da du ein alternatives Layout gemacht hast ist ja super das ganze zu präsentieren.

    Was mir als Anfänger damals gefehlt hat waren wirklich leichte schaltungen mit deutscher Beschreibung und schritt für schritt anleitung.

    Dinge wie: Verzerrer mit einem Transistor, einer Diode und zwei widerständen, 3 Kondensatoren und ner Batterie.

    Sachen wo nicht viel schiefgehen kann. Der anfänger macht dann trotzdem fehler, kann sie aber auch schnell finden und beheben. So lernt man schnell und baut schon bald an seinem persönlichen Spaceshuttle...

  11. Na, haben sich schon leute gemeldet?

    Ich würde auch so 10 Stück nehmen.

    Ich fänds auch gut zu warten bis die 100 voll sind, falls das realistisch ist.

    Soll ich vieleicht auf Electro-music.com auf diesen Post verweisen? Bin mir sicher da käme einiges zusammen.

    Andere deutsche DIY seiten gibts ja auch noch.

  12. What you want is not triggering, but tracking.

    In analog synths a trigger is a logic sugnal that triggers - hits - starts something, eg an envelope.

    V/hz (continuous) cv can be done by the midibox-cv. Propably by the seq as well, if you change the code, but i don´t know.

    The analog function of the seq are more basic i think. For people like us with special analog setups a mbcv is the choice. Read the manual and you´ll know what i mean. It´s got all you could ask for!

  13. Since you were asking for opinions, i can add mine.

    The only case where a high quality aout channel makes sense to me is to drive vcos.

    Now, of all the applications with many cv outs i can imagine there are two that require lots of "good" aouts, the others only some.

    And there are so many more applications, the more modular this project is, the better.

    1. A polysynth with 8 independant voices. More would be overkill...

    The MBCV is well prepared to run them all in polymode, or independant.

    The other cv outs can be of lower quality, to controll vcas, etc.

    2. A Big midi-cv for a modular synth.

    Never know where they might be patched to, but in my oppinion 4 high quality ones for vcos will be enough. But for those who want to controll many vcos, well...

    3. A solo synth with complete midi controll.

    This interests me a lot.

    Imagine this: 3 vcos. If only in mono mode one precission cv would be enough.

    Then have many many cheap ones for stuff like resonance, filterfreq, distortion, volume, envelope times, lfo speed and depth, fm amount, pan, fx amount...

    Imagine a beast like that controlled by a MBSeq!

    If i were to design a synth like that right now, i would split the controll to 2 MBCVs.

    One with the max chip, one with the AOut_LC.

    This is not the most simple connection, but i would hate to waste one of the high quality cv outs for stuff like driving a simple vca.

    Why not make a page with alternative dacs.

    It could list their benefits and drawbacks, how to connect them, etc. Not more.

    THere are so many 2ch dacs out there, for many users a single board with two good cvs might be enough. Then chain some other board with a cheap quad dac...

    To start with, this is a bit against the way these projects are presented, as it will miss the excellent ducumentation that is part of the philosophy of this page.

    But it should change... As soon as i design a board i would be glad to offer layout and part lists. And i´m sure many others will be too.

    One advantage of this should be, that if a user has some dac, or is about to sample one, or getting some good price, he could look up first if this dac is compatible.

    Then it´s up to him to do a physical design with the chip and present it to this comunity.

  14. Yes, thought it would be like that. The Seq is just not made for what i have in mind.

    On the other hand, having the possibility to controll the gatelength relative to the speed is a very powerful feature!

    Iremember one of my first diy projects. It was a sequencer based around two 4017 cmos counters. It has many cool features like parallel/serial mode, independat clock division, VC reset, VC glide on/off, VC pause, swing feel and variable gatelength. The last two are not relative to the clockspeed. I found no way to do this with cmos. It contains propably 20* the parts of a MBSEQ... and has 1/1000 the features. My myspace page shows the inside...

    But there is still a solution for what i´m planing.

    A second CV can be used to modulate the gatelength (outside the seq, in an little circuit). For a whole drumbox it´s not reasonable maybe, as you need twice the aout chanells, but maybe i will implement it for some of the sounds.

    Another way to make the patterns more dynamic could be to controll the release of the envelope, or the gatelength with the velocity-cv from the AOUT module.

    This is propably the best way to do this. I will first design a drummodule that does all that. Controll with one or two cvs of how soft/hard, silent/loud, long/short, bright/dark, high/low, noisy/clean the sound will be.

    That´s propably more than you need, and too many pots to keep it "simple" to use.

    More for experimenting, see what´s a feature i don´t want to miss, and what can be ommited.

    Then another good way to save pots and space is to see what mod destinations are useful, have one pot for mod intensity and a rotary switch for some destinations.

    A single pot can also be used to controll two destinations in one turn, or blend between two destinations. I don´t want another modular, but a nice and handy drumbox...

    If something like this is well trimmed it can be very musically and easy to handle.

    There will be a ducumentation on this somewhere, but that´ll take some time...

    My aim is to do what i can do -  design analog soundmakers, and build them around your projects as good as i can. Many cool possibilitys lie in those midiboxes  ;D and rather than midify an existing analog circuit, i´ll try to have that link from the start.

  15. Hello

    While i´m still waiting for the parts and pcbs, i´m planning and planning all the applications i want to build...

    As described in the manual, the gatelength of a step can be selected in steps from 0-100%.

    When set to 0%, do i get nothing or a very short pulse?

    My Plan is this:

    Design a drumbox that can be controlled by a Midibox Seq and MBCV in many cool ways. Thant´s more of my thing, analog design. Of course i´m looking forward to sharing my results to those interested!

    For some sounds it could be useful to controll the length.

    So instead of triggering an Release envelope, it could be gated. A simple envelope would then react like a Sustain/release env.

    Or, for stuff like reversed cymbal sounds, the MBSEQ/CV  could gate a ASR envelope.

    Together with the cv-outs this could make a really dynamic analog drumbox.

    It depends on how useful the difference between 0 and 23% gatelength is, for this special use.

    I guess it could be changed quite easily in the code (?), but that might only be a good idea if drums in the way described are the only use for the SEQ. I suppose for "normal", melodic lines and everything else, it´s best the way it is.

  16. die von pollin sind echt super für den preis. Bei allen sorten gilt: ein paar mal nen dicken elko reingepresst und die kontakte lassen nach. Aber mit normal starken draht gehts wunderbar und hält ewig.

    Zur ursprünglichen frage: Bei Conrad kann man tatsächlich die passenden drahtbrücken kaufen. Für viel geld. Typisch Conrad. DIY DIY!

  17. i cant contribute on the subject, but am reading this with interest. It´s posted above that midi propably won´t be overcome. Just the same with many old technology. People want to relai on what they´re used to, musicians are especially conservative maybe.

    But everyone knows the old technology is really overcome.

    I have hated midi many times for the reasons tk explained. Simultanius switching of channels... That´s doing the same thing over - just what computers are supposed to save us from. That can kill a studio.

    But on the other hand, midi does all the things you need, but many devices don´t use the possibilitys. When i look at how the midibox lcs are comunicating and interacting with the software - that´s perfect!

    But almost all of the midi stuff and software out there doesn´t act like that. (the projects here proof better!!)

    Then i look at stuff like the virus ti and i think: it´s the future. 

  18. ich dachte schurro hätte die ssm für 5 euro, ist aber wohl nichtmehr so...

    Es lohnt sich übrigens manchmal zu fragen ob an studenten verkauft wird. Manche Anbieter die sonst nur gewärbliche Kunden akzeptieren tun das nämlich.

    Oder man braucht jemanden mit gewärbe...

    Aber 4* transistor ist super, dann baut man halt zwei expo-converter.

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