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Everything posted by sebiiksbcs

  1. Yes of course it has, and it's actually a really cool one. But my question is if there is someone who built a simpler CS than the standard one, comparable to the MB SID's (an encoder and 6 buttons), or if that kind of CS would not be useful because of the advanced functions of the FM engine?
  2. use inkscape (www.inkcape.org) if you want an open source program, it is similar to freehand and has easy tutorials built in that show what you need to do and what not. for a 3d-model with lighted leds and a spotlight reflection on the case use blender (www.blender.org) :D i am looking forward to your model! no, just kidding. but inkscape can do.
  3. i used to do the following steps: 1. burn a linux live cd (xubuntu works well on my macbook, for non-intel macs there are many other distributions too) 2. install wine (windows emulator) 3. start your app i partitioned my harddisk with boot camp and then installed xubuntu in a few additional steps (described on an ubuntu website or so) but actually visiting a friend who has a windows pc would have been the easiest way..
  4. Actually it really is an old box.. I don't remember the price, but as I have enough of them I just used it. I got the button holes cut out unprecisely, now they are bigger than they need to be. The cover is so wobbly that I had to reinforce it with glue from the inside... probably not a good case, but now it works, and I am curious for how long!
  5. Hello, i finished a MB SID in a cheap but durable case: a Tupperware® lunchbox. Took buttons of an old PC keyboard with regular switches as keys. Two seperate PSU Jacks, lack of space. Name my SID! Any suggestions are highly appreciated. tupper party sid? balsamico aSID? panSID canton? :D Cheers, disgustingpie PS: if the images are not visible, here are direct links: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/243/450652846_9141c122ab_o.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/180/450652748_d856dbd65b_o.jpg
  6. I have been working on something that is a MB64, SID and FM in one case. I want to program the buttons of the MB64 like the axis 64 controller by c-thru music to play with an innovative keyboard align. The SID and FM each have own control surfaces. Hey, anyone, could you help me with the Midibox FM part? I want to make a control surface like the SID's, with a 2x20 display, some buttons and an encoder. Is it possible? Did someone do something similar before? Thanks
  7. It of course doesn't depend where to post, but I think Flickr is more convenient for uploading, making comments and browsing other MB users' galleries.
  8. I made a special group for Midibox stuff after finding that all the mb pics were scattered across "DIY", "make", "synth", "electronic" groups and stuff. I hope i did noone wrong by founding that group! If so, send me a message! All are welcome to join and post pics or comments. Funny that I haven't posted any pic yet... the add is: http://www.flickr.com/groups/midibox/ Thank You Seba
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