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Everything posted by dstamand

  1. by chance, i just got my M-Audio Xponent tonight, the Jog wheel send midi: B0 16 41 for up at lower rotation speed, faster turns = bigger number values. B0 16 3F for down at lower rotation speed, faster turns = smaller number values. Now, about my midibox encoder, i know my problem, my encoder don't turn fast enough, i'm going to multiply by 10 the rotation speed of my jog wheel encoder with a belt. I'm sure it will work after that change. Thanks.
  2. This new midi/surface controller has really nice buttons and knobs. I just got it tonight. Waiting 3 months for it. :'( http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-mob/594354576/
  3. I like the way the waveform is displayed, the 16 cells sampler that sync to master tempo, the built-in effects, vst plug-ins support, the way looping works etc... It all come with an Asio soundcard, 4 in, 4 out. I just paid 289$ CAN for all of this. I know That Traktor is a powerfull piece of DJ software. I was to buy it last January when i choose Torq instead. Check those free Torq/Xponent Tutorial videos at http://www.torq-dj.com/videos/ with Chad Carrier. ____
  4. This is why they did the changes. I'm still waiting feedback from them this morning. ____
  5. Just tried with Traktor 3, works perfectly. Smooth scratch and a lot of adjustment in the software. I'm waiting for M-Audio to answer my request. They change the midi engine in the last Torq version 1.04, many other controller has stop working with Torq since but the new M-Audio Xponent control surface scratch wheel works really good :-X.
  6. I'm using M-Audio Torq DJ software, the software scratch wheel midi control is supposed to learn CC-Relative. The Torq software default is Ch1, 22. Well, nothing append if not Absolute enc mode is set in the midibox. I've tried all enc mode. I think it is M-Audio software glitch. I'm going to seek help from them. Thank you so much TK for the midibox.
  7. I just tried with my LCD connected to the core and when i set the enc to INC/DEC, i only get 1 or 127, i use midihack to look at the midi messages and i don't get any incremental value. 8142 B0 61 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 97, value = 1 8166 B0 61 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 97, value = 1 8178 B0 61 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 97, value = 1 8199 B0 61 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 97, value = 1 8234 B0 61 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 97, value = 1 8366 B0 60 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 96, value = 1 8404 B0 60 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 96, value = 1 8422 B0 60 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 96, value = 1 8438 B0 60 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 96, value = 1 8458 B0 60 01 Control Change, channel 1, controller = 96, value = 1 I tried every other enc mode settings and no success. Btw, my software support incremental. I really need to get it done, meeeh! :'(
  8. My english writing is not very good... I know the encoders are endless ::) i did tried to configure my encoders on my MB64E to send relative values but it failed. I use Serge's "vmidibox64e" utility. I have a LCD, must be done with it.
  9. Good morning all genius, ;D I just successfully got my encoders working on my MB64E app, now i can't get it to work the way i want. I need endless rotation encoders, no 0-127 limit. My purpose is for a DJ jog wheel, it can't be limited to 2, 6... 10... or wathever rotations, it need to be unlimited. Am i wrong ?
  10. Hi all. I'm looking for a quick solution to handle more than 64 pots with my midibox64. Since 2 AIN_R4 = 64 pots max, i need 6 more pots to be connected. What can i do ? http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-mob/520828260/
  11. Tout est en marche avec MB64 sans trop de problème!! Reste maintenant à fabriquer le face plate.
  12. Everything back to normal here, my ISP was the problem. Bad routing.
  13. My Canadian ISP (cogeco) just changed some major equipements in my region, since then, i can't access the midibox site most of the time. Now i can, but i will not be able in few minutes. I'm having the same problem with many other websites but not all. Weird.
  14. Is there a problem with the Forum. I just can't get in most of the time.
  15. Bonjour, Je viens d'assembler mon premier core, un ain_r4 et un din_r5. Les circuits me semble très bien, propre et ne semble plas avoir de problème de soudure. Ma question est: Étant donné que je n'ai pas recçu encore mon LCD 2X16, je veux quand même tester mon kit, c'est un simple controleur midi pour des boutons et des potentiomètres qui va controller un logiciel DJ, Torq de M-Audio. Ma prochainne étape est de relier les 2 modules au module core et connecter quelques boutons et pots pour tester le tout. Dois-je faire autre chose avant cette étape ? Y a-t-il quelqu'un ici près de Montréal qui puisse m'aider à déboguer si il y a lieu de le faire ? http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-mob/ Projet : Merci.
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