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Everything posted by dstamand

  1. J'aimerais que les LEDs de ma midibox MB64 soient toujours allumé mais à faible intensité, disons 25% ou 30% de l'intensité réelle mais lorsque une fois engagé elle seront à 100%. Comment est-ce possible.
  2. I need a technical drawing of the ice cubes. Thanks!
  3. I would like to see the C source code to learn about it. Can you ? Thanks!
  4. Ok, no problem my friend. I was on the impression that regular postal service was use. That is why i've checked with post canada. You do not have any tracking number from DHL ?
  5. It's been to long now, can you trace back the package asap. Try to know where it is right now. It is not in Canada, i talk with PostCanada, there is nothing for me coming from europe. Thanks!
  6. Est-ce que c'est possible ça moxi ?
  7. Damn it, la version de bidule que j'ai est une démo et est expiré! :-( Je vais en acheter une, en plus les gars de Plogue sont de Montréal! coool! :-)
  8. Oh là ! Allons-y pour ce patch. J'aime bien bidule en plus de ça !
  9. I like it, cool layout, nice finishing. I would like to see under the hood now :-) Congrats!
  10. Enfin, oui c'est possible avec le Mackie Control protocol et un peu de programmation en C. J'ai trouvé la version alpha de la midibox LC, merci cimo et DavidBanner. Je vais pouvoir m'amuser là !
  11. Yeah thanks! Just downloaded the Alpha app! wow! i'm gonna get busy for the next few weeks! :-)
  12. How do handle the Ableton transport LEDs status ? I don't have any midi status from Play/Stop/Rec buttons! In fact, i only get midi status with "Slot Clip", "i/o Monitor", "Speaker On" et "X-Fader Assign" buttons, that's all. And you?
  13. MB64e is ok but is there a C version somewhere ? I'm able to code in C but it is a long time, 15 years ago :-(
  14. How to enable encoders in this app ? Another dumb question: Is there a way to tell one Led button to be turned off from another button in this app? Ex: 1- I press button nbr 4 2- LED button nbr 4, turn on 3- I press button nbr 8 4- LED button nbr 8, turn on and LED Button nbr 4, turn off simple as that. I need some programming examples to help me with this Thanks!
  15. I don't want to hijack your thread... I tried everything, no go. Just to let you know that if i conect a button to one of the assigned encoder pin, the button not work either. MB64e the encoder works, same pins! I'm lost. Thanks!
  16. Je viens de faire des essais et il n'y a que les "Slot Clip", "i/o Monitor", "Speaker On" et "X-Fader Assign" qui retournent des Midi Status. Rien d'autre. ??? Qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire pour que tout les fonctiones retournent des Midi Status à nos DOUT de notre midibox ?
  17. Yes, one. I use J3, pin 2 & 3. I also tried with J4, pin whatever...
  18. One more thing... Encoder not working with this application. :P I added "ENC_ENTRY 1, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED" because i use the correct pins on the J3, pin 2 & 3. recompile correctly, uploaded to the pic and i'm getting nothing from my encoder. Any idea ? ;; encoder entry structure ENC_ENTRY MACRO sr, din_0, mode dw (mode << 8) | (din_0 + 8*(sr-1)) ENDM ENC_EOT MACRO dw 0xffff ENDM global _MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE _MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE ;; encoders 1-16 ;; SR Pin Mode ENC_ENTRY 1, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ENC_EOT ...
  19. Wow, this prgm works fine! :-) I'm gonna read the .h before asking the next questions. Thanks.
  20. David, How does your Leds "Midi Status" works with Ableton Clip launch buttons ? I am having a hardtime trying to get the Leds working correctly with "Midi Status" activated. All other buttons in Ableton works fine with "Midi Status" but not the Clip Launch buttons!! The behaviour is chaotic, the clips are triggering infinitly and i have to deactivates the midi interface to stop the clips playing. It is hard to explain, my english is very limited, anyways. I just tried with my BCR2000 and they work fine !! So it is not Ableton fault. Any idea ? How is yours ?
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