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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. Hi folks

    I am interested in building at least a MIDIBox SEQ, and was thinking about making it pretty e.g. backlit LCDs, duo LED matrices etc.

    At Smithy's suggestion, I am looking at organising a bulk order for backlit LCDs.

    My obsessive trawling has so far mostly unearthed only green backlights for 40x2. However, crystalfontz offer green, blue and white backlight options: https://www.crystalfontz.com/cart/pricing.php?product=4002a

    I was looking at a white backlit LCD. When the order increases from 1+ to 10+, the price reduces to US$22.36 (saving $13).

    Other colours are possible, but would require a minimum order of 20 units. (Red would be my prime choice.)

    So, is anybody interested in 40x2 LCDs with alternative backlight colours?


    Edit: Skip to the last page to read more about this Bulk Order (organised by Fussylizard)

  2. Hi again. Being on the bottom of the world means everything is expensive (well at least components), and that shipping is also.

    If I was to order, say, two 40x2 LCD screens from crystalfontz and have them sent to SmashTV, would he be able to repackage them with an order of his circuit boards/kits?

    Or, does anyone else have a better idea?


    (I did email through his site, but did not receive a reply)

  3. Hi there!

    Awesome site; I have been looking here for a few months, particularly at the uCApps SEQ. When I noticed you could easily add an AOUT to the fray... well, lets just say I'm certainly going to join your ranks now!

    Just a quick question:

    Is it possible to implement MIDI merge in software for the SEQ? Or is an additional CORE module running MIDImerge required? I tried a search, but couldn't quite find a definite answer.

    Thanks again; I'm sure you'll hear from me soon!


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