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Image Comments posted by jojjelito

  1. Aww, cute!

    Personally I make everything into half or full euro card size, but that means that simple things get very sparse and some complicated circuits end up interesting. You, Sir, found the happy medium here.

  2. Thanks!

    PML is the mystical workings of me and my friend FS. We've been talking about setting up a domain, a build blog, maybe we'll provide factory-made PCBs. At least we'll make most of our designs known and described - we have discussed it but not made any firm decisions so far. It's not going to be some kind of invite only cult with secret designs - or is it?

    We're going to finish the build and upload a demo somewhere. Once we tested it enough it's good to good to thumbsup.png Stay tuned and something will happen. It's soon x-mas... flowers.png

    But, I' don't want to use MIDIbox to advertise any own operation, even if it's non-commercial. Also, we're not going to sell or give away any of the non-published bits made by others like TK and Thomas Henry! Only the PML gear. Look at it more as a give-back to DIY - it's not intended to make money. Just doing it for the lulz.

  3. Thanks! She needs populating firstsweat.gif

    But, it will all be good, goofy, gooey fun in the end. Design freeze was 111009, aiming at working like mad to have it up and running by 111111 one one eleven!!!!

    2xVCOs (Thomas Henry - one 566, one XR2206), a dual/stereo CEM3379 VCF (PML), dual envelopes (PML), ring mod (Fonik), SN76477 noise and S/H (TH and Fonik), Ian Fritz Wavolver waveshaper on our own PCB, Germanizer germanium diode distortion (PML) and MB-seq w/ 8channels of CV/Gate (TK's genious sauce and design - Wilba stylee CS, Fussylizard arranged the order, Julian F did the panel, we did the CV/Gate out PCB).

    This is PML stylee (that's me and my pal FS) - we mix the borrowed (TK, Thomas Henry, Fonik, Ian Fritz) with our own custom sauce. Next time we eat the future!

  4. Will you make a Bavarian version?

    Next panel will be Swedish - Klånk skrammel rassel ööööö hähähähä Erik Northman, Greta Garbo, saltlakris, snaps, sill och lite vrål.

    Sweden makes awesome noise:


  5. Future 12U panels will be less bread and butter and more outlandish. As you can probably tell I want this to sound harsh - buil in distortion and waveshaper. All inputs are attenuverting (+1 to -1).

    Getting antsy to finish this, get panels and let it sing. Untz untz untz, skronk and some schranz. whistle.png

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