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Posts posted by Matrix12x

  1. I saw that the MB SEQ V3 page said to use the 18F4620, I have a PIC18F4685 with MIOS already on it. Is it possible to use this PIC? They seem comparable, and the PIC18F4685 has more program memory.

    Just wondering.

  2. Do you mean that the LEDs would not protrude through the panel?

    Also, I just found my first mistake. Painting the backside of the panel. The JB welded standoffs peel paint if any pressure is placed upon them. I just had to replace half of them tonight. Now I am JB welding right to the aluminum, eliminating any paint in the areas I have to attach.

  3. Thanks. :-)

    I think I am going to use a clear plastic overlay, although I am afraid that cutting the holes in the laminate will look even crappier. Is the Avery type stuff ok? Is it available in only a few sheets?

    I just dry fit the control PCB and found I definitely had to open some of the button holes with the next size drill bit to allow for my off center drilling.

    Has anyone else drilled a panel at home for their MB8562?

  4. Really cool. The plastic box is a great reuse of materials from around the house. What else have you used the milling machine for?

    I wanted to get an XY table for my drill press so I can cut some nice clean vents, as well as other more woodworking type things.

  5. I drilled my panel, I think it looks like 90% of what I would of liked. some holes ended up a little off. I may have to open up 1 or 2 of the button holes. I painted it a flat black in the paint shop at work and that looks great. I will post pics when I finish things off a little better.

    Thanks for all the great hints like slowing the speed of the drill press and stepping up drill sizes for a cleaner cut.

  6. I am having a similar problem. I am on a Mac OSX 10.5.7, using mmj.

    I can go edit a patch, no problems. I can exit that screen no problem, I go to edit another patch and it always crashes. 100% of the time.

    Nice application that makes life easier!

    I have not fully finished my CS yet, so this is just what I need.

    However, I have some problems with the application crashing most of the time when i change from the editor window back to the list of presets.

    I am running it on a fresh install of Ubuntu Linux.

    I tried to run it from a terminal to get some clue to what was wrong... This is what I got....

  7. I completed the rear panel and now I am 90% done drilling all the holes on the front panel. Only the LCD hole left to cut.

    I used the jig saw to cut the fan hole and the 25 pin D connector hole. They looked kind of cruddy, but a bit  of filing and sanding and they are ok. I had the paint shop at work paint the rear panel. I'll post pictures soon.

  8. when drilling aluminum on a drill press what speed should I set the drill for? I primarily  have drilled wood with this press so far.

    so when using the same speed, I made a very chattered looking 1/4 inch hole. any advice is welcome.

  9. Has anyone taken the panel from the Pactek case and made the front panel with this yet?

    I was looking for lessons learned or recommendations. I printed out the FPD file and use it as a guide for drilling.

    My 1 yr old was helping in the photo below.



    What is the best way to cut the LCD hole without a milling machine?

    I was thinking about getting this painted black at the paint-shop at my job and maybe laser marked when done. I'll probably have to tell them it's for a piece of test equipment for my bench. ;)

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