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Everything posted by demym

  1. HI, another noob question: can i use J5 for mixed DIN/DOUT ? (for example, 4 leds and 4 buttons ?) thanks in advance
  2. Hi, i'm noob, and just ordered a Core module with 18F452. My intention was to build a simple midifilter/processor (that is, based on some midi input, output totally different midi, based on some rules coded (i will code in C, and took a look at the MIOS C Code examples, such as midifilter, and so on). In this post, though, i'm reading that Midifilter is base on PIC16F... will i be able to build such the device i described, with C and MIOS way ? How big can be the program that will 'interpreter' midi input ? I mean, not only size in KB, but also if i will be able to code a set of rules to interpreter ? Also, another question: are banksticks a kind of storage to expand C codeability ? Thanks, excuse the noob questions (my core hasn't yet arrived and i'm not 'in touc' with the project) Have a nice time
  3. You're right, changed the reverse slashes, and now it compiles correctly. Thanks.
  4. Hi to all, i do not have yet a midibox (i'm waiting for my ordered Core). In the meanwhile i',m trying to understand how to program Midibox apps in C. I have so followed the wiki guide, and installed all the toolchain. But, when i do make, i get an error (no such file or directory on mios-gpasm). I have Miosbase and all the tools intalled in the right directories (or, at least, i believe so). I try to post the error i get, hoping for someone to understand it: F:\mios>make rm -rf _output/* rm -rf _output rm -rf *.cod *.map *.lst rm -rf *.hex mkdir -p _output sh f:/miosbase/bin/mios-gpasm -c -p p18f452 -I./src -I f:/miosbase/include/asm - I f:/miosbase/include/share -I f:/miosbase/modules/app_lcd/dummy -DDEBUG_MODE=0 -DSTACK_HEAD=0x37f -DSTACK_IRQ_HEAD=0x33f -I f:/miosbase/modules/mios_wrapper f :/miosbase/modules/mios_wrapper/mios_wrapper.asm -o _output/mios_wrapper.o sh f:/miosbase/bin/mios-gpasm -c -p p18f452 -I./src -I f:/miosbase/include/asm - I f:/miosbase/include/share -I f:/miosbase/modules/app_lcd/dummy -DDEBUG_MODE=0 f:/miosbase/modules/app_lcd/dummy/app_lcd.asm -o _output/app_lcd.o sh f:/miosbase/bin/mios-sdcc -c -mpic16 -p18f452 --fommit-frame-pointer --optimi ze-goto --optimize-cmp --disable-warning 85 --obanksel=2 -I./src -I f:/miosbase /include/c -I f:/miosbase/include/share -DDEBUG_MODE=0 main.c -o _output/main.o f;C:\MSYS\1.0\miosbase\bin\mios-gpasm: f;C:\MSYS\1.0\miosbase\bin\mios-gpasm: No such file or directory make: *** [_output/main.o] Error 1 F:\mios> The line that gets the error (the last one) referrs to the miosbase directory (the miosbase package) inside the MSYS dir... But my miosbase dir is located elsewhere (and setted using the MIOS_PATH and MIOS_BIN_PATH variables). I also tried to copy the miosbase inside the MSYS dir, but i get the same error (obviously mios-gpasm is in place, and exists..).. I've used an SDCC skeleton from http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c_filter_cc.html (just to give a try, as i would like to build a simple midi processor with my Core).. Sorry for the silly question, but i'm a midibox newbie, and just want to be prepared on the software side when i will receive my Core... I also post a DIR of my make directory: F:\mios>dir Volume in drive F has no label. Volume Serial Number is BA4F-AA31 Directory of F:\mios 11/01/2009 14.01 <DIR> . 11/01/2009 14.01 <DIR> .. 11/01/2009 13.22 <DIR> -p 11/01/2009 13.30 5.580 main.c 11/01/2009 11.43 936 Makefile 11/01/2009 13.27 96 path.txt 06/08/2008 01.17 896 README.txt 11/01/2009 14.01 <DIR> _output 4 File(s) 7.508 bytes 4 Dir(s) 2.259.890.176 bytes free F:\mios> Thank in advance !!
  5. :) yes, i meant that.... sorry
  6. Good, thanks very much. Ah, i have one more question (i know you people of this forum are used to newbies multitude of questions :-)): when i ordered the PIC18F452 (because i already ordered the core and the PIC on Mike's german site), i tried the ID calculator (or something similar), and it gave me 00 00 00 00... and i left that id (it was already present in the textarea) and ordered the PIC. Should i expect some problems for not specifying a correct id (if it's not correct), and is it something that one can change afterwards ? Thanks very much, have a nice time
  7. Hi to all, in this last week i've read a lot on this site. I'm a noob in electronics, but i have good programming experience. I would like to build a Midibox LC, but i want to do that by steps: at first i got the Core Module and an LCD, and i would like to build only a display for my BCF2000.. And if all goes right, i would like to add further modules next. I think i've understood that for the moment i need a Core module and an LCD (and to short J15 pins for the encoders not present at the moment).. Am i on the right road ? Excuse triviallity of my question, but reading all this stuff all together has introduced some confusion..... Thanks a lot in advance Edit: to simplify my question, it was: can i build a midibox starting with core and adding all other modules (eventually) after ?? I would like to try at first the MIOS on LCD, and then add encoders, buttons, etcc.. Thanks once
  8. Ciao a tutti, sono nuovissimo dell'elettronica e di midibox. Ho posseduto in passato un Behringer BCF2000 con il quale mi sono trovato benissimo, a parte ovviamente la mancanza dell'LCD integrato. Ora, leggendo sul 'fantastico mondo Midibox', scopro che forse è possibile aggiungerne uno alla macchina in questione usando il kit Midibox LC. Da quanto ho capito, mi servirebbe solamente il modulo core (possibilmente già con PIC preprogrammato e MIOS già installato, lo vendono anche così ?) e due LCD 2x24. Ho capito bene ? So di dover poi fare il giochetto dei routing MIDI per far prendere l'Mcu al display, ma di MIDI (ed anche di programmazione MIDI, C, ecc..) sono abbastanza ferrato. Ho letto parecchia roba sul sito midibox e qui sul forum, ma non essendo molto pratico di elettronica, non ho capito proprio tutto quello che ho letto... C'è qualcuno di voi italiani che sa che è fattibile veramente un progetto del genere ? La difficoltà (a parte le saldature che so fare) è notevole ? Grazie in anticipo, spero di trovare qualche 'companeros' italiano, in quanto quando non si conosce bene un argomento, leggerlo pure in inglese è da martellate sui co.... Ciao
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